Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Leviathan is Vertically Integrated

The Leviathan is Vertically Integrated

Why the Fed will keep printing money… at your expense!

By J.M. Hamilton (8-3-13)

“Vertical integration” (VI) in economic and financial parlance is when a company, in a given industry, owns the raw materials, and owns the manufacturing process, distribution, and retail.  Vertical Integration is said to give a company within an industry an economic advantage over it’s competitors; moreover, vertical integration stands up as a business model, as long as vendors in any particular phase of production provide a more costly service, vis a vis, the organization that is vertically integrated.

But enough about VI for now… we’ll get back to that in a second.  J.M.H. over the years has been a Federal Reserve (FED) watcher, and indeed, has written several pieces on the FED.  Among my more recent pieces:

Omnipotent:  In this piece, we point out that the FED has printed trillions upon trillions of dollars out of thin air, because it has a monopoly on the world’s fiat currency.  The primary affect of all this magic, since the 2008 financial crisis, is to bailout the plutocracy, the banks, and support the MIC and the NSA.  The FED also allows, to a very large degree, for our elected officials to act like rogues, campaign 24-7-365, and dispense with the need to govern altogether.  While Omnipotent did not outright say it, it certainly begged the question:  If the FED can print trillions upon trillions to bailout the Leviathan, why cannot it print trillions to bailout the abused middle class,the children born in to poverty, and the destitute and those in need?  Social spending and government support for those in need being but a fraction of welfare for the Leviathan.  My guess is the FED doesn’t print money for the poor, because it might prove that the socialism that works for the elite, also works for the poor and downtrodden, which could rend the entire economic and social structure, and the entire capitalist paradigm.

Chairman Bernanke and Trickle Down Monetary Policy:  Trickle down economics (aka supply side economics) – that is tax cuts for the wealthy, as a means of stimulating the economy – is a failure when the GOP rigs the tax code to favor the plutocracy, at the expense of the 99% (the last 35 years documents both the fallacy and the abuse of a trickle down tax code); but it’s an equally great failure when the FED utilizes trickle down monetary policy (Keynesian monetary policy run through the filter of the Wall Street Cartel), in the hopes of that a rising tide among the rich will aid and assist the middle class and the poor.  Five years later, quantitative easing (QE), and assorted FED props, has mainly papered over a global pandemic of unmitigated banker greed; and Washington, the FED, and the regulatory bodies have not done anything about reforming the cartel, but make the plutocracy richer, more entrenched, and more concentrated and powerful.

As for Addiction of Duplicities, I’ll let a single paragraph within that piece speak for itself, as to why the FED will not be shutting off an ocean of money anytime soon: 

“The Fed has been printing some eighty odd billion a month to purchase T-bills and MBS, and the reasons for this are as multivariate as a rose.  Among them: Fed purchases and balance sheet expansion keeps interest rates suppressed and allows the Wall Street banks and shadow banking to jack up the stock market to new heights (or what this blog has referred to as trickle down monetary policy); it keeps the interest on the national debt low, so that Washington can continue to live beyond its means; it keeps all those adjustable rate mortgages the banks like to sell Americans from being foreclosed upon; it allows the U.S. to export the few products it manufactures overseas at a discount (in the classic “beggar thy neighbor” approach); and of course, there are all those hundreds of billions (notional value) in credit default swaps that are betting on continued Fed interest rate suppression.”

So to recap, we can see from these three articles that the FED – has unlimited power to print money by virtue of it’s monopoly, that the printing of money has mainly served the Wall Street banks and inflated the stock market and asset prices – at the expense of the middle class and poor (who said, “A Crisis is a terrible thing to waste?”), and there are still more reasons why the FED will continue to print money at any extraordinary pace. 

The fact that my arguments have been backed to a large degree by main stream economist, the financial press, and facts we see daily before our eyes, and vice versa, hopefully, further validates the arguments I’m about to make, which is don’t look for the FED to take its foot off the accelerator anytime soon.  Here’s why:

Quite simply the Wall Street cartel, shadow banking and private equity makes billions off the free cash flow the FED provides, albeit in a hyper leveraged and dangerous fashion.  The FED has a dual mandate: maximize employment and price stability.  Chairman Bernanke has all but said that as unemployment declines, and inflation rises, the FED will consider printing less money and will begin cutting back on treasury and MBS purchases.  However, the Leviathan doesn’t want the flood of currency cut off because it makes its money primarily in trading and speculation (the cartel can no longer be bothered lending to the American public or small business, it subcontracts out mortgage lending to the FED and GSEs, via MBS and CDOs; of course, nobody in the private sector will touch these instruments, unless they're guaranteed by the government). 

As a consequence, the Leviathan has no interest in seeing unemployment decline, or inflation rise; and as we all have discovered in the last decade, the cartel very well maybe rigging the system so that unemployment does not drop precipitously, and inflation – or at least CPI - is held in check.  (We also know that Private Equity, the cartel's soul-mate, has had a huge impact on exporting jobs offshore, wage stagnation, and globalization in general.)

