Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Kids Lead the Way

The Kids Lead the Way 


It’s all very sketchy and deeply unsettling.  Americans are living through a time of great evil, a considerable amount of which emanates from our own government, the duopoly, our elected representatives, and the oligarchy.  Americans, therefore, have a duty to speak, to march and be heard.  Power concedes nothing w/out a demand. 


In times of great evil, we no longer have the luxury of remaining civil… in our discourse and protests.  We must call out great evil for what it is, frequently and often.  The wealthy and their henchmen, corrupt politicians addicted to power and the corporate MSM… count on & rely upon our civility, as cover and to hide their crimes of civilian genocide, mass murder of children, and endless profits from endless wars. 


Nothing less than immediate cessation of all hostilities & the immediate creation of the State of Palestine should be called for by all world leaders.


-       Genocide & the Fall of Western Credibility, By Gregg Wall (October 28, 2023)



By Gregg Wall (5-11-2024)


For many it’s been a really dark period.  The entire episode, since October 7, has been both eye-opening and galvanizing… millions and millions who were once pro-Israel or maybe ambivalent have had to rethink everything (in the face of Western corruption, certitude by Western elites surrounding the righteousness & right to commit mass murder, and repugnant Zionist leadership).  Genocide and the mass murder of children tends to have that effect.  An outfit called AIPAC Tracker, on X, names names and how much politicians have taken in from Israel and it's not pretty:  POTUS Biden $11.2 million; Senator Rubio $1.0 million; Senator Schumer $1.7 million; Rep Jefferies $1.3 million; Senator Fetterman $244K; Trump $1.0 million; Senator Graham $1.0 million and the list goes on and on.  Can you say, ‘compromised’? (One has to love the audacity of paying Israel $300 billion, since 1948, only for Israel to turnaround and buy the U.S. congress with American taxpayer money, or is that antisemitic to say?)  And without variation, in lockstep, Team AIPAC dutifully repeats their talking points over and over, as if they were members of the Israeli government.  I can barely stomach the American MSM news organizations but if you tune in, they too, parrot the same narratives, long discredited: the right to self-defense, no matter how disproportionate the response; Hamas must be brought to justice (no matter the thousands of women and children murdered by Israel and the U.S., no matter that Hamas is less than 1% of Gaza), and the lie to end all lies, anybody who disagrees with Bibi is an antisemite.  Trust me, given the damage the PM has done to America and Israel, Bibi - and his cabinet and billionaire sponsors - are the greatest antisemites on the planet (although Biden certainly is making a major contribution).


All this, despite, as reported in Haaretz, Bibi Netanyahu (aka Mr. Hamas) is trusted by less than 5% of the Israeli population.  All this, despite the fact, that Biden has consistently plumbed the depths of abysmal public approval ratings, and Congress has an approval rating of 13%.  Looks likes the crooks in the political class, in Israel and the United States, have a great deal in common. 


Meanwhile, the steady stream of devastation, destruction, murder, and great violence are jaw dropping.  No wonder congress wants to kill 1A, the Constitution, civil liberties, and social media (especially TikTok).  And still, congress, who can never seem to find a dime for the American people, shovels billions and billions at the genocide in Gaza and the war in the Ukraine, $95 billion in the latest authorization.  (The national debt is out-of-control, to such an extent the IMF is issuing warnings).  And the congress completely ignores the fact that Bibi funded, supported, and underwrote Hamas for fourteen years.  That Hamas operated inside Bibi’s Gaza prison camp. That ultimately, per Israeli press, Bibi was the beneficiary of the October 7th attack.


Just how corrupt and racist are the members of congress?  Well, they are perfectly okay funding and authorizing a genocide, at last count some 35,000 souls, with approximately 10,000 more unaccounted for, and 14,000 children dead.  Absolutely wretched.  Of course, this doesn’t stop the Senate from demanding that the International Criminal Court not issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu and assorted thugs in Bibi’s cabinet.  In terms of ICC charges, as Israeli leadership goes, so goes the congress that is funding this entire nightmare.  This also doesn’t stop the Biden Admin from indicating - in a pending report - that Israel has not violated international law, when Politico goes on to write the administration contradicts itself, hedges, and says that Israel has violated international law???


