Saturday, July 9, 2016

Treaty of Versailles

Treaty of Versailles

Fair is foul and fouls is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.
-       Macbeth

By J.M. Hamilton (7-9-2016)

Ah history…. The actors and dancers may change over time, but the play and the song, largely, remain the same.  The tide goes in, and the tide goes out, and humans often seem uninterested in learning from past mistakes.  Only the elite, who all too often profit from the repetition of history’s mistakes, seem interested in both learning and exploiting same.

Such is the mistake of the Treaty of Versailles (TV), which closed out WWI, and we are rapidly approaching its centennial anniversary.  The treaty was signed June 28, 1919, and ended war between the Central & Allied powers, or the war between Germany & friends, versus England, France, America & friends.  TV is notable because there were, indeed, lessons learned, but it’s also notable because it stands as a monument for lessons not learned.

The Treaty’s lesson – war reparations, or the centuries old practice to the victors goes the spoils– was finally, buried and laid to rest (although I’m sure w/ time, some demagogue will attempt to bring back both practices).  While the lesson not learned is that any nation & its people suffering from a heavy debt burden – whether that debt be incurred in times of peace or war – must have a means to avail themselves to global/universal bankruptcy laws.  Failure to learn this latter lesson post-WWI, allowed for events to occur leading to WWII and the rise of Herr Adolph Hitler; failure to learn this latter lesson, has many real time parallels to the problems the United States and Western powers are facing today. 

Before we go there, a quick overview of TV, and the Treaty’s economic and political repercussion are in order.  Article 231 w/in the Treaty, otherwise known as the War Guilt clause, mandated that Germany pay war reparations, and these reparations could be paid back in commodities, gold, or currencies backed by gold.  The figure ultimately settled upon was 139 million gold marks (over half this figure, C Bonds, was said to be a fiction created to keep the Allied public sated).  One German politician stated that Article 231 amounted to nothing less than the enslavement of the German people, and no less a figure than Lord Keynes referred to the German war reparations as a “Carthaginian peace” (also a metaphor for enslavement).  Indeed, the French, in particular, wanted the reparations to be both punitive and economically exhausting, all the better to keep the Germans in check.  TV also held a hammer for enforcement of Article 231, and that was occupation of Germany’s Ruhr Valley – the center of Germany’s industrial might – by French troops in the event of default.  (There’s plenty of debate among economist, as to whether or not Germany could have actually paid the debt – through taxation, but needless to say the Treaty was not popular among the German people or its leadership.)  The Treaty also required Germany to disarm, and end German conscription.

Rather than raise taxes, the Weimar Republic went off the gold standard, and turned on the printing presses, and effectively attempted to inflate away or engage in the practice known as debt monetization.  Now, if you were a German politician in the know, a banker, or an industrialist, one could hedge against the hyper-inflation/devaluation that ensued by holding assets, commodities, or currencies other than the German mark.  But for the 99%, who were busy earning a living based upon marks, or who had their life savings in German marks, hyper-inflation and the devaluation of the German currency would wipe many out.  

The bottom line, the German public paid the price, not only for fighting the war, but the subsequent currency devaluation was carried on the backs of the public as well.   And the German industrialist, who cashed in on the war, were able to ride out the subsequent devaluation much better than the German public, per the usual.  Compounding Germany’s war reparations problem was the fact that Germany had largely financed the war, with the idea of making the French, English and Americans pay down Germany’s war debt, once it won the war.  As mentioned, the German worker bore the brunt of the mark’s devaluation with lower wages and lower purchasing power of those wages, and as mentioned entire life savings were wiped out.  (Interestingly in the emergency legislation recently passed by the U.S. Congress, it was agreed that Puerto Rico’s minimum wage would be allowed to drop.  Right out of the Robber Baron playbook).

As these things generally go, the wealthy got wealthier – particularly with German assets being sold at fire-sale prices – and the general German public got screwed.  By 1922, it was said to have taken 3,500 German marks to purchase one U.S. dollar.  Due to the uncertainty, currency devaluation, loss of purchasing power and diminished aggregate demand, a depression set in and unemployment was rampant.  A downward spiral ensued, and the German public lost faith in the mainstream political parties.  Instead the German public turned to extremist on the political left and the right, communist and authoritarian types (read Nazi Party).  The economy stalled, and for want of a stable currency, German exports and imports dried up.