This is no mere conspiracy theory, since the Wall Street cartel can withhold loans that grow business or residential and commercial building, often sits on interlocking boards of directors, and is vertically integrated throughout the economy. (In fact, Wall Street and the international banking cartel has undergone sizable layoffs in order to hit their financial targets, and arguably, to keep the flood of FED money coming.)  To learn what our friends have been up to, and just how vertically integrated the cartel is, observe the following:

·      The cartel is under continuing investigation, and has already been fined, for rigging Libor, an interbank lending rate that is based upon fiction, since bank’s no longer trust one another’s financial statements.  The Libor rates impacts billions, indeed trillions, of financial transactions, from adjustable rate mortgages to derivatives and swaps.

·      The Wall Street cartel is presently under investigation for rigging the swaps and derivatives market.  The embodiment of collusion is none other than the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, collusion made legal.  This organization governs an opaque market, worth 100’s of trillions in notional value, and there is not a bank, central bank, or government on the planet that can secure or reinsure this market.  And yet, the instruments of our destruction and malaise, derivatives and swaps, continues to be sold in unregulated markets, and exclusively by their purveyor, the Leviathan.  Derivatives of course, have a very real use in insuring direct counter-parties; however, the vast majority of this market consists of naked shorts, that is to say, pure speculation.  The dance that nearly destroyed the world economy continues.

Those are just some of the activities Wall Street banks have been up to lately; and let's not forget M&A activity, often driven by the Street, that invariably kills jobs through synergy, and allows CEOs to parachute out wealthy.  Despite soaring legal bills, the banks continue to report out record profits.  In fact, the banking industry is one of the largest employers in the United States, and they like it that way.  This, plus mercenary battalions of lobbyist and attorneys and boatloads of cash, allows the banks to make their thoughts and feeling known in Congress and with the regulatory bodies they've captured.  Besides high unemployment not only keeps the FED printing truck loads of currency, but it also keeps wages low and stagnating…. A boon for any major U.S. employer. 

As for vertical integration… well judging from Wall Street bank behavior, the Leviathan has locked a tentacle into nearly every facet of your life, and judging from the near record fines, often nefariously.  From a gamed commodities market to mortgage rates and derivatives contracts that are all rigged by Libor, to ripping off their clients, and interest rate suppression by the world’s central banks: Why an American would have to be very naïve to believe that the manner in which Wall Street banks behave daily isn’t impacting American business, investors, and the 99%, and in particular, their wallets and employment prospects.  Many of these banking activities are a direct and unseen tax upon your life.  

Perhaps inadvertantly, the FED has created a perverse incentive for banks, shadow banking, and private equity - and the businesses they collectively own and operate - not to hire American.  As such - isn't it time for the FED to take away this incentive?

Truly, the Leviathan is vertically integrated.  It has a tentacle in nearly every aspect of your life, from the cradle to the grave; if it could charge interest and fees on your prayers, and sell derivative bets on your prospects for heaven and hell, it would do so. 

Give them time.  

In the meantime, the only measure of the FED's success is the stock market, otherwise QE has been a failure.  Perhaps it's time to stop measuring the FED's success by a benchmark that favors so few; but that assumes the FED is independent from the Leviathan's mechanization.

Mr. Summers personifies my belief, oft stated in these pages, that we live in a one party state, where both parties have been captured by the plutocracy, and the government is merely there to do the plutocracy's bidding, at the expense of the 99%.  Many of us look forward to being convinced otherwise.

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Hypocrisy that Surrounds Us...

The Hypocrisy that Surrounds Us...


By J.M. Hamilton (7-20-13)

Sometimes it all lines up.  If you stay plugged in long enough, combine the latest headline news with a wealth of life time experience, and the dots suddenly connect.  For me, it was a recent Bloomberg piece noting how the Haredim in Israel were harassing Jewish women for practicing their faith at the Western Wall.  Who are the Haredim, you ask?

Haredim are a small minority in Israeli society (less than 10% of the population), the ultra-orthodox of the Jewish faith, who basically rule the country.  The Haredim enjoy outsized political influence, government granted monopolies, government subsidies, and are exempt from otherwise mandatory military service, not to mention work or labor.  So here's a small group of Israeli citizens, with a passionate religious bent, who basically dictate how the rest of Israeli society acts, behaves, and have exceptional political power.

Which made me think about the Saudi regime, and the religious extremism practiced in that country, whereby women are kept out of sight, under-educated, and otherwise generally repressed, by the mutaween, or Islamic Religious Police Force.  The Saudi's of course, backed for many years and to this day by Western governments, export Wahhabism - which in turn spawned Al Qaeda and the Taliban.  To understand just how extreme the Taliban is, they have persecuted a little girl, who just wanted to learn, by shooting her in the head. Her story was recently told, by her, at the U.N.

There are some who say, you can judge a country by how it treats its women.