And then there’s the absolute contempt that drips from members of congress for peace protestors, students, college kids, who have made the simple demands for a ceasefire (along with the majority of Americans, including 80% of democrats) and that university endowments divest from defense contractors… hardly radical stuff.  And the response from federal, state, and local governments, many of them run by Dems: goon time, police state hooligans, violence, mass arrests, and like Israel’s response in Gaza, a complete militarized overreaction by the American establishment against peace protestors & very young adults.  Unvarnished thuggery. 


And congress and America have not seen anything yet.  Wait until the kids discover the American economy and good jobs have been hollowed out, liquidated, offshored, and consolidated into America’s totalitarian monopolies & utilities.  Wait until they discover systemic racism is embedded throughout the U.S. economy and healthcare and life itself are rationed.  Wait until the kids learn they’re indentured into trillions in national debt:  $39 trillion and counting for Wall St bailouts, corporate welfare, endless war, empire, colonialism, propping up the stock market, the perpetuation of the necro-death-economy.  All so that repugnant boomers can be filthy rich.  When people have nothing, are deep in debt, and they are systemically preyed upon, blowback inevitably occurs.  And what will a pampered and privileged gerontocracy’s/kleptocracy’s response be then? 


Cop city?  What happens when the establishment starts locking up white kids and young jews merely for protesting, The United States of Racism and Greed… our failed necroeconomy?  Or for stealing a loaf of bread? 


It’s ugly and it adds up to what many have known for some time, the United States is no more a democracy than China or Russia… and at least China doesn’t run around the globe attempting to backstop their economy with endless war, murder, and colonial subjugation and violence, so a few can cash in. 






It's really not fun to write about this every day.  I wish things were different.  I wish America was exceptional instead of tyrannical.   I wish America was indispensable instead of its leadership feared and loathed by the Global South, and yes, by America’s citizens.  I would love to believe the propaganda, the fairy tales, and lies we were all raised on… but increasingly that America no longer exists, if it ever did.  The middle class has been buried in a shallow grave.  It’s different when you are white and male. Although my life has been no picnic, I look at how blacks, gays, minorities, and women are treated in the U.S. and it’s absolutely disgusting.  And the folks America bombs to death overseas because they are brown or black skinned, and possess resources coveted by Western multinationals and oligarchs …  it’s why I celebrate every time I see erosion in America’s failed status quo (because I want to see the United States do well, I want to see the United States get better, reformed… I want to see all Americans do better).  But like a twelve-step program, American elites and the political class won’t even acknowledge the country is badly managed and that we have serious, serious problems. 


It all rolls up to a complete lack of accountability, arrogance, and avarice.


And the bright spots?  The young adults laying it on the line on the campuses, who have been radicalized by boomers, debt, many witnessing first-hand how their parents scrape by, the necroeconomy, an alleged democracy that continuously ignores the needs of the American people, corruption and racism that is built into the Great American Death Machine.  Outside agitators?  Really?  Who needs outside agitators to radicalize the kids when we have entirely corrupt state & federal governments, billionaires, the outside agitator of the State of Israel, imperious Washington, and greedy Wall St.? 


What other disinfectant and sunlight is coming this way?  The long prayed for arrest warrants from the ICC… may they come and soon, and may the warrants not be limited to the Israeli government.  More positive energy?  The fear that has finally taken hold of the Biden Administration, as it dawns on the party that Biden is toast and the Chicago Dem convention is likely not going to be the party they planned.  Did these idiots really believe they can murder thousands of innocent children, alienate their political base - repeatedly, blow off entirely their 2020 promises, and get away with it?  


It's 2016 all over again, and even snot-nosed Hillary is lurking around… like the bummer she is.  I don’t know whose decision it was to bring Hillary onboard Biden-Harris 2024 but Hills is the kiss of death.  A woman scorned, like Bill, by the American people and for very good reason.


And the final bright spot… the UN voted Friday, sidestepped the U.S., and started to further recognize Palestine.  Long, long overdue and a slap in the face to the United States government and every Western lackey government that follows America’s lead. 



Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2024

Saturday, April 27, 2024




Now, if you’ll only attend, Kitty, and not talk so much, I’ll tell you all my ideas about the looking glass house.  First, there’s the room you can see through the glass --- that’s just the same as our drawing-room, only things go the other way. … the books are something like our books, only the words go the wrong way. 


-             Through the Looking – Glass, by Lewis Carroll 


As Gaza goes, we all go.  And it’s really critical that we stand up because Gazans are the canary in the mine shaft.  And what happens in Gaza can happen and will happen anywhere. 


