Saturday, June 26, 2021

A dictatorship of a moneyed elite…

A dictatorship of a moneyed elite… 


People of color are disproportionately employed in the service industries hardest hit by the pandemic, according to an analysis of employment data by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and unemployment rates reflect that: In February, 12.3% of Black workers in Texas were unemployed, compared to 9.3% of Hispanic workers and only 5.1% of white workers. In February 2020, the unemployment rates for each group were 4.7%, 4.7% and 2.5%, respectively.

-      Greater disparities to emerge in Texas as unemployment benefits, protections against evictions and utility shutoffs end, Texas Tribune

By JM Hamilton (6-26-2021)


Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure deal this week was yet another reminder of how this administration has already given up on America’s working class and thrown them over the side of the country’s leaky – and condemned – ship of state, in favor of pandering to a right-wing GOP.  The irony is the GOP could care less about working with this President, and Mitch McConnell has stated that he wants to see Biden fail. All this, when the Dems control both houses of Congress, and yet, refuse to exercise their power and authority already six months into the Biden administration. 


The bipartisan infrastructure proposal, announced with great fanfare on Friday, is a dog.  The proposal, as of yet - not even written up, is a fraction of what Biden proposed and contains little or no Green New Deal elements.  Instead, Biden indicated that Dems would take a two-track approach and work on a more progressive infrastructure bill, simultaneously.  It’s classic Washington, that is to say, completely backwards, corrupt, and incompetent. And of course, the two infrastructure bills will take months to pass if they ever pass at all. 


Already the two sides, Dems & GOP, are bickering, after Biden said he’d veto the bipartisan bill, if he could not pass the more progressive Dem bill, simultaneously … only to backtrack on Saturday (today) and indicate that he wouldn’t veto the bipartisan bill, after all. Confused?  No worries, you’re in good company.  The Ivy League brain trust, in Washington, has no clue as to what they are doing either. 


When the final history of American democracy is written, it will reflect that Obama walked a deranged lunatic into the White House, and that Biden will undoubtedly do the same, as he fails to meet his obligations and promises to American labor, independents, and the working class. 


Washington occupies a bubble and does everything in its power to crush labor, and disenfranchised Americans, by ignoring the public’s request for wildly popular: Green New Deal, Medicare for All, Living Wage, and Infrastructure programs. The public also wants to see the exceptionally wealthy pay for these programs; but so far, the bipartisan deal calls for America’s old infrastructure to be sold off to the wealthy at fire-sale prices (undoubtedly so that they can extract rents from the American public) … just like they do in poor countries. 


That’s right America, we are just another corrupt banana republic, another kleptocracy, that is being busted out – a la Soprano – for America’s rapacious billionaire class. 







All of this, of course, is happening while unemployment benefits, rent moratoriums, and utility breaks are rapidly coming to an end, at a time when the US economy is anything but fully recovered, and tens of millions of workers are unemployed, underemployed, given up looking for work, and are subjected to wage slavery.   See minorities and women in particular, Biden’s base, who the President does not appear to give a damn about. Meanwhile, the plague is resurgent throughout Southern GOP states, and Trump’s and Biden’s one time stimulus checks have long ago run out for America’s bottom half.


How do the two parties get away with it? Simple, both parties serve the same billionaire/multinational masters.  They know the political pendulum swings back and forth, and the public has nowhere to run but to the failed two-party system.  Biden’s primary strategy appears to be to burn up the legislative clock, pretend to be working on his agenda & campaign promises (which are already DOA), and pander to his wealthy donors (basically, ensuring a rigged US economy and Washington remain untouched from change and reform). 


How do I know that Biden’s agenda is dead, that he has no intention of fulfilling his campaign promises…watch the Federal Reserve, who indicates they are getting ready to taper because they are satisfied with the progress of the American economy. That is, if the FED was still concerned about the economy, or thought they’d need to finance yet more crisis programs or New Deal legislation, there’d be little or no discussion about tapering ultra-accommodative monetary policy. 



But I digress, the problem for Biden, the Dems, and Americans is, the GOP is playing for keeps, and the coup they started on January 6th is still very much alive and in motion.  We see this with massive voter suppression efforts, and the installation of Trump lackeys in key state positions … positions that will certify, or not, future elections.  Moreover, the Dems haven’t lifted a finger to bring GOP coup leaders, in Congress, to trial (nor the GOP’s donors). 