In this country, we have our own particular brand of religious extremism within the Christian community, which has been particularly dominant in dictating the cultural norms, laws, and values of the nation, since its founding; and more recently, has been very dominant in the Republican Party for the last 35 years.

"What on earth is J.M.H. driving at," you ask, "Why surely J.M.H. doesn't mean to compare the Christian- Right community in the U.S. with the Taliban, Wahhabism, and the Haredim.  Or does he?"

Alas, it is so.  For what these religious groups have in common, besides often being sworn enemies of one another, is that a small to sizable minority in each society (be it the U.S., Israel, or throughout the Middle-East, Afghanistan and Pakistan) dictates how the majority live, and indeed, persecutes anybody who gets in their way.  These groups as often as not have a messianic vision and are absolutely convinced they know God and exactly how She wants them, and their respective societies/countries to live and behave.  That these flocks and congregations are often used by their respective religious and political leaders/authorities, is often lost upon the faithful.  Think about it, if your sole focus in this world is on God and the next world, just how easily you're exploited by the religious and political authorities in this world?

For yet another common denominator within the Haredim, the Taliban, and Right leaning Christian groups, is the embrace of ignorance, an antipathy towards science, and a general lack of education.  Here, in this country, think of none other than Mr. Rick Santorum - who trashed higher education in the 2011and 2012 Republican primaries, who also happens to possess several advanced degrees.

What is a concern is not that these groups want to practice their faith (I choose to practice my faith daily and on Sunday), but rather, that these groups want to impose their will upon the majority.  Moreover, these groups often use religion to justify all kinds of assaults upon humanity.  In this country, the religious right wants every child conceived to be born (okay - notably - sounds like a worthy enough aim), but then turns its back on these same children by cutting off social support and failing to recognize, or simply ignoring the fact, that many of these children are born into poverty.

Ironically, the adherents of these various faiths often say they are persecuted, but then turn a blind eye to their own intolerance and persecution of others.  President Bush (W), a self professed Christian, recently acknowledged that he was not in a position to judge others.  Amen to that Mr. Bush!  I've yet to see a liberal or secular citizen force a Right leaning Catholic or Evangelical to be gay or have an abortion.  Allow me to repeat, the Secularist and the Left are not forcing their will upon the practitioners of faith.

In this country, the religious right embraces a political party that often operates at cross purposes with their own faith and economic interests; whether it be denying citizenship to the latest wave of evangelicals, Mexican immigrants, or supporting tax cuts for the wealthy, which the middle class and the majority of the religious right subsidizes - if they are fortunate enough to have a job - by paying a higher tax rate.

That Christ was about helping the poor and turning the other cheek, appears completely lost on today's Republican Party, except during the election season when they pander to their Christian base.

In 1964, Senator Barry Goldwater stated that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, but we now know that extremism in the defense of liberty and faith, often thwarts liberty and turns people away from faith. Witness the decline in church attendance in this country, and a loss of faith among many of the nation's youth.

PS:  President Obama wants us to reflect upon Mr.Martin's untimely demise; some would argue, however, that the time for reflection has long since passed and the time for action has arrived.

For starters, the President should address the criminal justice industrial complex that incarcerates millions of African-American males, often for victimless crimes like drug possession.  This policy is designed to disenfranchise the black male- since in many states those with a felony conviction cannot vote.

Incarceration for drug possession or use is inhumane and the poll tax of our times.

 Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

He put a lid on Pentagon spending.

"Eisenhower was a conservative and frugal president who insisted on balancing the budget. He put a lid on Pentagon spending. He defended Social Security and labor laws, while building the interstate highways and funding the national education defense act. He was re-elected in a landslide"


The appalling GOP

By , Published: July 16

There really isn’t any other word. Congressional Republicans are simply appalling. They have absolute control of the House. They set the agenda. They decide what comes to the floor. They decide what passes on to the Senate.

They know that extreme legislation isn’t going to be enacted into law. The Democratic majority in the Senate and the Democratic president stand in the way. So the legislation they choose to pass is a statement of their own values. It is simply designed to proclaim, “This is where we stand.” And for the vast majority of Americans, what they proudly proclaim is simply beyond the pale.

Republicans just passed a farm bill. It lards out $195 billion in subsidies for agribusiness. At the same time, they chose to drop food stamps — the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — from the bill for the first time in 40 years. In this time of mass unemployment, 47 million Americans rely on food stamps. Nearly one-half are children under 18; nearly 10 percent are impoverished seniors. The recipients are largely white, female and young. The Republican caucus has decided to drop them from the bill as “extraneous,” without having separate legislation to sustain them. Who would want to advertise these cruel values?

Republicans in the House passed a 2014 budget guideline. They know the Senate won’t accept it. They refuse even to enter into negotiations with the Senate to find a compromise.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Land of the Surveilled & Home of the Afraid?

Land of the Surveilled & Home of the Afraid?

All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.

