Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dumbed Down Madness: You see, there’s that annoying thing for the GOP, and the plutocracy that pulls it strings, called democracy.

Dumbed Down Madness

“We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. “    – George Orwell

By J.M. Hamilton (4-20-12)

Question:    When did the Republican Party begin to advocate “dumbing down” and turning off on higher education?

Answer:   The GOP embraced this concept with the realization that those fortunate enough to enjoy a higher education were fleeing their Party, and migrating to the opposition by a considerable margin.

We get the following from the April 1st New York Times, in a story by Mr. Thomas Edsall, The Politics of Going to College:

“In 1984, those with college and advanced degrees made up 35.3 percent of the electorate. Reagan’s strongest margins were among the college educated, who backed him over Walter F. Mondale by a crushing 62.7-36.9 margin. Among all those with both college and advanced degrees, Reagan won 58.7 percent, a landslide margin.

Jump to 2008. Even though those with college degrees made up 27.9 percent of the population that year, they cast 45 percent of the presidential vote. These voters register and go to the polls in substantially higher numbers than the less well educated.

By 2008, the Republican advantage of the early 1980s among voters with a college degree or higher had disappeared. Barack Obama carried this demographic with 54.1 percent. He beat McCain 50-48 among those with bachelor’s degrees, and by a decisive 58-40 among the 17 percent of the 2008 electorate with post-graduate degrees.”

But the bad news for Republicans doesn’t stop there, women are amassing college degrees and embracing knowledge in greater numbers then men; and as we all know, per recent polls, women favor President Obama, over the presumed Republican nominee, by a double-digit margin.

The Republican Party is, of course, a two trick pony: But President Obama has shown the GOP how to conduct foreign policy and eliminate thugs and villains (with stealth and special forces; and not with Republican favored cost inefficient and amoral defense policies, such as: ready to use standing armies; invasion, occupation, nation building; and redundant budget breaking military departments and weapon systems).  As for the economy (the Republican Party’s second trick – and a really nasty one at that), it is possibly on the mend under a Democratic administration, despite enormous economic and fiscal head winds – see the “PS” below.  With a monopoly constrained economy possibly perking up, the GOP – via Rick Santorum – trotted out the only issues that still divide Americans, forty to fifty year old social issues.  And in the process this regressive may have fired up his base, but he ran off the majority of women voters and gave independents serious pause and second thoughts.  No wonder the GOP, in recent weeks, had done everything in its power to shelve Mr. Santorum’s campaign.

And what did the reactionary Mr. Santorum have up his sleeve next…  the disenfranchisement of women, or perhaps he wanted to bring back the poll tax?

Americans, the educated and uneducated, Republican and Democrat, actually agree on a great deal.  Americans, red and blue, all want a healthy economy, fiscally sound Federal and State governments, good roads and bridges, a responsible military defense, and last but certainly not least, an affordable and decent education for their children and grand children.  And of course, there is America’s love affair with entitlement spending.  To which the astute and wise Barney Frank recently commented in New York Magazine:  “Yeah, they want more from government, but they don’t want to pay for it.”

Today’s Republican leadership isn’t interested in what unites us, however.  No, the GOP, in its present incarnation, is only interested in their core constituency, the one percent; and of course, amassing and maintaining power at your expense, trashing government (via “borrow and spend” policies), taking away private and public benefits and democratic power from the ninety-nine – to be redistributed to the one percent, and maintaining a dysfunctional tax system that benefits their core constituency.  Of course, key to their success is maintaining their base within the ninety-nine percent – you see, there’s that annoying thing for the GOP, and the plutocracy that pulls it strings, called democracy.

The economic ruin created by three decades of Republican Party’s laissez faire ideology – if Japan is any example – will take decades to heal.  But as mentioned in our last editorial, the presumptive GOP nominee, “Mr. Severe,” wants to continue this failed doctrine, so that his buddies in Private Equity can continue to raid and loot businesses and short their tax payments, globally.  Again, at your expense.