-             Dr. Jill Stein, X, formerly Twitter, April 25, 2024


By Gregg Wall (4-27-2024)


The word really put the hook into me.  I first heard it on Sabby Sabs podcast, when she had on special guest, Max Blumenthal, author, investigative journalist, with specialization on the State of Israel (who offers insights and candor, you will not find among America’s talking head, foreign policy ‘experts’ within the MSM).  If you have an hour, this podcast might be the most enlightening hour in your life, especially in regards the ongoing crises in America, Gaza, and Israel. 


The word, of course, is ‘necroeconomy’ or death economy.  Immediately, I thought of America’s empire, colonialism, our outlaw foreign policy, and the mass death that surrounds the U.S. foreign policy establishment and what I’ve recently come to call America’s thugocracy.  But like Alice and her kitty, upon further research, I found myself crawling through the looking-glass, from a living economy into an economy of death & ultra-violence on the other side of the mirror.  JM Hamilton, of course, has been exploring the failings and hypocrisy surrounding the U.S. economy and government since 2010… the greed; the bailouts for banks, billionaires, & multinationals; the billionaire entitlement or welfare state; the monopoly economy & associated price gouging; the financialization of the economy; and gross wage & wealth inequalities.  But finally, here’s the netherworld economy that pulls it all together that encapsulates how absolutely vile the U.S. economy truly is.  So, abandon all hope ye who enter, you’ve been warned, the ride is about to get choppy from here. 


To cut to the chase, it’s as ugly as it sounds.  The necroeconomy turns death into a commodity.  And the cornerstone of this death economy is racism, treating groups within society, and outside a society, as subhuman to be exploited, to be treated with contempt and death (as a matter of economic, public, political, and societal engineering policies).  Disenfranchised groups and individuals treated as profit centers in controlling their bodies & lives.  The racialization of entire societies, members treated as excess, disposable, whose value is determined in subjugation and ultimately elimination.  Which brings us to necropolitics, which has been called by some the theory of the walking dead, and the state’s right to kill & murder (and overt or tacit acceptance by the public of the state’s right to murder).  As with the necroeconomy, necropolitics meets at the street corner of Racism & Murder, where disenfranchised groups are caught in half life, halfway between Alice’s economic mirror, between the living and the dead economies, living and dead politics.  Necropolitics and the necroeconomy – the puppet masters, who pull the strings - prey upon the lack of autonomy one may have over one’s body and life, and this may further result in any combination of economic, gender, physical, political, social, and yes, spiritual death.  


Under these models, paradigms, & public policies, the concept of economic violence - or necroviolence - is used in furtherance of the death economy and the state.  Economic violence or necroviolence is structural violence in which members of society, or groups, are systematically deprived of economic resources (applied by corporations & governments to exert power and control over disenfranchised groups and society as a whole, be they broken down by race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation). Necroviolence maybe carried out by the state, paramilitary organizations, police, and military (perhaps seemingly more innocent, at the stroke of a legislative pen or by judicial fiat)… but the private sector is also perfectly capable of putting the squeeze on individuals and groups, simply by denying them a job.  This latter point is not to be underestimated and underplayed in our dangerous & deadly concentrated, monopoly economy, where extraordinary & often unaccountable power has been placed into the hands of capital, boardrooms, CEOs, greed, and oligarchy.  The surveillance state and the marriage between Western corporations, government, and tech means the information loop on the individual and the public is complete. 


Necroviolence has been compared to Marx’s accumulation of wealth by dispossession, or the transfer of wealth, via: privatization, financialization, management and manipulation of crisis or crises, state redistribution to the wealthy, and mass incarceration.  Labor is forced into compliance by economic coercion and violent force. 


Before you dismiss me and this write-up as the paranoid ravings of a madman… please, take a look around, we are surrounded by death & division: an entirely deadly & lethal economy; endemic misogyny, poverty, and racism (see also gender & sexual orientation violence); the absolute atomization of society; American and Western governments that, despite the ‘democracy’ label, are increasingly authoritarian and unresponsive to the needs of the citizens they allegedly serve; and a predatory elite/oligarchy with far too much power, time on their hands, and wealth at their disposal.  Here, we would all do well to remember Warren Buffet’s comments on class warfare.  Indeed, their side, the oligarchy’s side, presently, is winning.