What many Americans fail to realize is none of this has to be this way.  There are western governments that actually work and function on behalf of their citizen.  There are democratic governments that are effective and get things done expeditiously.  In Canada, the Trudeau government has been highly effective in taking care of its citizens with progressive policies, like a UBI.  And this same government has already vaccinated greater than 75% of the population, with first time vaccine doses.  The NY Times reports America’s comparable number is less than 55%.  Do I agree with everything the Liberal government does… absolutely not.  But because the Liberals, partnered with the NDP, are so effective, and generally, do the right thing on behalf of Canada’s citizens… this humble American, blessed with dual Canadian citizenship, just has to marvel at the Canadian government’s success (vis a vis, the never-ending corruption and failure that is the American government). 


Who benefits from the malaise surrounding the US government, who encourages the partisanship and the atomization of the American electorate, who ensures that culture wars/social conflicts are never resolved (and wages remain stagnant) … so that Americans don’t have a moment to look up and see who is really destroying theirs and their children’s futures?   Well, that’s the billionaire and donor class, who know that if they can keep America divided, its citizens are less likely to notice that as the national debt soars, the billionaires and multi-millionaires are growing richer, and richer, and richer (and more numerous).   


And public largesse, by the trillions, is being laundered through America’s debt and stock markets, as the national debt soars ever higher: #BustOut. 


It’s the ultimate transfer of wealth from the many into the hands of a few.  It’s probably already too late to reform, America is already run by a dictatorship… A dictatorship of a moneyed elite.  Given the path the Biden administration is traveling down, Americans soon may not even have the illusion - or pretense - of a two-party system. 


Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2021



Saturday, June 12, 2021

America is Back?

America is Back?  


“At every point along the way, we are going to make it clear that the United States is back and the democracies of the world are standing together to tackle the toughest challenges and issues that matter most to our future,” Biden said.

-       Biden’s message as he lands in Europe: America's back, Politico


By JM Hamilton (6-12-2021)


Oh, thank god… America is back… per POTUS Biden, while on G7 holiday in Europe. And there is little doubt that, for Europe at least, the Sugar Daddy and Chief is back.   Just ask French President Macron. 


But while America maybe back in Europe, not unlike Santa, spreading free defense spending & good cheer…  America is considerably less back in, well, America. 


In the United States, Biden’s campaign promises have stalled out in the assisted living facility, known as the US Senate, thanks to right-wing Dem senators, Manchin and Sinema.  And, of course, some blame certainly rests with the senate majority leader, Schumer, who can’t keep his caucus in line long enough to see Biden’s mandate through into law.  How convenient… the second the nation must pass bills and legislation to help the United States’ failing infrastructure, the American people suffering through a pandemic & wage slavery, pass a Green New Deal, or tax increases upon robber barons… and magically, the congress grinds to a halt.   


It appears that the congress’ corporate sponsors - and K-Street - aren’t accepting of the campaign promises Biden was elected, by the majority of voters, to enact. 


It is incompetence hour, and all of this seems vaguely familiar, like the newly elected Obama administration wasting precious time, burning up the legislative clock, on the ACA (aka Obamacare, aka corporate welfare for the healthcare industry). 


Examples of the Biden Administration's failure are everywhere, despite controlling not one, but both houses of Congress.  


Can you imagine what it’s going to be like after the midterms? 


Of course, nothing quite spells out failure like the recent bipartisan bill to spend $250 billion on corporate welfare.  Wow.  The two parties are at war, but the second there’s an opportunity for corporate pork, or taxpayer dollars being wasted on the billionaire welfare state, then the two parties come together for a group orgy and roll around in the corruption and fraud.   


The Senate is going to thwart China’s hegemonic ambitions with 250 billion dollars in a - no strings - corporate giveaway, on top of the trillion spent annually on US defense spending. (China spends about a fifth of the money the US does on military spending.)  Of course, not a word on breaking up – or holding accountable - the US defense cartel of companies (i.e. MIC), that are well known for cost overruns and products that don’t work.  The centerpiece of the bill includes billions and billions to bribe American computer chip manufacturing back onto US shores, and back into building chips.  Apparently, bad things happen, not only when America’s corporate aristocracy offshores labor & the US economy to China, but also, when globalism and neoliberalism offshore critical computer chips to a totalitarian regime… or a small island – Taiwan – that the aforementioned communists lay claim to. 