George Orwell

By J.M. Hamilton  6-23-13

Osama Bin Laden (OBL), if what we have been told by our government is true, slumbers beneath the depths.  As Americans, we can only hope he suffers a wet dirt nap in hell for all eternity, for OBL enjoyed tremendous success during his time on this earth, in eroding America, her freedoms and her economy.  It is said that OBL learned at the hand of the CIA in Afghanistan, when America funded and armed an indigenous rebellion against Soviet occupiers, during the1980's.  OBL must have picked up from that experience that war very much has an economic component, as the U.S. with the help of the Afghanistan Mujahideen (today's Taliban), effectively bankrupted the Soviet Union.

When OBL subsequently turned on America, his goal was to launch a war of attrition against the United States, not unlike the war fought against the Soviets.  His stated goal was to bankrupt the U.S. financially, and arguably - through the use of terror and fear, he placed a sizable dent in our nation's collective will and U.S. world standing as the embodiment of freedom.  For OBL not only made a shambles of the U.S. federal budget (the Federal Reserve presently prints a trillion dollars annually to support our national debt, our global war on terror, our military and surveillance industrial complex, and in order to support a continued back door bailout of the Wall Street cartel), but worse yet, he instilled such a fear in ordinary Americans that many are willing to forgo the very freedoms and civil liberties that this nation was founded upon, and that many of our ancestors fought and died to preserve.  Or perhaps we have just grown apathetic?

We learned in the last several weeks, courtesy of Mr. Snowden, that the U.S. has a vast intelligence apparatus that allows it to tap into U.S. telecommunications, internet, and computer software and hardware monopolies.   This was all being done surreptitiously, globally, and with little oversight or review, except by the executive branch.  That the efficacy of this venture has been called into question by two U.S. Senators, et al., seems lost on many Americans who seem to believe that the government's surveillance program is just another price we must pay for safety.   If the program's effectiveness is dubious at best, what would drive such an enterprise?  Many have read that the NSA, and much of the defense and surveillance apparatus, is staffed by the nation's defense contractors, including Booz Allen - owned by private equity's Carlyle Group.

Per Bloomberg, about 70% of U.S. Intelligence is subcontracted out.  Booz Allen, Mr. Snowden's former employer, obtains 99% of its 5.76 billion in annual revenue from the government, with a quarter of that figure coming from intelligence agencies.   Your tax dollars, and our national debt, at work.  So like almost every other DOD program, replete with redundant systems, cost over-runs, obsolete hardware and weapons systems (much of it already hacked by the Chinese government) designed for yesterday's wars - now that Al Qaeda has been effectively eliminated, we see MIC defense contractors crowding into cyber systems and surveillance.  In short, follow the Benjamin’s once again to learn why you're being spied upon, your meta data harvested and mined, with limited results.  It's not just MIC contractors who are making out like bandits, but undoubtedly, the monopolies like our friends at Apple, Microsoft, and the major players in Silicon Valley, are getting in on the surveillance action.  Why Facebook must be nothing less than a treasure trove for Big Brother.  If what Bloomberg recently reported is true, most major corporations are swapping intel with our government.

Please check out the link describing a police state, or surveillance state, and ask yourselves are we not well on our way?

That this is probably an assault on our personal freedoms carried out by a constitutional law professor is mindboggling.  Then again, I've read of a state judge,who also teaches constitutional law, who has destroyed a child's and a family'scivil rights, so perhaps this is government by lawyer fiat.  Either way, NRA and second amendment proponents are often fond of talking about a slippery slope in regards gun rules and regs... but if there ever was a slippery slope, Americans are staring down the barrel of a slow and steady erosion of their civil liberties for the foreseeable future.  Our government has the ability to track your activities, movement, expenditures and nearly every personal detail of your life 24- 7- 365.  Our government may not be reading my emails, but the NSA probably has the capability to know in real time, and statistically, should they so desire, what I wrote on my computer, what I googled, when I log off, where I drove to, and what I bought on my ATM card.  For all we know there's a computer dossier on each and everyone of us; and if it's not already compiled, it certainly would not be hard to assemble.

Magnify this capability across an entire nation, and ponder how it will ultimately impact how people think, talk, act, and conduct their personal lives.

Americans have been made so afraid by OBL, and our state, elected, and MIC leaders have used this to such great advantage (witness the probable manipulation of the Homeland Security's terror alert system during the 2004 election cycle presumably to gain political advantage, described previously by this blog), that we now have surveillance program defenders stating that if you think this is bad, wait until the next attack.  Then our freedoms and civil liberties will really be stripped away, entirely.  So better to accept an ounce of prevention than a pound of cure.  There's just a couple of problems with this logic:  one, our own government - in the name of safety - arguably has assaulted more personal freedoms and civil liberties on a much more massive scale than Al Qaeda ever achieved; and two, when did Americans become so frightened and self absorbed that they are willing to sacrifice liberty and freedom for alleged claims of greater personal safety?  My guess is the "ends do not justify the means," and that the results of this surveillance are dubious at best.