America would eventually step in with both a Dawes plan and later a Young plan… these plans gave Germany additional loans to kick start the German economy, pay reparations with, and ultimately, extended the reparations payments as far out as 1988.  Just what any struggling country needs, more debt stacked upon existing debt:  the very definition of insanity, default, and kicking the can down the road (Today’s Greek citizens, and many nation’s along the Southern Periphery of Europe, would be very familiar with this concept).  The Dawes and Young plan was also characterized by foreign oversight over Germany’s finances; again, something indebted European nations, and Latin American nations are all too familiar with.  With the debt extension, in the mid to late 1920s, Germany was allowed breath again, and the economy actually improved.  It was not until 1929 and the Wall Street Stock Market Crash, setting off a worldwide global depression, that the German economy succumbed once again.  In the early ‘30s, Germany defaulted on war reparations payments, which resulted in the withdrawal of foreign investment, panic, German bank collapse & bank runs, and economic collapse.

Germany by now was an economic basket case, and perfectly ripe for a father figure/authoritarian type to take over.  That figure, Herr Hitler, rather than correctly blame the Prussian aristocracy, military leadership, bankers, and industrialist who led the nation to war and the resulting economic chaos, instead blamed the Europeans of Jewish patrimony.

As I indicated earlier in this piece, the world has since learned, post - WWII and the Holocaust - that war reparations are not a good thing; but the world and its leadership appears to have failed to learn that colossal amounts of debt – be that debt in the service of financed war, reparations, bank bailouts, or to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy – are equally dangerous things.

That is to say, holding a bankrupt country responsible for war debt can create as many economic and political problems, as holding a bankrupt country responsible for debt incurred by corrupt politicians in support of their efforts to retain power, provide patronage, or to bailout said politician’s banker friends.

Banks often cannot retain sovereign debt below a certain credit grade, or sovereign debt that has been defaulted upon…. So it is often sold to Vulture capitalist at pennies on the dollar, who utilize the U.S.government and its courts as a debt collector and to enforce payment, or to provide a bailout.  All this reaps Vulture capitalists billions and billions of dollars, for the connected truly an amazing return.

The irony in all this is that for every loan there are two, perhaps three counterparties, to the transaction:  the bank or financial underwriter; the government borrowing the money; and the rating agencies who are often owned by said bank or financial institution.  What we see again and again, in these default scenarios, is that the governments (the borrower) are almost always held to account, but the banks, the bank underwriters (the lender), and the bank owned rating agencies almost always escape unscathed (it certainly has played out that way, since the ’08 crash). 

That’s because the banks – throughout our Western democracies – often own the political class.

German children playing with banknotes.

Today the lessons of Weimar Germany surround us:
·      The world is awash in debt, much of which will never be repaid (global debt is a tremendous drag on the world economy);
·      The plutocracy has largely benefited from this debt, which has financed unnecessary wars and tax cuts for the well-to-do;
·      Debt monetization is reoccurring, as central banks have fired up the printing presses, once again;
·      Indebted countries are seeing their country’s finances and fiscal policy overseen by foreign powers and foreign governments;
·      U6 or unemployment & underemployment remain exceptionally high in heavily indebted nations, particularly among the youth, minorities and foreigners;
·      Political instability is on the rise, as is the rise of fascist and authoritarian parties throughout Europe;
·      Bank and banksters, per the usual, are not paying for lousy underwriting, but instead countries are being forced to pay down debt on the backs of the middle-class & poor, via fiscal austerity;
·       Indebted countries are being forced to take on more debt, in the service of existing debt; and
·       Minorities and foreigners are being scapegoated in Western Europe and America for a problem – too much debt (to finance tax cuts for the wealthy, patronage, bank bailouts, & war profiteers) – that was created by, and benefited, a ruling elite.
·      Unfortunately, unlike the Weimar era, today we have hundreds of trillions (notional value) in derivatives and swaps products that hang over global debt, very much like the Sword of Damocles.  These financial instruments of mass destruction will need to be unwound, if global public debt is to be written down.

The Ghosts of the Weimar Republic surround the global economy today: the Monopoly Economy, the Credit Card Economy.   If you listen carefully enough, they are whispering in our ear. 

Will the leaders of the world undertake a global write down of public debt, before a calamity ensues?


History is full of twists and turns, and it is most interesting to note that what Germany could not accomplish militarily, via WW I & II, it has accomplished in relatively short order – post reunification.  And that is the German conquest and hegemonic control, economic & politically, over the E.U.  Our peace loving German brethren appear to have learned their lessons well, beware of foreign entanglements and Kriegsschulden.