Examples of the necroeconomy (or characteristics within), literally, the mining of humanity, the rationing of life & death: Genocide in Gaza and the colonization, exploitation, & subjugation of Africa; war profiteering, the privatization of the military and the U.S. police state, the military industrial complex; the moral hazard surrounding a US congress trading defense stocks with an itchy trigger finger, as a reason to run up the national debt, and always go to war & treat death, war, & violence as a profit center; the moral hazard of a US congress owned by AIPAC and the State of Israel. The racialization of Arabs, Muslims, and brown and black skinned individuals and peoples around the globe, as opposed to a color-blind world and looking at humanity through one common/universal lens.  And as of late, with AI and job killing technologies on the rise, even whites are increasingly finding themselves on the receiving end of the necroeconomy.  Further examples include:  genocidal warfare, ethnic cleansing.  There’s a lot that goes on in the world, 24/7/365, that many Americans & Canadians can’t imagine, so caught up are many in the race for survival.  The necroeconomy preys on labor, commodifies labor, looks to crush and treat labor as disposable.  Union busting as a matter of corporate policy & public policy… placing government’s hand on the judicial scales in favor of corporations & utilities, giving capital & corporations every advantage inside government & courtrooms – against consumers, labor, & the public.  All of these are just some of the aspects and characteristics of the necroeconomy. 


Examples of necropolitics:  Apartheid, the separation of society by race, more specifically, economic, political, and social segregation.  Stripping public services to pay for tax cuts and welfare for the rich or to pay for war; the response or lack of response to climate disasters and natural disasters, as means to divorce citizens from their property and their lives; global poverty achieved by indenturing citizens and nation-states to catastrophic debt (and the subsequent response by IMF and World Bank for endless austerity and the privatization of entire countries); declining birth rates as a direct result of the necroeconomy, the neoliberal economy’s failure to pay a living wage… and the stripping of public services & support; nation-state polices concerning colonialism, genocide, and war.  The absolute failure & mirage that is identity politics as a substitute to actually addressing the systemic economic, political, and social violence directed at disenfranchised groups in society.  Residential schooling and the destruction of indigenous culture and languages.  The lack of strong, well-funded public education and affordable, well-funded public universities. The response to the pandemic (COVID), and politicians literally telling people to go back to work to die for their fascist-death economy.  The management - or lack of management by elites in gov and the private sector – concerning a never-ending litany of crises, some of them planned in advance (like false flag conflict & wars).  The national debt and the debt service load and the endless cuts to social programs and services that debt commands, along with the taxes to service this debt (see central bank management and policies).  These are some of the public or necro policies that dovetail & merge with the necroeconomy. 


Examples of necroviolence: Divide and conquer politics; the mass incarceration state; police state violence directed at fear, coercion of labor, the public, and students… attacking the rights of humanity, and feeding the mass incarceration state. The moral hazard surrounding the for-profit prison industrial complex, and the slavery often permitted w/in these institutions, public & privately run.  Running an economy devoid of a living wage, without a minimum wage suitable to sustaining life, and further devoid of public services necessary to sustain life.  Privatized healthcare and the resulting debt.  Debt and rent seeking behavior throughout the economy, as a means to coerce and subjugate families, labor the economically disenfranchised.  Monopoly and monopsony totalitarian power over: government, the judiciary, the canon of Western law, nation-states, the regulatory state, prices, wages, and life, itself.  Prisons, again, as a means to gatekeep who lives and who dies in America’s funhouse of mirrors.  SYSTEMIC MISOGYNY, RACISM, GENDER AND RACIAL VIOLENCE, AND RAMPANT HOMOPHOBIA.  Social media personalities and MSM that pander to & idolize corporatism, division, fascism, hate & white supremacy.  Advertising that rubs in our face daily, explicitly, what it means to be a ‘success’ in the economy of the living and the dead.  It’s all there, and once you see it, you can’t unsee it.  Allowing corporations to lie with impunity about air pollution, toxicity of products and services, w/ little or no consequence for their actions… with health & life threatening consequences for the public.  These are some of examples and tools of necroviolence.  


Admittedly & as we would expect, some of the items inside necroeconomics and necropolitics blur into one another, ditto necroviolence. 