As with most issues facing America today... we often suffer from fear and myopia, and often fail to ask and address the real questions and issues before us, like: 

If we are all under surveillance, we the people, than who is the surveillance state really designed to protect?  If we are all assumed to be guilty until proven innocent, who suspended habeas corpus and due process?

Why would denizens of the world desire to attack the U.S, could it be that the DOD, and our intelligence services, has its boot heal in almost every country in the world (often propping up dictatorship after oppressive dictatorship?)... for enlightening reading on this front, please see The Force by Jill Lepore.

Our founding fathers knew that one of the greatest tyrannies, and the father of many other tyrannies, was the standing army or what we would refer to as the DOD and the MIC.  What happened to that belief?  Why do not red state republicans protest the tax tyranny necessary to support the MIC, MIC welfare, and the DOD budget?

The third amendment states that citizens should not be obligated to quarter soldiers in their homes; and yet, is not the NSA, et al, quartered within our homes via the world wide web and its service and hardware providers?

President Obama said he's open to debate on this topic.  Perhaps it's time to enter into that debate in earnest?  But my guess is, it is a debate that the nation will never have - at least not a fair and transparent debate, as virtually nearly everything our government does is classified.

Just a few miles up the road from where I live is a State who's motto reads:  "Live Free or Die."  Sounds extreme.  Then again, given the amount of money taxpayers shell out for this government, particularly the DOD, why would it even be necessary for the government to intrude on our privacy, if the DOD was so highly competent at protecting U.S. citizens?  (The U.S. spends more money on defense than the G-20 combined, and is the number one arms merchant on the planet.)  The question is rhetorical because the DOD is not about protecting U.S. citizens.  Ironically, the "live free or die" ethos was the basis of our country's founding.  When we allow terrorist, and DOD/Surveillance advocates and fear-mongers to prey upon ordinary Americans fears and prejudice, so that they are willing to sacrifice freedom for specious claims about enhanced safety, we let the folks like OBL and the terrorists win.  So that the land of the free and the home of the brave, becomes but a former shadow of itself.

The world is watching, and the Chinese government must be laughing.

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist... We must never let the weight of this (MIC) combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

President Eisenhower

"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few."

President Madison

 Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013



Up and Down Wall Street    BARRON'S

 | TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2013

A "Crumby" Business All Around

Scandals of abuse by a few, whether in government or in finance, are undermining confidence of many.

Picking up crumbs under the table. That was how the wife of Sherman McCoy, the rich, Wall Street protagonist of The Bonfire of the Vanities, derisively described to their young daughter what her bond-trader father did for a living. Arcane arbitrage trades produced pennies on the dollar, but when multiplied over millions, those pennies added up to fabulous sums -- enough to buy a Park Avenue co-op costing $3 million!

That number alone should tell you how much things have changed in the decades since Tom Wolfe wrote his tale of race and class in the pre-Giuliani New York City of the 1980s. Wealth and power have expanded exponentially in the subsequent years, adding zeroes to the numbers describing earnings and real-estate values. What is still a princely sum to average Americans, $1 million or more buys only an ordinary flat in Manhattan and even in now-hip Brooklyn.

Collecting those crumbs has become a challenge in recent years, especially following the near-collapse of 2007-08. So, in the face of diminished profit opportunities, traders have resorted to the next-best thing, manipulation and gaming the system.

In recent days, more instances of unseemly Wall Street behavior -- from gaining just a few seconds' advantage on key, market-moving data to outright rigging of markets -- have come to light. That this has happened at the same time as the revelations of spying by the National Security Agency is more than ironic. Both are shaking public confidence in the major institutions of finance and governments.
Consider the more recent dubious practice to gain attention: the release of privately issued but market-moving reports early to paying subscribers, most notably the widely watched Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan consumer confidence reports. As has been reported in various outlets, high-frequency traders who pay for the privilege get a two-second head-start on the numbers, a huge amount of time for computers to trade on the number based on algorithms.

Less ambiguous is the practice of rigging certain benchmark prices or interest rates, most prominently the London interbank offered rate. Libor, quipped Mervyn King, the outgoing Bank of England governor, was the "rate at which banks do not lend to each other," contrary to the textbook definition of the interest rate that is the basis of trillions of dollars of instruments, from derivative contracts to Americans' home mortgages. Libor is set by collecting data from major banks in London, who declare what they'll pay to borrow and lend dollars for various terms. Just tweaking Libor a fraction of a basis point (one-hundredth of a percentage point) up or down could make a trade pay off -- or not. More crumbs, in other words.



The Wall Street Journal
The U.S. surveillance state as outlined and explained by Edward Snowden is not worth the price. Its size, scope and intrusiveness, its ability to target and monitor American citizens, its essential unaccountability—all these things are extreme.