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2016

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Master of Puppets

Master of Puppets

Stick me in a confessional and ask the question: Sir, if you had the authority, would you forbid smoking in America? You'd get a solemn and contrite, Yes. Solemn because I would be violating my secular commitment to the free marketplace. Contrite, because my relative indifference to tobacco poison for so many years puts me in something of the position of the Zyklon B defendants after World War II.

These folk manufactured the special gas used in the death camps to genocidal ends. They pleaded, of course, that as far as they were concerned, they were simply technicians, putting together chemicals needed in wartime for fumigation. Some got away with that defense; others, not.

Those who fail to protest the free passage of tobacco smoke in the air come close to the Zyklon defendants in pleading ignorance.

By J.M. Hamilton 6-25-2015

Finger tips don’t fail me now.

A lot has transpired in the last two weeks, since I wrote my last piece on the late – greatest - Muhammad Ali.   We now have the presumptive nominees for the two major parties, Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton; we’ve had another domestic terrorist utilize a weapon designed for war on the revelers at an Orlando gay nightclub.

Nearly eclipsing all this in real time, across the pond, the citizens in Britain told the elite establishment of the E.U. to go to hell.  The elite, of course, globally, have been telling the 99% to go to hell for years, in the form of:  bank bailouts; plutocratic bailouts (both largely funded by central bank debt & money printing); co-opting and owning, allegedly, democratic governments; co-opting and owning - and threatening w/ litigation - the fourth estate; exporting middle class jobs to third world hell holes – via free trade; and while pigging out at the government trough, largely via tax breaks, insisting upon austerity for the 99%.

The elite’s hypocrisy has not gone unnoticed; and so the brave citizens of Great Britain beat back the disinformation and fear campaign, conducted by the establishment and their tools – the political class, and told the U.K. and Euro-toffs to sell their tired act elsewhere.  The ripple effects of the referendum are just beginning to be felt in bourses around the world, to the tune of a hundred billion or more of equity blown away in the blink of an eye (for the 400 hundred world's wealthiest people, alone).  And coming soon, expect more European countries to abandon The Project, and w/ good reason, the EU/ECB has failed the citizens of Europe, while enriching an elite few.  (This doesn't mean the elite and the E.U. won't seek retribution against their former British subjects.)

But the elite don’t always lose, and they are used to both winning and having their way on nearly everything under the sun.  The chair of Chicago based CME Group (a commodities, derivatives & swaps bourse), Mr. Duffy, and his executive crew, rejoiced recently that the two U.S. lead nominees, Hills & Trump, will be perfect establishment tools, and, all campaign rhetoric to the contrary, will be highly useful to Wall Street and the U.S. financial sectors.  Mr. Duffy, some may remember, had the conjones to call out Mr. Obama a few years back.  The POTUS complained that CME, and speculators, jacked up the prices of commodities (food & fuel) on millions of Americans…. Essentially, obtaining a parasitic free ride off the staples of life.  Mr. Duffy didn’t take kindly to these facts.

The plutocracy, of course, is distrustful of any politician that their money cannot purchase, and so we find neocons, the business elite, and CME Group lining up behind Mrs. Clinton, the dream GOP candidateMr. Trump is rougher around the edges (often saying things that many Republicans only say behind closed doors), and presents a challenge and independence that the robber barons don’t fancy; but as the The Donald is a product of the establishment, he too, is expected to fall into line, all campaign rhetoric notwithstanding.  The do-gooder, and truly independent, Senator Sanders, has been eliminated, under questionable primary circumstances (turns out the vote has not been fully counted in California, and some counties continue to flip Mr. Sanders way).  Given that much of the U.S. vote is now tallied by computers, and we’ve come to learn that computers are highly hackable and prone to human manipulation…. The electoral process in the U.S., sadly, becomes easy fodder for conspiracy theorist, and the rationale and the sane.  Not so in Britain, where the ballots for the aforementioned referendum were hand counted.  But I digress.

With the conservative business community, and war profiteers & jingoist, lining up behind Hillary, it does make one wonder, why are Dems and liberals attracted to Mrs. C?  Clearly, the Democratic party, under Clintonian policies and Obama’s stewardship, has lurched hard right, post-Reagan.  Tax havens for the wealthy, government service for the plutocracy, free trade agreements that usurp courts and national sovereignty, a mass incarceration & surveillance state (largely privatized), war w/out end…. Why the Dems have co-opted GOP policy, except for a thin veneer of social justice (which they generally have to be dragged, kicking & screaming, to adopt). 

