Sunday, June 2, 2019

Freedom Haters…

 Freedom Haters…

Our war on terror begins with Al Qaeda, but it does not end there.

They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.

They want to overthrow existing governments in many Muslim countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

By JM Hamilton (6-2-2019)

No George.  They don’t hate our freedoms.  The terrorists – outside of a few hardline ideologues - hated our support for Middle East dictatorships… despotic governments further serviced/supported by multinational oil interests, and the US military industrial complex & Wall Street finance.  They hate our hypocrisy: democracy in the US, and US backed tyranny throughout the Middle East.  Irony on top of ironies: Bush and the GOP, and the Dem establishment, sponsored & supported – and still do, to this very day – the terror state that exported radical fundamentalist Wahhabism, globally (the very same religion that is responsible for taking American soldiers’ lives). That terror state would, of course, be, Saudi Arabia.

But there’s a greater threat to America’s Constitution and freedom today, than Wahhabism & militant Islam.  (Not that radical Islam was ever a real US threat.)

No, America has its own Taliban right here at home.

History’s rhythms repeat over and over, never entirely identical, but often very similar.  Time, space, the globe: none of these are barriers to history’s repetition.  One of the more remarkable patterns is how religious minorities – fleeing persecution for their faith – arrive in a new world.  Not in every instance, but sometimes, the persecuted - although still a minority - come to power.  And instead of showing empathy for alternative beliefs & faiths, the formerly disenfranchised utilize their new found power to persecute other beliefs, creeds and religions, and legislate morality.

Let’s see how a few examples have played out:

Puritanical Christians free themselves from Catholicism and England, and head for the new world: where they promptly set up their own version of Sharia law, claim indigenous land as their own, and begin persecuting alternative beliefs and faiths.  Today, these very same fundamentalist – still believing that the world is gunning for them – control one of two parties w/in the US political duopoly (even though they are a minority and shrinking).  With single minded purpose, today’s Evangelicals (aka Charismatics & Puritans) vote for the Republican party – that shafts them economically, at every turn – but does their bidding when it comes to stacking SCOTUS.  This in turn, allows the zealots to establish, & legislate, an American fundamentalist theocracy from the bench, via a strict moral code.  Mock them at our peril, the Christian-right is still a major political force to be reckoned w/ in America.

Another example: Orthodox Jews flee Nazi Germany and a racist Europe/Russia to set up shop in a new land, Palestine.  Where over time, both the orthodox & the secular rebel against British colonial occupation, claim the land for themselves & subsequently gain more land through war, and engage in a war of attrition w/ the local Arab community - utilizing the Manifest Destiny playbook.  Today’s Haredim (ultra-Orthodox Jews), a relatively small minority (perhaps 10% of the population), wield exceptional economic and political power w/in the State of Israel.  The majority of Israelis play by the rules established by the Haredim, who have deemed themselves to be – again, not unlike US fundamentalist Christians – the sole arbiters and diviners of the Torah and God’s plan. The Haredim receive all kinds of benefits and favors from Israel’s socialist state, not the least of which is exemption from mandatory military service (that particular exemption, however, maybe coming to an end).  In terms of politics, the Haredim are kingmakers in one of the most powerful countries on the planet.

Example three:  Salafism and Wahhabism are two fundamentalist groups w/in the Sunni branch that many Muslims, likely, don’t want any part of; but here again, a small puritanical minority crush the grand party that is life, based upon their societal vision and religious code.  As w/ Sunnis, so goes the Shia… each Muslim branch, Sunni and Shia, has their own minority of zealots, who dictate morality, social mores, and depending upon the Middle East country, may wield exceptional political power. 

And the common denominator w/ all these Christian, Jewish, and Muslim hardliners, you guessed it: they desire, and sometimes achieve, strict adherence to their version of faith by everyone else; the establishment of theocracy or defacto-theocracy; the legislating and enforcement of their strict version of morality; patriarchy; religious fascism; homophobia; and misogyny (see the growing number of states legislating against abortion).