There’s even $10 billion is welfare for one of the richest men in the world, Jeffrey Bezos.  


Now, we are truly saved.  Yeh, bipartisanship!









We are roughly six months into the Biden administration and all America got was this stupid G7 T-shirt, that the president will bring back from Euroland holiday, and the $1.9 trillion stimulus package.  The stimulus was chock full of one-time goodies (some of the aid was repealed by White Supremacy party governors to compel workers to return to the slave wage economy, the pandemic economy), but with limited shelf life and zero long term structural reforms. 


Exactly, how the oligarchy likes it. 


Bipartisanship is nothing short of insane.  Here’s a party, the GOP, that is fully dedicated to the POTUS’ ruin, that has a long history of obstruction, that shut down President Obama, and yet, there’s Biden insisting upon bipartisanship… that, like the filibuster, is nothing less than a ticket to failure & the GOP’s agenda, perpetuation of a White Supremacy/Monopoly economy status quo.  


And yet, establishment Dems are insisting, killing precious time: Let’s get together with the political party that is coup-coup for fascism and Donald Trump.   The same party that a few short weeks ago rejected an investigation into its involvement into the January 6th attack on the capitol, and continues to wage war against America, and democracy, by passing voter suppression laws in GOP held states. 

When the GOP senate voted against the January 6th commission, they, preemptively, took the fifth amendment.

At the end of the day, the Dems are, allegedly, the responsible party in the room, or so we thought.  The party Americans elected to straighten up the disaster left by Trump and the GOP.  


What do you do when the parents are enabling the GOP & ongoing insurrection?  Fire the duopoly? 


Yup.  Mr. Macron is correct… America is back all right, but for how long?


Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2021

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Canada and Third Parties… A Lesson for the United States?

Canada and Third Parties…  A Lesson for the United States? 


"These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only — only to kill the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time," he said in a press conference on Friday.


"You don't need an AR-15 to bring down a deer."


-       Trudeau announces ban on 1,500 kinds of assault weapons, BBC



By JM Hamilton (5-29-21)


I had the privilege of moving from the United States to Canada in January of 2020.  My reasons for doing so were numerous, but primarily it was to soak up Canada’s beauty and to gain a step, or two, on climate change (that is, to remove myself from hotter temperatures as well as the States’ increasingly dark trajectory). 


As an economics & political observer my timing couldn’t have been more perfect, as the pandemic hit North America one to two months after my move.  Here, in real time, I was able to analyze and observe two countries, Canada and the United States, and the respective governments’ responses to that pandemic. 


As I’ve written on more than one occasion, COVID has revealed a great many things about the state of democracy, economics, and the health of respective governments… and, as better days appear to be on the horizon, COVID will, likely, continue to reveal much more. 


And while I’m no expert – not even close – on Canadian politics and institutions…. I feel like I’ve learned enough on a macro basis to comment or offer some comparisons vis a vis the United States. 


First, unlike the United States, Canadian democracy is thriving and running very well. Canada has a vibrant and very healthy political system, with parties that run the gamut from Greens all the way to Conservatives. In the middle, we have several national parties, not the least among them: Liberals, The New Democratic Party (NDP), and Bloc Québécois.  I say, ‘middle’ but the Liberals and the New Democratic Party are progressive, and put America’s Democratic party to shame (both as functioning political parties and their ability execute, act rapidly, and get things done). Presently, Liberals and the NDP form a coalition (or minority) government, under Canada’s parliamentary democracy. 


Canada’s pandemic response was nothing short of spectacular.  Perhaps, second best after New Zealand and PM Jacinda Ardern’s response.  Canada didn’t hesitate, it acted. Unlike the Unite States with its endless haggling and failed two-party system, the Liberal government’s response was a work of art.  Among other programs, Liberals and the NDP offering a UBI for Canadians put out of work by the pandemic, along with aid to small businesses and large businesses alike.  In fact, Canada spent the most, comparatively, among its G7 peers, and it certainly could afford to do so because it had the lowest debt to GDP ratio… and holds an identical debt to GDP standing today.  In fact, S&P just confirmed Canada’s AAA credit rating. 