The purpose of the surveillance is enhanced security, a necessary goal to say the least. The price is a now formal and agreed-upon acceptance of the end of the last vestiges of Americans' sense of individual distance and privacy from the government. The price too is a knowledge, based on human experience and held by all but fools and children, that the gleanings of the surveillance state will eventually be used by the mischievous, the malicious and the ignorant in ways the creators of the system did not intend.

For all we know that's already happened. But of course we don't know: It's secret. Only the intelligence officials know, and they say everything's A-OK. The end of human confidence in a zone of individual privacy from the government, plus the very real presence of a system that can harm, harass or invade the everyday liberties of Americans. This is a recipe for democratic disaster.
If—again, if—what Mr. Snowden says is substantially true, the surveillance state will in time encourage an air of subtle oppression, and encourage too a sense of paranoia that may in time—not next week, but in time, as the years unfold—loosen and disrupt the ties the people of America feel to our country. "They spy on you here and will abuse the information they get from spying on you here. I don't like 'here.' "

Monday, June 17, 2013

Democratic power abhors a vacuum... Party of Fear!

Party of Fear

The only thing we have to fear is ignorance.

“It’s what people know about themselves inside that makes them afraid.”  - Clint Eastwood – High Plains Drifter

By J.M. Hamilton  (9-21-12)

I kept thinking about Candidate Romney this week, and his staff.  This is a man who gave up being a private equity billionaire, so that he could help us all, or at least 53% of us, by becoming President.  Mr. Romney has been running for the nation’s highest office for years, the opportunity costs for this candidate are enormous.  And yet, Mr. Romney’s defeat hangs in the air, like Napoleon fleeing Russia at the onset of winter, and leaving behind his Grand Armee.  Ravenous Russian wolves in pursuit of the emperor’s sleigh, snapping at the trace horses for miles upon miles in a desolate winter scape.

Maddening.  Or for Mr. Romney’s team is it like Hitler, and staff, spending final moments with his bride, with U.S and Russian soldiers closing in, a mighty German nation ruined.  Feelings of despair and of what might have been – dashed hopes and dreams – deep down in the bunker. Valhalla beckons.

Mr. Romney’s fall, like Napoleon’s and Hitler’s, is largely self-inflicted.

Granted the candidate is no megalomaniac; but if the video that Mother Jone’s offered up this week is any indication, Mr. Romney does appear to be suffering from an acute form of socio-economic prejudice, having written off nearly half the nation (only to tell us this week, it was all a mistake and he loves 100%of us, after all).  Of course, many of those Mr. Romney wrote off as parasitic are the Republican faithful, including tax dodging U.S. soldiers (as noted by Mr. Kristof in the Times).  The very people who lay their lives down for us, the plutocracy, and the DOD.  But we can’t blame this all on Mr. Romney; he’s just the most recent incarnation of a long line of Republican Party leaders, who have suspended rational thinking for a failed ideology, with ruinous results for the country.

Mr. Romney is rich and his party represents the wealthy, and those who wish to be.  Today’s GOP is quite possibly more reactionary than ever, and it refuses to change, even at the risk of extinction.  This is a party that preys upon your fear, and has no reservation about prevarication or stretching the truth, witness Mr. Ryan’s GOP convention speech (which even his own Party assailed).   The antidote for fear is knowledge and education, and as GOP Candidate Santorum conveyed earlier in the Republican campaign, education is no good.  You see, education and knowledge gets in the in way of your exploitation, and makes things harder on the ruling oligarchs.  The only question that remains this election season is will Mr. Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers double-down?  How much money is the plutocracy willing to spend in support of a failed candidacy and an attempt to purchase the White House?  My guess is a lot more.  Cost-Benefit analysis would suggest upping the ante.

Contained is this week’s New Yorker is an extraordinary piece on the very first political consulting firm, Campaign Inc (CI).  The piece is entitled the Lie Factory, and was written by Jill Lepore.  Needless to say it is outstanding and, among other things, draws the connection between political consulting and advertising campaigns.   Both enterprises are selling something.

Among the tried and true principles of Campaign Inc. were:  make it personal; candidates are easier to sell than issues; attack, attack, attack; never underestimate the opposition; never explain anything; fan flames (embrace and win controversy); simplify, simplify, simplify.  

Said Mr. Whitaker, a partner in Campaign Inc. (CI), which was formed in the 1930′s, “A wall goes up when you try to make Mr. and Mrs. Average American Citizen work or think.  The average American doesn’t want to be educated.”

Today, political consulting is big business.  Campaign Inc.’s principals are on full display this election season, and they have been a key part of most successful campaigns for the last eighty years.  Perhaps by no coincidence, CI’s primary clients were big business and the GOP.

If we think long and hard about it, one could easily argue that nearly a century of political consulting has brought the country to where it is today.  Where glib one-liners and sound bites are not only used to gain political advantage, and admission to political office, but become public policy itself.  It’s much easier to trot out negative advertising, than to explain a highly complex problem, and the detailed solution to that problem (and the reality is few candidates have the skills to pull it off, and many have lost office trying).  Many of our problems today are so complex that the quick lie or one liner can no longer stand up to scrutiny, and so as we have seen in this election cycle, the candidates don’t even try.   Again, observe the GOP’s criticism of the Romney/Ryan tickets refusal to fill in the blanks on their proposed fiscal and tax policies.  And they are the experts?