This is exactly the group of misanthropes you don’t want to hang out with; in fact, they really do deserve each other.  Combined, these fundamentalist groups are your freedom haters.  And the group all freedom loving Americans should be most afraid of is our own special brand of fundamentalist, the Charismatic and Evangelical faiths.

For the American Taliban, freedom is the enemy.  They can’t have women enjoying themselves, and in charge of their bodies & reproductive rights, why it’s a threat to patriarchy.  The fundamentalist can’t have homosexuals out of the closet. Homosexuality, or pansexuality, presents an unwelcome alternative, all too often, to a lifetime of being stuck in a dead end, loveless, heterosexual marriage (if what we read about divorce statistics, and declining marriage rates, is accurate).  The GOP’s assault upon the freedom of the press… America's Puritans have the Bible, guns, and Fox News.

Separation of church and state?  America's Puritans say, no thanks.  And apparently, to this tribe, the Constitution and the rule of law no longer matter either, not with Orange Capone in the White House.  And if Trump, the GOP, and the donor class robs their political base blind, and the death rate spirals out of control – from the Midwest overdosing on Purdue Pharma’s product – well, the ends justify the means.  

It’s been argued that the 9th and 14th Amendments combined protect persons from any infringement of life, liberty, and property by federal & state government, w/ out due process of law.  SCOTUS has also argued that just because a particular right is not enumerated w/in the Constitution, or The Bill of Rights, does not mean it doesn’t exist; but rather, the right, arguably, should be assumed to exist (as long as, said right does not infringe upon the life, liberty, and property of third parties).  Surely, the 14th Amendment meant for all persons to enjoy life, liberty, and happiness.  Surely, the 14th Amendment does not strictly apply to Christian fundamentalists and their world view, to the exclusion of everyone else. 

I’ll argue it again: these social problems are easy to resolve, if we can – as Christ encouraged – love our neighbors as ourselves.  Even if we can’t manage love, perhaps mutual respect & tolerance is a great start.  If one doesn’t want to have an abortion don’t have one.  Don’t want to be gay, don’t be gay.  Want to be a fundamentalist Christian, be one. (Christians are not being persecuted in this country; in fact, fundamentalists wield oppressive power.)  But no minority, or majority, should abridge the personal freedoms & liberties this country was founded upon and that have evolved over time.

And finally, here’s some really good and bad news.  First the good news: white evangelicals – fundamentalists – are dropping in numbers (alas, some business about mortality).  Their hold on power is, likely, to prove tenuous, as our youth reject organized religion and the number of Americans with no religious affiliation continues to rise.  Moreover, the post-Boomer generations are now beginning to vote in droves, and actually, are exceeding the votes cast by the Silent/Boomer generations at the polls.  The bad news is Trump is stacking the courts w/ radical right-wing jurists, who will be w/ us for the generation to come.  The worst news: our democracy is still rigged by the electoral college, and the Senate is still controlled by a group of hillbilly states, w/ grossly disproportionate representation.

Now, let’s backup, and ask ourselves, who benefits most from these prolonged, multi-generational, social wars - like the Christian right’s current push against abortion & reproductive rights - or even attacks on free speech and the press(?)… well that would be your friendly neighborhood multinational or plutocrat.  After all, anything that distracts from the unseemly accumulation of wealth (and prevents, or sucks the oxygen out of, Congress revisiting antitrust laws, regulations and the tax code) is a good day for the ultra-wealthy.

A dear lesbian friend of mine summed it up, recently.  Her comment was passionate, but I think her remark was both appropriate and a fitting response to the culture of fear & intimidation generated by America's Taliban:

These rural uneducated a**holes have too much power.


Please, if you love your children, and yourself, make sure you vote for a progressive in the coming election and primary season.  Time is not on their side, but the Puritans – w/ the support of POTUS Trump – are hell-bent upon rolling back the clock to make America great again.  America’s Taliban, via their SCOTUS time machine, seem to be aiming for the Antebellum South (circa 1830).

