Saturday, February 17, 2024

Alberta: Punching Down

Alberta: Punching Down

The wealthiest 20 percent of households controlled more than two-thirds - nearly 68 percent – of the total net worth in Canada in the first quarter of 2023, while the least wealthy 40 percent accounts for 2.7 percent, the federal agency reported on Tuesday. 


-       Gap between Canada’s rich and poor increasing at record speed, new StatCan data shows. – Toronto Star


By Gregg Wall (2-17-2024)


In Alberta one can escape to the mountains, enjoy sunlit snowcapped Rockies, pristine lakes of jaw dropping beauty, some of the finest nature in the world… but sooner or later one must come down from the mountains, catch up on current events, and have one’s zen entirely crushed by the United Conservative Party or UCP. 


This ‘libertarian’ party is absolutely breathtaking in its gross mismanagement of the Alberta economy and provincial government.  Its rank hypocrisy, duplicity, and essentially de facto, or overriding, ethos can best be described as The Policy of Punching Down.  For this is a government by and for Big Oil & Gas - and the wealthy - and if the public gets runover and backed over repeatedly so be it. 


Presently Alberta is faced with a large number of crises, far too many to go into here today.  But a small sampling would include: out-of-control rent explosion, among the highest in Canada; a healthcare crisis, where doctors are fleeing the province and rural doctors are closing up shop (Part of Premier Smith’ privatization scheme?  Run the docs out of Alberta and then let the corporations take over?); soaring utilities, food costs, and auto insurance premiums.  


Notice a pattern?  The UCP/libertarian government means that the government will not intervene, the government will remain small, and the government will not interfere in predatory monopolies' and utilities' ability to rip-off Alberta consumers (no matter how high poverty and food bank usage soars).  Powerful, wealthy corporate interests operate freely, unhindered to score record profits, thanks to the provincial government. There’s just one problem.  Many of these powerful interests have no market… in industries such as electric utilities, Big Oil & Gas and fossil fuels are the market.  To emphasize, there is no market, there is no price discovery, there are no competitors, and where some competition remains, there is often collusion and price fixing.  Nothing but hegemonic control over government, prices, wages, and services & products offered. 


And who gets punished and taken advantage of (?)...   Alberta families, children, consumers, and labour.  It’s disgusting. 


There’s that policy of punching down.  


To combat and thwart any allegations of favoring the rich and pander to UCP’ elderly, far-right, and rural base of support, Premier Smith loves to attack Ottawa, especially on half-hearted & often pathetic attempts to regulate fossil fuels.  The irony is that the Trudeau government and Liberal Party is in the pocket of fossil fuels.  The Trudeau government delivers all manner of support for the Oil & Gas industry… from hundreds of millions to clean up orphan wells to buying a pipeline.  It all adds up to a massive transfer of wealth from the Canadian taxpayer, by the Trudeau government, to Big Oil & Gas.  So, while UCP and the Libs in Ottawa engage in theatrical debates & political food fights…giving journalists and talking heads something to write about & discuss…  the Canadian oil & gas industry enjoys all manner of taxpayer funded subsidies and scores record profits.  

Meanwhile, Canada burns


Premier Smith has also turned the libertarian principles of small, limited government, and market preeminence on its head, when she attacked the renewable energy industry and placed the industry on six-month hiatus.  It turns out that small, limited government only applies to Big Oil & Gas, powerful monopolies, and utilities.  Small, limited government does not apply to the renewables industry that is a direct affront to Big Oil & Gas’ monopolistic profit taking.  After all, competition from renewable energy could drag down utility rates, prices at the pump, and raise the standard of living for Alberta’s families, and we certainly can’t have that.

There’s that policy of punching down again.  


But wait, it gets better.  Not content to allow Big Biz to rip off Alberta consumers and families, Premier Smith – consistent with the rabid right-wing in the United States, whom the Premier adores – has decided that ‘libertarian freedom and limited government’ doesn’t apply to gay and transitioning children.  That’s right, family autonomy, freedom, and parental decision making are under attack in Alberta, because Premier Smith’s base of support gets off on theocracy and attacking trans youth.  As if these children's lives weren’t complicated enough. 


What does all this chaos add up to… and as I wrote earlier in the piece, I’ve just scratched the surface… it adds up to a failed government, a failed economy that does not serve the citizens of Alberta but does serve a privileged few. 


Premier Smith’s special brand of chaos… and her preeminent, de facto policy of punching down… often serves as smokescreen from discussion on real reforms, necessary reforms that Canada and Alberta desperately need: first and foremost on failed neoliberalism & crony government; the transfer of Canadian taxpayer wealth to the privileged & powerful, that least need it; structural defects in a monopoly economy; and structural defects in federal and provincial governments that serve exclusively, the monopoly economy. 


All this, while Canadians' standards of living drop and wealth inequality soars.  How’s that libertarian government… a government by and for the rich… working out, Alberta?  How’s that neoliberal government in Ottawa… a government by and for the rich… working out, Canada? 