Or witness both candidates, Messrs. Romney and Obama, failure to address the financial crisis, and the resulting mortgage debacle, four years on-going, and the cornerstone of the nation’s economic problems.

Other key examples where the quick fix, or simple solution, have failed the nation are:

Endless rounds of quantitative easing, which is nothing more than code for back door bank bailouts.  The Cartel is so powerful now that it appears to be dictating Fed policy.  The Fed has become the go to market for MBS and CDO’s, the liabilities and moral hazard for bank excess have been transferred from private sector balance sheets and onto the public’s.  And the result of the Fed’s efforts:  Stagflation in commodity prices, and Stagdeflation in home prices.  Central banks around the world have swaddled zombie banks in a cocoon of soothing liquidity, so that the inevitable write-downs can be postponed at taxpayer, market, worker and business expense.  Contagion is spreading and sound healthy currencies and economies are being dragged down with the bad, all so that we can prop up banks.  The “lost Japanese decade” scenario is with us to stay now.  One can gather from Mr. Romney’s reticence on the matter that he would have done nothing different than the President’s team, Messrs. Geithner, Summers and Bernanke.   Banking uber alles!

Check out Mr. Romney’s criticism of this administration and its handling of the Middle East.   The GOP’s solution to every problem involving an Arab country is to subcontract out foreign policy to the state of Israel, play the fear card, and reach for the DOD. That’s right, order two air strikes and call me in the AM.  That sound bite, the Arabs are the problem, and Islam is the issue, entirely misses the boat.  Some in-depth analysis might conclude that there is extreme poverty throughout much of the Middle-East, brought about by wide disparities in economic opportunity and education, and concentrated wealth and power into too few hands.  Successive authoritarian regimes, with the economic and military support of Western democracies, have amassed fantastic wealth, at the expense of Arab citizens.  Poverty stricken, these Arab citizens have turned to all that they have left, religion and the Prophet Mohammad.  In some instances these citizens have been radicalized by poverty, and are all too easily manipulated by their religious and political leaders.  The antidote for Arab radicalism is democracy, education, and greater economic opportunity; but that solution will take patience and time, indeed generations, with many problems for U.S. companies operating in the region along the way.  This scenario doesn’t fit into Big Oil’s or the DOD’s agenda, so don’t look for Candidate Romney to trot that out any time soon.  Besides the proceeding doesn’t fit into a neat power point presentation, or a Campaign Inc. style sound bite, so forget about it.

Better to sound bellicose and rattle the saber, it plays nicely into many American’s fears and prejudice.  Campaign Inc. would advise a candidate, and a political party, to have an enemy at all times, and if one can’t be found than create one!

And finally, Mr. Romney appears to have an issue with the 47%, who receive some sort of government benefit, many of whom are Republican.  The Campaign Inc. sound bite is that these folks are moochers, the state is growing, and the solution is more tax cuts for the wealthy.  What doesn’t fit neatly into this paradigm is the fact that economist after economist will tell you that concentrated wealth and power (like that which has occurred in this country over the last 35 years, with ever declining upper income tax rates) correlates into lost educational and economic opportunities, and therefore, greater reliance upon the state for solutions.  Democratic power abhors a vacuum:  and if U.S. entrepreneurs and major corporations are no longer going to hire American, pay a living wage, or provide retirement benefits, than these free market institutions are ceding authority and power to the state, and building an ever growing Democratic base.

America needs an industrial policy that includes favorable policies for business, the market, and the worker.  However, industrial policy might also include telling CEOs something that they haven’t heard from the GOP in several decades, that is the laissez faire fairy tale is dead, markets do not have perfect knowledge and are not self-regulating; hence the need for a new industrial policy.

But that’s not very “Campaign Inc.”

Much better to stick to playing the fear card, campaign on ignorance, and continue to let things slide into crisis.

 Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

“There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment,” George Orwell wrote in “1984.”

June 8, 2013 NYTIMES

Peeping Barry

WASHINGTON — THE acid that corroded George W. Bush’s presidency was fear — spreading it and succumbing to it.

You could see the fear in his eyes, the fear that froze him in place, after Andy Card whispered to W. in that Florida classroom that a second plane had crashed into the twin towers.

The blood-dimmed tragedy of 9/11 was chilling. But instead of rising above the fear, W. let it overwhelm his better instincts. He and Dick Cheney crumpled the Constitution, manipulated intelligence to go to war against a country that hadn’t attacked us, and implemented warrantless eavesdropping — all in the name of keeping us safe from terrorists.

Americans want to be protected, but not at the cost of vitiating the values that make us Americans. 