And I’ve just scratched the surface.  I think what is most shocking about all this is how timely the topic, and how the death economy is so entirely infused and intertwined with the ‘living economy.’   Neoliberalism, necroeconomy? … ‘tomato, tomatoe’? … as practiced in America, they are one in the same.  (Alice’s drawing-room has no looking-glass, no funhouse mirror… what is up is down, what is living is also the dead economy, both exist in reality, all in one room.  And Alice’s dream, an economic & societal nightmare we are all living in?)  What’s entirely frightening is that this economy of domination, murder, subjugation, and violence envelopes and surrounds all of us, and yet, many of us are entirely oblivious to it. (Particularly, if one is fortunate enough to be born within a privileged caste.  Many whites are not only born privileged, but there’s a whole range of necropower, necropolitics at play to keep whites - and genders & minorities that ‘play ball’ - on top.  Call it a ‘necro-meritocracy.’)  The entertainment industry, television, prescription drugs, street drugs, sports, video games, the internet -- the lack of education -- have made many entirely oblivious to the death economy.  Add in constant fear, engineered precarity & scarcity into the neoliberal & necro economies…  the engineered fear of failure and financial ruin that motivates so many of us… or engineered systemic racism and expropriation, as a matter of economic & public policy & social control.  And we are all walking through Death’s Twilight Kingdom, a matrix, a social experiment gone horribly, horribly wrong, w/ psychopaths running the asylum.  All in the name of perpetuating the myth that predatory capital, crony-capitalism, death, and oligarchy (and the associated tyranny) are eminently preferable to a far more moderate & responsible economy and government (look at POTUS Biden touting the benefits of America’s death economy as a job creator); all in the name of perpetuating the myth that colonization, greed, systemic racism, and war are preferable to a commitment to equality and a mixed economy with strong social services (a commitment to education, equality, and the end of militarized conflict). 


The most galling hypocrisy of all, America now is essentially a totalitarian state, a proto-Marxist state, a militarized police & mass incarceration state (despite all the propaganda about America being a capitalist Xanadu), where the means of production have been transferred into the hands of a small cadre of billionaires, monopolies, oligarchs, and private utilities.  Except American communism (perhaps not entirely different from the former Soviet Union), and the death economy, operates to the exclusive benefit of the political class and the obscenely wealthy.




For a deeper dive on Necropolitics and the Necroeconomy, read Cameroonian philosopher, Achille Mbembe. 


Finally, please support and contribute to independent journalism and podcasts.

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2024

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Stakeholder Government?

Stakeholder Government? 


Other money will be allocated to speed the adoption of AI in sectors such as agriculture and health care, the statement said. The funds “will help harness the full potential of AI so Canadians, and especially young Canadians, can get good-paying jobs while raising our productivity, and growing our economy,” Trudeau said.


-      Trudeau Unveils $1.8 Billion Package for Canada’s AI Sector, Bloomberg 


By Gregg Wall (4-13-2024)


Stakeholder capitalism was the hot buzzword or term in the 2020 general election, but the term seems to have fallen out of favor.  Stakeholder capitalism essentially means the spoils of capitalism should be shared, to some degree, by the stakeholders: consumers, labor, smaller businesses along the supply chain & within the community, the larger community itself, and arguably the government itself, in the form of said business actually paying taxes.  This idea runs contrary to the belief, largely held among many mainstream economists & Wall St., that businesses should serve exclusively ‘animal spirits,’ a/k/a greed, a/k/a shareholder value.


The term, ‘stakeholder capitalism,’ came to mind this week as we all watched PM Justin Trudeau seemingly do what he does best, hand out corporate welfare.  Mr. Trudeau delivered $2.4 billion (CAD) in taxpayer money, like candy, to boost the AI industry in Canada.  In his announcement, all the key buzzwords were there: tech, well paying jobs, helping Canadians, the economy, growth, etc., etc.  All this, despite the fact that many in the Tech industry have been calling for a pause and restraint, concerning AI.  In all fairness to Mr. Trudeau, he’s not alone in his love of socialism for multinationals and the wealthy.  Biden burned his first two years in office, with House and Senate majorities, not delivering BBB, not delivering on abortion, a higher minimum wage, or the more generous iteration of the child tax credit (the COVID version)… but rather, doing what Western leaders, centrists, corporatists, and neolibs do best, shoveling out the corporate welfare by the billions (w/ money printed up by central banks and funded by the taxpayer, many of whom are being crushed, presently, by corporate greed).  See, for example, Mr. Biden’s comparable Chips Act, where the president will pay billionaires and chip utilities, already swimming in unimaginable profits, to return operations to U.S. shores. Who said trickle-down is dead?  And that’s exactly what corporate handouts are: trickle-down fiscal policy. 