If the business of America used to be business, under the current Washington environment, the business of American government is pandering to cartels, monopolies, lobbyist, and trade association’ diktats.

The GOP’s blind deference to trade association edicts was on full display in the wake of the Orlando gay nightclub shooting.  The GOP, which repeats NRA talking points, blamed the nightclub shooting on terrorism, and not the killing tool of the rampage, easily obtainable military grade assault rifles.  With dozens killed and maimed, the American public had to bear witness to the double-standard of Republican leadership praying solemnly for the victims (a group, gays, that the GOP largely disdains), while filling their pockets with NRA cash and campaign contributions.  If there ever was a lap dog to moneyed interests, these are the people:  The House Republicans.

The NRA, all pretense about representing the rights of gun owners aside, is another trade association.  Trade associations are entities that represent the economic and political interests of the various cartels and monopolies that, largely, make up the American economy.  If anyone in our government cared to enforce the Sherman Antitrust Act, or fight collusion and unfair trade practices, trade associations would be the place to start.  But the enforcement agencies and mechanisms are woefully underfunded by design, and the respective agencies’ leadership usually trips in from the revolving door.  The American public should not expect antitrust enforcement anytime soon, under either political party.  To his credit, President Obama's administration has tackled some of the larger mergers, as of late.

So the freak show the American public was treated to this week: the master of puppets, the NRA, calling the tune, while Congress dances on marionette strings.  Trade associations and corporate lobbyist own, operate, and often write the legislation for the Congress of the United States.   They provide the talking points for congresspersons, and yet, these associations are unelected, unassailable, and unaccountable to anyone, but the oligarchy.  Well known examples include, but certainly are not limited to:  the International Swaps & Derivatives Association; the now defunct, Tobacco Institute; the aforementioned, National Rifle Association; the American Petroleum Institute; and the National Cable & Telecommunications Association.  Master of government sock puppets, one and all.

What’s J.M. got against American business, my readers might ask? 

Absolutely nothing, when business is regulated to insure plenty of competition, and said business manufactures helpful and safe products & services.  And in particular, JMH appreciates businesses, and management teams, that respect government’s need to regulate and intervene in markets to protect the American public’s general welfare, and to eliminate and/or mitigate predatory monopolistic pricing behavior.  You know, the very behavior that Adam Smith and F.A. Hayek warned us about, and the concentrating behavior – if allowed unchecked – industries have a tendency to metastasize into, the creation of cartels and monopolies.

As it stands, however, we now have trade associations representing an oligarchy, that owns and operates our government for their own personal gain and interests, and in a manner that – in many instances – is entirely inimical to American society’s interests.  Some of these products, for example coal & petroleum, are as outdated as the buggy whip, while other products – military grade assault rifles – are as dangerous to the commonweal, as cigarettes.

Who profits from these dangerous and outdated products?  
Answer:  An elite few.

Who picks up the social costs for the mayhem that ensues? 
Answer:  Why the social costs are mopped up and suffered by the American taxpayer, or financed by the Fed’s printing presses.

Hence, the problem with allowing patients to proscribe their own medicine, or allowing inmates to run the asylum… or plutocrats to run our government: there are no checks and balances.  The commonweal is obliterated, and in some instances, the public rejects the nihilism wreaked upon them by the ownership class.  See Brexit.

Not to belabor the point, but Mr. Buckley’s analogy between the 20th Century’s American tobacco industry, and I.G. Farben’s manufacturing of Zyclon B immediately comes to mind.   That is to say, there were a lot of “good” Nazis and their leadership, who were just following orders and manufacturing Zyclon B, while a race of men was put to death.  Likewise, a lot Americans, knowingly, were given a premature death sentence by the American Tobacco Institute, and the Congress of the United States – for many years – just stood by.

I.G. Farben and the Nazis attract particular derision and scorn, rightfully so, because of their singular attack upon a specific race of men.  But does the indiscriminate killing of men and women by Big Oil, Big Tobacco, and the gun industry make their horrific crimes on humanity any less catastrophic or repugnant?  Are the killings and premature deaths caused by these products any less galling, or are they more galling still, because they are driven by the profit motive and are highly preventable?

Ah, the perils of our crony U.S. government, bought and paid for by a ruling business oligarchy.  Will U.S. citizens be “good” Nazis, or like the British, will we stand up and fight for democracy, freedom, popular sovereignty, and the common good?  Judging from our current presidential nominees, it appears that we have chosen the former.

Stay tuned.

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2016