Can you see the difference?  On the economy and letting powerful corporate interests take advantage of hardworking Canadians, there’s zero difference between Alberta’s libertarian government and Ottawa’s neoliberal government. 



Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2024

Saturday, February 3, 2024

American Fascism on the March

American Fascism on the March 


“I think … some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere,” Pelosi said. “Some, I think, are connected to Russia. And I say that having looked at this for a long time now, as you know.”


-       Pelosi faces criticism for suggesting some pro-Palestinian protesters are connected to Russia, CNN

Pelosi told the Code Pink activists outside her home in October to “go back to China” where their “headquarters” are.

-       WATCH: Rep. Pelosi tells pro-Palestinian protesters to “go back to China” -Fox


By Gregg Wall (2-3-2024)


What a week… can it get any more outrageous?  Given the two fascist political parties in Washington, the answer is a guaranteed: Yes.  To give some idea of just how rotted out U.S. leadership has become, former House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, went on a tear this week.  Seems that Nancy’s Pacific Heights palace, in beautiful San Francisco, is being rocked by Pro-Palestinian protests.  Not one to mince words, Nancy told the protestors to go back to their China headquarters… she used similar language on Sunday morning to suggest anti-war protestors were controlled by Putin. 


I’ve long speculated that the corporates and oligarchy that funds & grooms these candidates & politicians aren’t looking for the best and brightest, but rather those who will play ball, won’t rock the boat, and will bow, scrape, & follow orders (given by their corporate masters). A certain ability to sell the duopoly's and oligarchy's lies is also a plus.  Those Americans of independent thought, and that genuinely care for the nation, need not apply to either major political party. War, of course, being big business in the United States, Ms. Pelosi feels the need to defend America’s atrocious child genocide, underway all these many months in Gaza.  AIPAC has their hooks so deep into the U.S. congress that the House and Senate are virtually indistinguishable from the Israeli Knesset Eighty percent of American democrats favor a ceasefire and a greater percentage in congress favor mass murder and giving Bibi unlimited rein to commit unspeakable crimes against Palestinian children, women, and unarmed civilians.  This genocide is being live streamed and is opening a lot of eyes, as to what constitutes Zionism. 


Of course, I’ve written about Speaker Pelosi before, read here.  The former speaker’s arrogance is on an unimaginable scale, given how badly she performed her job.  Among her more notable achievements, playing a key role in: running up the national debt to $38 trillion; funding numerous wars & indiscriminate bombings; dodging real debate on the state of America’s disastrous fiscal affairs by passing CR after CR, omnibus spending measure after omnibus measure (passing said spending bills at the 11th hour); financing profligate, unaudited military spending; seemingly countless Wall St bailouts; tax cuts for the rich; supply-side economics… basically being a shill for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  If high net worth individuals or corporate fascists wanted it, the speaker was there to oblige them, posthaste.  Nancy, of course, is responsible for rancid Obamacare… welfare for healthcare insurance companies and the continued privatization & exploitation of the most expensive healthcare in the West.  The speaker might as well as have worked directly for the Republican Party, which she adores & funds.  All this while using her office to grow catastrophically wealthy on stock market & Wall St. trades, based upon insider knowledge gained from her job (which Nancy denies). 


But turning back to Nancy’s comments, that citizens who are sick and tired of austerity, while congress funds endless colonialism, genocide, and wars… must clearly work for China or Russia… Pelosi’s comments show a brazenness, callousness, and racism that we see throughout Washington.  A forgetfulness that politicians serve Americans, and not the other way around.  Nancy’s comments are a symbol of a political party in terminal decline, deep into corruption (which is largely ignored by the equally corrupt, corporate MSM), and the former speaker may have cost her party dearly in the next election (already weighted down by a failed president, gerontocracy, and a train wreck economy). 


Given that AIPAC and the Israeli government exhibits an extraordinary chokehold on party leadership and the U.S. government, one would think the Speaker would have been more guarded in her remarks.  For it’s not the 80% of American democrats calling for a ceasefire, an end to murdering thousands of children, that needs to be investigated by the FBI, but our entire congress for control and manipulation by a foreign government. 


An Israeli government, led by Netanyahu, that is also entirely corrupt.  A Netanyahu government that holds up Holocaust dead, as a shield, for genocide (which the U.S. government funds & supplies on the taxpayer’s dime).  By simple math American corruption plus Israeli government corruption equals disaster, as the recent ICJ ruling demonstrated.  America and Israel are neck deep in the murder of innocents and a seemingly endless bombing campaign … perhaps this is what really set nana off?


The thought somewhere in the back of Nancy’s mind of spending these last remaining glory years, not writing her memoirs, giving speeches surrounded by adoring sycophants, & day trading… but spending real time behind bars?

America should be so fortunate.


Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2024

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Picking Winners & Losers: Davos 2024

Picking Winners & Losers: Davos 2024


As we finish up this year’s World Economic Forum confab and the security barriers start coming down, it’s worth reflecting on the main takeaways. The vibe was unbridled optimism in every corner of finance and business. Bankers from Stifel Financial Corp. to JPMorgan Chase & Co. offered grand dreams for a rebound after a drought of initial public offerings, mergers and riskier debt sales.