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2019

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Down at the Crossroads: Cory & the US Chamber

Down at the Crossroads: Cory & the US Chamber

ABC’s Jon Karl noted that Booker had just likened his colleague from Massachusetts to Trump. “I most certainly did not. She is my friend,” Booker replied. “Well, that’s what she’s saying,” the interviewer replied.

“Let her discuss and debate her positions,” Booker answered. “I'm telling you right now: We do not need a president that is going to use their own personal beliefs and tell you which companies we should break up.”

By JM Hamilton (5-18-2019)

Senator Booker made some interesting comments last weekend, on ABC’s This Week, concerning Senator Warren.  The bottom line, Senator Booker appeared to be aggrieved/incensed that presidential candidate Warren – like other POTUS candidates, and our current president – had called out some US cartels and monopolies (that not only dominate the economy, but thanks to the current state of campaign finance laws, in effect own federal & state governments).

Specifically, one of my favorite presidential candidates, Senator Warren, had called upon Amazon, Facebook, and Google to be broken up.  

Most un-presidential, Mr. Booker alluded and downright Trumpian.  

Spoken like a Senator, who’s behind in the polls against Warren, behind the times, and is, perhaps, way too cozy – like all Clintonistas and establishment Dems – w/ the corporate oligarchy.  Change is everywhere these days.  And while candidate Booker maybe unhappy with paradigm shift, how are things going to improve, if America’s leadership doesn’t identify a key source of America’s problems: US cartels & monopolies.  

All this reminds me of how true change often happens in America, often derived from presidential leadership and when we least expect it (through contrived events, political malpractice, often for political gain, and on rare occasion, because an opportunity for doing the right thing presents itself).  To that end, some key political events in my lifetime that altered the course of history and the nation:

August 2, 1964, Gulf of Tonkin: A false flag event utilized by LBJ to launch America into Vietnam. Setting a template for the Bush (W) administration and neocons for generations to come.

February 21, 1972: POTUS Nixon visits communist China, setting off the normalization of relations, which ultimately leads to China’s admittance into the WTO, and China becoming the world’s manufacturer.

August 22, 1996: Personal Responsibility of Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 is signed into law by POTUS Clinton. Thanks to a democrat, entitlement spending for the economically disenfranchised, and those in need, has been under assault ever since (either directly or indirectly through austerity).

November 12, 1999: The Gramm-Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA) is signed into law by POTUS Clinton.  GLBA ended Glass-Steagall and removed the last vestiges of keeping commercial banks, investment banks, security firms, and insurance companies separate; stripped the SEC of regulatory authority over bank holding companies; and set in motion the 2008 financial crisis.  The ramifications of the financial crisis & the GLBA – not the least of which is catastrophic national debt, and Wall Street banking’s further consolidation into cartel – are with us to this very day. 

October 7, 2001, Operation Enduring Freedom:  POTUS Bush (W) launches airstrikes – not against Saudi Arabia, whose citizens flew into the World Trade Center & the Pentagon – but against Afghanistan.  In 2003, citing another false flag allegation (this time, weapons of mass destruction were the pretext), the Bush Administration invades Iraq.  To this very day, and some $6 trillion dollars later, the US remains mired in endless war, no WMD were ever found, and Hussein was not responsible for the formation of Al Qaeda.  Neocon John Bolton, who played no small role in the Bush White House & was a cheerleader for the War on Terror, is today POTUS Trump’s national security advisor. Mr. Bolton’s plans for Iran are very much in the news.

January 20, 2017:  POTUS Trump is sworn into office, and on Trump’s third day, he signs an executive order w/drawing America from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations.  Hence, ushering in the end of free trade – as we’ve known it for decades – and in particular, multilateral trade agreements.  The Chicago School of Economics’ free trade, globalism, & neoliberalism dogma (and against the interests of the multinational international order) are called into question, as never before.