In its most recent budget, the Trudeau government is not standing down, it’s ramping up state spending: with green initiatives (green hydrogen captures my attention); national childcare programs that will unburden women and put them back to work (should they so desire); and Liberals are looking to increase the federal minimum wage to $15, and peg annual increases to inflation (essentially, taking future minimum wage hikes out of parliament’s hands).  Again, Canada’s government can afford to act aggressively, because unlike our southern neighbor, Canada doesn’t have a rabid – Wild West – banking system requiring continuous bailouts.  And unlike the United States, Canada doesn’t do endless wars… Wall St bailouts and Endless Wars have caused the US’ national debt to spiral out of control. (To such an extent, that a 4.4 trillion dollar bailout for Wall St, under the CARES Act, wasn’t added to America’s national debt, but rather, was called a ‘loan’…  the FED’s bloated balance sheet notwithstanding.)


I’m partial to Trudeau and the Liberals … they stand for women’s rights, gay rights, and are pushing the country in the correct direction on first nations and minority rights. The Liberal government legalized cannabis, which has been a godsend for jobs and provincial tax revenue.  After a sluggish start, the Liberal government is blowing away the majority of other G20 members in placing vaccine jabs into Canadian arms.  

On trade agreements, the Liberal government has entered into revised agreements, with a more nuanced perspective in favor of Canadian labor, and it favors a global minimum tax for tax dodging multinationals.  And in terms of making Canada safer, after a mass shooting in Nova Scotia, Trudeau outlawed automatic weapons.  


Zero drama, outlawed, done, finito: Mic drop. 


You can’t make this stuff up.  And as for my beloved United States… unmitigated chaos, a government in serious dysfunction & entirely corrupt, a billionaire welfare state, systemic looting by the oligarchy, a population riven in two, and racial problems on an unprecedented scale.  Congress shrugs and plays its Washington games.  And a newly elected POTUS, who talks a great game, but is chronically handicapping himself by reaching out to a political party – the GOP – that is hellbent upon Biden’s destruction.  


Trust me, on any number of fronts, I want to see the United States turn it around; not the least of which, I don’t want to see hell come spilling over the Canadian border from the South. 










At the end of the day, the Liberal party is no Democratic party.  PM Trudeau is his own man, and the Liberals, again, are genuinely progressive, indisputably successful.  Their instincts, generally, are to do the right thing.  But where Canadian democracy triumphs, and where the United States is clearly failing, is in the introduction of strong viable third parties. 


Here, the NDP should take a bow.  It’s one hell of a wingman.  And as a progressive wingman, Jagmeet Singh, not unlike an angel, sits on Mr. Trudeau’s shoulder encouraging the PM to adopt a more progressive path (it’s already in Trudeau’s DNA to do the right thing for Canadians). 


Personally, as a progressive, and when we see the United States without a national progressive party, and the Democratic party constantly failing the United States (constantly bailing out billionaires, while one in four American children live in poverty) … the importance of third parties cannot be underestimated. 


And the NDP, with nearly 18% national support (based upon current polling), is a credible threat… if say, some future Liberal PM was to start to lean too far right, too centrist, too corporate, too bellicose.  


The NDP is such a positive influence, I believe it impacts Canada’s Conservative party… imagine an American conservative leader asking his party to acknowledge climate change.  Not happening. 

And that’s perhaps my biggest takeaways:  Democracy is alive and well in Canada; the government is genuinely concerned about Canadians; the government executes & functions; and – crucially – Canada’s multi-party-political system is an insurance policy against the corruption, the heinous actions, the abject irresponsibility, and callous disregard for citizens (we see exhibited everyday by the FAILED TWO-PARTY SYSTEM within the Unites States).  


Third parties are desperately needed competition against an American political duopoly.  A duopoly that serves – exclusively - itself, billionaire ownership, and multinational ownership (and to the exclusion & complete detriment of the nation’s long term & citizens’ interests). 



Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2021