Sunday, July 16, 2017

Chairman Dimon Speaks...

Chairman Dimon Speaks...

“It’s almost an embarrassment being an American traveling around the world,” Dimon, 61, said on a conference call with analysts. He doesn’t like listening to the “stupid shit” Americans have to deal with, expressing frustration over the nation’s inability to invest in infrastructure and overhaul the tax code. “There would be much stronger growth if there were more intelligent decisions and less gridlock.”

- Bloomberg:  Dimon Says Being an American Abroad Is ‘Almost an Embarrassment’

By J.M. Hamilton. (7-15-2017)
Poor Mr. Dimon... It appears that he had a rough week.
Mr. Dimon appears shocked, perhaps angry, and almost embarrassed about the United States.
Normally, we might chock this up to just another tantrum from the C-Suite aristocracy, but this story bears scrutiny.
Mr. Dimon's frustrations seems reminiscent of another billionaire's behavior, who recently was elected to the White House.  
Things, so far, didn't go quite as expected.  The various branches of government did not yield to the billionaire’s every command.  
Who knew democracy could be so messy?
Ah, the perils of being a billionaire, where nearly every executive below you is often found toadying up.  The bubble envelopes said plutocrat.  Pretty soon the expectation becomes, from said CEO, one’s every word should be treated as gospel, and w/in the corporate citadel often is.  
If only the lackeys in the House & Senate would listen, as well?
Lord knows JP Morgan - and the Wall Street cartel - certainly paid enough for the Congress to listen.  Maybe that's at the root of Mr. Dimon's concerns, the failure of Congress to enact Wall Street lobbyist diktats?  After all, Goldman Sachs runs the White House, and perhaps soon enough The Fed.
Speculating further upon Mr. Dimon’s thinking, perhaps a hostile takeover of Congress is in order?
Such ingratitude after America saved Mr. Dimon's career and his company from near certain ruin.

One wouldn't know it from Mr. Dimon's outburst this week, but he was on an investor call reporting that J.P. Morgan had made a record $26.5 billion over the last 12 months, and enjoyed a record second quarter.
One might assume that all the regulations Wall Street lawyers and lobbyist wrote into Dodd Frank had a perilous impact upon J.P. Morgan’s earnings.  No, instead, JP Morgan is reporting record earnings.  Maybe that explains his remarks?
How quickly Wall Street royalty forget...
In 2008, if this country had a legal system that functioned and wasn't rigged, Mr. Dimon, and his Wall Street comrades, might have found themselves behind bars for exploiting moral hazard/depositor & taxpayer money on an unprecedented scale, and short selling America, stockholders, and banking clients (in a debt securitization scam).  Instead of receiving a multi-trillion dollar bailout, Mr. Dimon - in a truly capitalist system - might have seen his career and his company vanish; instead of the Federal Reserve taking, then, toxic assets off Wall Street bank balance sheets, those failing assets could have been left on Wall Street bank balance sheets, setting off a cascading collapse.  The record liquidity (trillions) pumped into the various markets - to re-inflate assets - might not have occurred (Thank the heavens, the Fed answers to its true mandate: Wall Street banks and the stock market). 
J.P. Morgan and Wall Street banks could have been nationalized, and effectively were nationalized, except the high flyer executives - who brought the global economy to ruin - kept their jobs.  Main Street, however, they weren't so lucky.  Over leveraged families - and small & medium sized businesses - were shit out of luck (no bailouts for them); nor did the prior administration - or prior Fed chairman - tie any strings to all the free money and bailouts that were showered upon the Wall Street banks (personal debt restructuring, debt forgiveness on home loans, which would have sparked the economy: forget about it).  In the intervening years, since the 2008 Wall Street debacle, instead of serving in prison, Mr. Dimon became a billionaire.  Since 2010, loan to deposit ratios steadily declined throughout the banking industry, hence helping to keep inflation in check and the free money flowing from the Fed. 
Of course, shadow banking & private equity were exempt from Wall Street’s capital strike, since the crisis.
Meanwhile, JP Morgan and the Wall Street banking cartel - flush w/ free money from the Fed - led one of the largest M&A booms ever witnessed.  The consolidation of many sectors of the economy - advised, financed, & underwritten by Wall Street banks - as JMH reported in our last piece - killed jobs & opportunity, and played a significant role in wage stagnation and wage & wealth inequality (again, effectively sterilizing the Federal Reserve's largesse from the general public, holding inflation in check, and keeping the Fed's cash spigot turned on). 

So much for trickle down monetary policy…
And now Mr. Dimon has the unmitigated gall to whine about an opioid epidemic, Wall Street banks, directly & indirectly, played a significant role in creating.
When workers don't have hope, jobs, or opportunity (due to free trade agreements, industry consolidation, and the offshoring of labor)... they often - in despair - turn to substances that allow them to escape their poverty and their reality.  
And sometimes - through excess and misadventure - they end up... dead.
One wonders - w/ Mr. Dimon being so bright and all - does any of this ever enter into his stream of consciousness?  Or perhaps the more appropriate question is: Does Mr. Dimon have a conscience?
But for the grace of the Goddess above, go I.
Mr. Dimon, in a recent shareholder letter, lamented that the number of publicly traded companies had been cut in half.  The drop in the number of publicly traded companies is bad for business, the economy, investors, labor, the tax base & the United States.  And yet, Mr. Dimon does not acknowledge Wall Street banking’s outsized role in eliminating and consolidating all these publicly traded companies.
Once again, here is a criminal enterprise – Wall Street banks – working against the interests of the United States and the vast majority of the American people.
Maybe we'll have a POTUS Dimon some day, and he can show us how it all works.
Wouldn't that be special? 
Then again, given how the current White House occupant is faring, perhaps another CEO POTUS is not what the nation needs.
 Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2017