The key point that runs through many of the aforementioned moments in history is that a Democratic & Republican President acted against their political party’s established & understood norms (at least as comprehended by the electorate), and in the process irrevocably changed the course of the nation and their political party’s ideological & political trajectory.  In other words, only an ardent anti-communist, like Nixon, could have gotten away w/ the opening of relations w/ communist China.  Only POTUS Clinton could have turned loose Wall Street greed, as a business model, and rolled back government assistance for the poor. Having spent part of the 20thcentury as isolationists, it took George W. Bush – w/ the help of neocons – to launch America into bankrupting & endless warfare (enriching the MIC, at the expense of austerity for the American people); and nearly two decades later, Americans have precious little to show for these foreign adventures, but catastrophic national debt, US military war dead, and a foreign civilian/collateral damage body count that appears to be merely the MIC's operational model.

Likewise, say what one will about POTUS Trump (as many liberals know, there’s plenty to say), it took a Republican president to finally standup against: America’s cartels & monopolies (globalism defined); their primary advocate, the US Chamber of Commerce; and begin to challenge and rollback free trade as we have known it.  Trump set in place a marker, for both establishment political parties, to question: what have decades of Corporate & Wall Street rule done to this country and our democratic government?  (There is little doubt that progressives have been asking these same questions about the ramifications of free trade, globalism, and kleptocracy for decades, and advocating change; but POTUS Trump was the first to obtain power, and – disagree w/ his methods, sure – actually act upon the problem.)

Many of these key events not only reversed political norms for the party in charge of the executive branch, but would also come to be adopted, co-opted, or were already the established position of the political party out of power.  Hence, further backing the belief that when it comes to economic and FP matters, there is little that separates the two established political parties (both are in the thrall of donor demands).

Senator Booker, arguably, has not caught up w/ the times; he’s still down at the crossroads working out a Faustian bargain w/ monopolies and the US Chamber.  The senator and many establishment Dems still believe - or up until very recently believed - that a neocon/neolib agenda remains perfectly acceptable.  

How dare Senator Warren question monolithic multinationals and threaten to breakup some of America’s most powerful monopolies, despite the fact that many of these organizations define diseconomies of scale, and all too often present great ethical challenges & failure.  Mr. Booker deserves attention for his allegiance to multinational America, the private equity business model that has eviscerated the American Dream, and the funding he takes in from these very organizations.  In fairness to Senator Booker, he’s not alone.  There are many other Dem candidates engaged in similar idolatry and with similar histories: that is, resigned acceptance that pay to play is the norm, in order to get things done; and we, as a nation, must bend over backwards to provide the corporate and multinational community anything and everything they ask for (despite the offshoring of jobs, the hollowing out of the middle class, and the wage & wealth inequality that has resulted).   

Progressive politicians – like Senators Sanders & Warren, and Representative Gabbard – can believe in America and capitalism, but also believe that in their present incarnation, and excesses of same, American democracy and capitalism must be reformed, so as to work for everyone.  It is only natural then, and appropriate, for Senator Warren to call out the tech utilities, and America’s monopolies, as so many other candidates have done.

Identifying America’s key problems – the unchecked power of monopolies, and corporate rule - doesn’t make Senator Warren a bad POTUS candidate, or even Trumpian.  

The fact is cartel, globalism, monopoly, and neoliberalism have been disastrous for the American economy, labor, and our government; but simultaneously, a limitless gravy train for politicians from both establishment parties.  This fact has yet to be fully accepted by many members of the political establishment (particularly candidate Biden, who would return the US to the very same playbook that has ruined the nation).  

Hence, the bizarre optics of Senator Booker – a social liberal – clinging to and embracing what William F. Buckley once called Anarcho-Totalitarianism (aka the disaster that is the unregulated laissez faire economy, further weaponized by financialization and record private & public sector debt). 

That is to say, the neolib agenda.  

The Republican party’s schism, and the Tea party movement, arrived nearly a decade before the Democratic party’s populist revolt, led by Senators Sanders & Warren.  But the impact is the same, the realization that biz as usual – as conducted by multinational America, & their advocate, the US Chamber – is no longer acceptable. 

Messrs. Biden & Booker, and House Speaker Pelosi, et al., please take note.  You’re swimming against the tide of history.

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2019