All of which begs the question, why is Canada, the United States doling about billions to big business, tech, and utilities?  And where does it all go…. CEO pay packages, dividends for shareholders, greed, kickbacks to sleazy politicians, stock buybacks?  One of the greatest boondoggles are the stadiums local, state, and provincial governments fund for billionaires and professional sports teams.  Not only is this form of socialism for the rich entirely unnecessary, but conveniently, seemingly, nobody goes back after the fact to learn if all the taxpayer funded largesse actually yields the purported results (in terms of ‘well-paying jobs,’ boosting the economy, and business ‘growth’).  Although we do know taxpayer funded stadiums are a waste, and rarely, if ever, deliver the alleged benefits back to the community and taxpayer.  In short, it’s a scam. 


Meanwhile, conservatives/libertarians throw a tantrum at the mere thought of free school lunches for little Jimmy or Sally.  Right?


All this begs the questions, if the private sector is the end all, be all of the economy, the cornerstone of human existence… why all the poverty, why the growing tent cities, why the endless greed, price gouging, and inflation?  Why the endless race to the bottom among governments & politicians, who conveniently play along with the scam?  Why the endless taxpayer funded socialism for a privileged few and endless austerity for citizens?  Why all the extravagant national debt backstopping failed neoliberalism?  And if governments are shoveling it out, why not have the governments produce the goods or services themselves to better ensure competition, growth, jobs, opportunities, and the money is well spent?  Since private sector cartels & monopolies are married to the state (see again, privatized profits, socialized losses), why not let the state produce the goods & service, preferably with audits and oversight by NGOs and third parties?  The reason is obvious: because in many instances, the state, unfettered, would humiliate the private sector.  It’s also much harder for state run enterprises to kickback to politicians, which is the real reason why politicians can’t fund privatization initiatives fast enough. 


Hell.  Next time some scumbag billionaire insists upon a new stadium and shakes down local, provincial, or state government(s) for a taxpayer funded stadium… why not tell said scumbag to get the hell out of Dodge, and inform Mr. Scumbag that the province will create its own professional team and join the league, insist upon joining the league.  In this manner, all the benefits of said sports team accrue, exclusively, to the taxpayer.  Talk about building up state or provincial budgetary surpluses, or pay down state or provincial debt & deficits. 


In fact, while we are on the topic, where are all the caveats and conditions on how all this corporate welfare is spent (surrounding all the billions Messrs. Biden, Trudeau, and Western leaders are shoveling out the door)?  You won’t find any caveats or conditions.  Why isn’t the Chips Act paid back, at least in part by the industry?  Why isn’t the Canadian taxpayer receiving a cut in future AI profits, as a result of Mr. Trudeau’s generosity?  (What about all the drug research the American taxpayer funds that is handed over to Big Pharma, year, after year, after year?)  Where are the audits and guarantees?  You won’t find any. 


At a time that national debt is growing higher and higher, in Europe, N. America, and the UK... at a time that social spending and public services are the first to be cut (see Social Security in America)...  isn’t it time for responsible stewardship of public monies by politicians and not a band of insiders and thieves that are helping themselves to the public till???  At a time of endless austerity for the public and endless socialism for Bay and Wall Street… really, who has the public’s back?  Seemingly, no one. 


Stakeholder capitalism appears to be dead and buried… another casualty of crony capitalism & greed… perhaps, Stakeholder government will take off?  After all, don’t we all live in ‘democracies’… you know, governments that allegedly serve the people, governments that are ‘by and for’ the people.  Elected politicians that, allegedly, serve the greater good and not donors and themselves?  Wild concepts, I know.  Perhaps, dated even?  If that’s the case, shouldn’t we ditch the charade and begin the revolution?


The bottom line, we need people in power, who make it their passion to think outside the box and make sure budgets, spending measures, and the national debt are their personal responsibility... as closely guarded as they guard their own money.  Elected leaders who are constantly looking for ways to serve the, presently, disenfranchised taxpayer, not a small group of billionaire crooks & oligarchs.  And especially, not themselves. 


Stakeholder government, a/k/a democracy… has a nice ring to it. 

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2024