To continue their failed policies the GOP will continue to push fear, specious declamation, and disinformation; but in order for this to work it must prey upon an under-educated electorate.  Ipso facto, with educated citizens fleeing the Party in droves, the Republican’s core has become, in some instances:  the cerebrally enfeebled, the frightened, and under educated Americans.  All of which might explain the dearth of fresh ideas, and the uniformity of opinions coming out of the Party.

Of course, going back to the Greeks, the whole premise supporting democracy, as a form of government, is that an educated and informed public will make up the constituency.

No wonder Mr. Santorum, and Mr. Severe, do not want you to enjoy a higher education…. Because, gosh darn it, you just might begin to engage in some critical thinking and analysis on your own, instead of buying into the GOP’s failed fables and fear.

As noted in the aforementioned Times piece:

“President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to college. What a snob,” Santorum told a Tea Party meeting in Troy, Mich., on Feb. 25. “I understand why he wants you to go to college. He wants to remake you in his image.”

What both GOP candidates fail to mention at the same time they are trashing higher education is that they themselves, both Messrs. Romney and Santorum, are products of higher education and in possession of rather distinguished degrees.  My guess is neither of these men would have made it quite as far in life without their education; that is to say, neither appears overly gifted with natural talent, mental or physical.  Nor has either candidate mentioned the general but often direct correlation between a higher education and income.

And only somebody with fiscally and morally bankrupt economic and foreign policies would resort to sophistry, and equate education with snobbery.  Those affected by snobbery are everywhere these days, including demagogues, the religiously and socially intolerant, and the under-educated (call it reverse snobbery if you will, but it’s all the same, it stems from pride).

But that’s what today’s Republican Party has become, a toxic, bile filled bag, spewing anger, animosity, and discord (just observe the Senate minority leadership).  For the good of the nation, let’s hope this current brand of GOP leadership stays in the minority.

And the truly sad part in all this?  This nation needs a strong, rationale, and dare I say it – highly educated – Republican Party to keep the Democratic Party’s worst impulses in check.

But for the moment, if you happen to be highly educated – or just like to keep up on current events, engage in learning for your own betterment, or even perhaps like to think for one’s self (shucks, maybe your just curious) – than per the GOP, you are defective, obviously an elitist, and quite possibly a threat to the Republican Party’s hopes to retake the White House.

We should heed well Mr. Santorum’s advice and continue to let him and the plutocracy call the shots, after all look what it has yielded: their enrichment and our enslavement.

(What’s that?  Doubt you’re enslaved?  Look at the never ending rounds of bank bailouts at taxpayer expense – both front and back door; rising gas prices at the pump – when this nation has all but achieved energy independence under the Obama administration; and the declining purchasing power of the dollar.  These are all examples of taxes upon your wallet that you have little or no say over, but must contend with and navigate daily.  But unlike the President, the Congress or the Senate, you can’t vote for the CEO – or the CEO’s pay package – at Goldman Sachs, Exxon, or Citi…not even if you’re a stockholder.)

It is so much better to deny learning, keep your blinders on, and embrace ignorance and bliss, so that you can be more easily exploited by the plutocracy that has hijacked the GOP, and thanks to the Supreme Court, the democratic process itself.

 “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
–      George Orwell

Interesting how yesterday’s toxic assets, CDO’s and MBS, have earned renewed cache from their creators the banks, as well as hedge funds, mutual funds, private equity, and wealthy investors.  The fix must be in… therefore, don’t count on seeing any universally restructured mortgages, debt forgiveness on same, or a spirited economic recovery anytime soon.  This same cadre – populated and managed as often as not by GOP heavy hitters – has done everything in its power to run President Obama out of power, via capital strike, commodity speculation and manipulation (read: inflation), and with a little help from Big Oil, sending gas prices at the pump ever higher. A President Romney would only encourage this group, and embrace the very policies that trashed this nation and Europe in 2008 to the present day. 

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2013

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