-       Bad News Behind Davos Optimism Is That It’s Usually Wrong, Bloomberg


By Gregg Wall (1-20-2024)


Another billionaire, masters of the universe confab has come and gone, hosted by Ubermensch, Klaus Schwab.  The winners of a planet in flames, a world choking on private jet exhaust were all here, in Davos, Switzerland.  Having entirely bought out Western governments in Europe, Great Britain, and North America… and having reduced democracy to ash… the banker and business leaders of the world had all come together this week (along with second class, managerial class politicians, many of whom are absurdly & mysteriously wealthy in their own right) to give themselves a big, fat pat on the back. 


This year’s theme: Rebuilding Trust.  Which is an interesting enough theme, given that billionaires are all gods among us mere mortals.  What could have given these rarified creatures, these unicorns of wealth & privilege, pause, given their infallible status?


Surely, it couldn’t be a burning planet, a flooding Earth, as a direct result of the fossil fuels the Davos grandees absolutely refuse to stop pumping from the ground. 


Perhaps it’s the division and distrust surrounding corporate media outlets they own.  You know.  Corporate media more noted for disinformation, selling the elite narrative, selling wars & propaganda, spawning fear & loathing, fear of missing out, and dread… and keeping the world & societies conspicuously divided…. than imparting accurate news and information about our epically failed Davos gods and goddesses.


Maybe it’s the failed neoliberal paradigm, the greed-based international order, which have caused Western workers to organize and go on strike (with broad public approval).  Price gouging, corporate greed, and monopoly formation have taken a catastrophic toll upon global economies, as has Davos man.


Who knows…  maybe it’s the gutting of public services, like the NHS in Great Britain or Medicare for All in Canada, to pay for tax cuts for the rich, corporate welfare, and privatization schemes that has caused the public to lose trust in the billionaire class and the politicians & judges they own?


It couldn’t be endless, for-profit wars and record arms sales… the masters of evil at Davos are all cashing in on.  Genocide, land grabs, colonialism, mangled children’s bodies in Gaza and blatant Israeli white supremacy are altogether common… the public couldn’t possibly be upset about this?  Surely, the public understands, if the private sector and neoliberalism no longer can hit the GDP mark, best to pivot to more catastrophic spending and that great socialist endeavor: endless, for-profit war?


Austerity?  Is austerity a threat to trust and the oligarchy's stewardship?  Endless war and catastrophic private & public debt…. a/k/a the great transfer of wealth to the Davos elite… provides an outstanding excuse for endless austerity.  Peace dividend?  Not a chance, the Davos gang and their errand runners, the political class, have another for-profit war to fund.  Endless austerity for the poor, endless socialism for the rich couldn’t have set the public on edge?


Rebuilding trust?  Please.  Davos man and the multinational utilities have destroyed all trust, burned the bridges of trust, lay torches to the ships of trust in the harbor: the fraud that is the Western political duopoly; corporate MSM’ unremitting support for the slaughter in Gaza, the Ukraine, and parts of Africa; endless socialism and welfare for billionaires & corporations… all of it exposed. 


So, in the end, it should come as no surprise, given the merry band of psychopaths that attend Davos every year, that they all decided to shrug it off, sip champagne, and declare victory.  And embrace eternal optimism.  No need to modify a thing.  Let the polycrisis roll. 


After all, when you commodify & monetize every catastrophe on the planet, when humanity is your chew toy… life is sweet for the monsters of Davos. 


The fact that the masters of the universe, the Ubermensch, have created headwinds of catastrophic debt, entirely corrupt governments, financial engineering & speculation, top heavy oligarchy, banker thieves, monopolies, a burning, flooding planet, endless wars, endless austerity… is just a means for further profit taking at humanity' expense.  And if fiat currencies become abused, debased, mauled…  no problem.  The wealthy have already arbitraged that risk by purchasing the planet. 








On a final note, academics, business leaders, even Davos man… sometimes become upset when governments pick winners and losers, showering businesses and billionaires with vast sums of public money (say for a new sports stadium, free land, or tax concessions).


But these same critics & individuals do not wince, when billionaires… many grown catastrophically wealthy by means of the state & socialism… pick winners and losers.  When these Davos gods select governments to place an ever-shrinking pool of businesses, jobs, monopolies, and utilities with (say Alberta, Florida, or Texas).  Invariably, not only does the oligarchy extract socialism and welfare from a government, but they also demand ideological & neoliberal purity.


Creatures of the state, billionaires & multinationals are the state.  Products of the state, made obscenely wealthy by the state, Davos man has distorted & mauled: democracy, free will, free speech, our news and information systems, the economy, social media, and universities to serve their own ends.  Oligarchy/Kleptocracy has contaminated and polluted everything… not just the air, water, and the planet… in the name of greed. 


If only citizens throughout the West… the public, labor… could pull it together long enough (stop attacking one another) to address the ultimate threat to humanity: Davos man and their cult of greed. 


It’s time for the public to stop worshipping wealth and the wealthy…  and pick their own winner.  That would be themselves.


Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2024