That is why Barack Obama was so stirring in 2007 with his spirited denunciations of W.’s toxic trade-offs. The up-and-coming senator and former constitutional law professor railed against the Bush administration’s “false choice, between the liberties we cherish and the security we provide.”

Now that we are envisioning some guy in a National Security Agency warehouse in Fort Meade, Md., going through billions of cat videos and drunk-dialing records of teenagers, can the Ministries of Love and Truth be far behind?

“There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment,” George Orwell wrote in “1984.” “How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to.”

It was quaint to think we had any privacy left, once Google, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram braided themselves into our days and nights.


Thousands of technology, finance and manufacturing companies are working closely with U.S. national security agencies... Bloomberg

U.S. Agencies Said to Swap Data With Thousands of Firms

Thousands of technology, finance and manufacturing companies are working closely with U.S. national security agencies, providing sensitive information and in return receiving benefits that include access to classified intelligence, four people familiar with the process said.

These programs, whose participants are known as trusted partners, extend far beyond what was revealed by Edward Snowden, a computer technician who did work for the National Security Agency. The role of private companies has come under intense scrutiny since his disclosure this month that the NSA is collecting millions of U.S. residents’ telephone records and the computer communications of foreigners from Google Inc (GOOG). and other Internet companies under court order.
Many of these same Internet and telecommunications companies voluntarily provide U.S. intelligence organizations with additional data, such as equipment specifications, that don’t involve private communications of their customers, the four people said.

Makers of hardware and software, banks, Internet security providers, satellite telecommunications companies and many other companies also participate in the government programs. In some cases, the information gathered may be used not just to defend the nation but to help infiltrate computers of its adversaries.

Along with the NSA, the Central Intelligence Agency (0112917D), the Federal Bureau of Investigation and branches of the U.S. military have agreements with such companies to gather data that might seem innocuous but could be highly useful in the hands of U.S. intelligence or cyber warfare units, according to the people, who have either worked for the government or are in companies that have these accords.

Microsoft Bugs

Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), the world’s largest software company, provides intelligence agencies with information about bugs in its popular software before it publicly releases a fix, according to two people familiar with the process. That information can be used to protect government computers and to access the computers of terrorists or military foes.

Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft (MSFT) and other software or Internet security companies have been aware that this type of early alert allowed the U.S. to exploit vulnerabilities in software sold to foreign governments, according to two U.S. officials. Microsoft doesn’t ask and can’t be told how the government uses such tip-offs, said the officials, who asked not to be identified because the matter is confidential.

Frank Shaw, a spokesman for Microsoft, said those releases occur in cooperation with multiple agencies and are designed to give government “an early start” on risk assessment and mitigation.
In an e-mailed statement, Shaw said there are “several programs” through which such information is passed to the government, and named two which are public, run by Microsoft and for defensive purposes.

Willing Cooperation

Some U.S. telecommunications companies willingly provide intelligence agencies with access to facilities and data offshore that would require a judge’s order if it were done in the U.S., one of the four people said.

In these cases, no oversight is necessary under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and companies are providing the information voluntarily.

The extensive cooperation between commercial companies and intelligence agencies is legal and reaches deeply into many aspects of everyday life, though little of it is scrutinized by more than a small number of lawyers, company leaders and spies. Company executives are motivated by a desire to help the national defense as well as to help their own companies, said the people, who are familiar with the agreements.

Most of the arrangements are so sensitive that only a handful of people in a company know of them, and they are sometimes brokered directly between chief executive officers and the heads of the U.S.’s major spy agencies, the people familiar with those programs said.

‘Thank Them’

Michael Hayden, who formerly directed the National Security Agency and the CIA, described the attention paid to important company partners: “If I were the director and had a relationship with a company who was doing things that were not just directed by law but were also valuable to the defense of the Republic, I would go out of my way to thank them and give them a sense as to why this is necessary and useful.”

“You would keep it closely held within the company and there would be very few cleared individuals,” Hayden said.

Cooperation between nine U.S. Internet companies and the NSA’s Special Source Operations unit came to light along with a secret program called Prism. According to a slide deck provided by Snowden, the program gathers e-mails, videos, and other private data of foreign surveillance targets through arrangements that vary by company, overseen by a secret panel of judges.

U.S. intelligence agencies have grown far more dependent on such arrangements as the flow of much of the world’s information has grown exponentially through switches, cables and other network equipment maintained by U.S. companies.

Equipment Specs

In addition to private communications, information about equipment specifications and data needed for the Internet to work -- much of which isn’t subject to oversight because it doesn’t involve private communications -- is valuable to intelligence, U.S. law-enforcement officials and the military.
Typically, a key executive at a company and a small number of technical people cooperate with different agencies and sometimes multiple units within an agency, according to the four people who described the arrangements.

Committing Officer

If necessary, a company executive, known as a “committing officer,” is given documents that guarantee immunity from civil actions resulting from the transfer of data. The companies are provided with regular updates, which may include the broad parameters of how that information is used.