Saturday, April 28, 2018

Macron Fails to Look in the Mirror

Macron Fails to Look in the Mirror

“I do not want to belong to a generation of sleepwalkers. I do not want to belong to a generation that will have forgotten its own past or that will refuse to see the torments of its own present,” he said. “I want to belong to a generation that has decided firmly to defend its democracy.”

By J.M. Hamilton (4-28-2018)

French President Emmanuel Macron – former investment banker - visited the United States this week, and gave a speech before Congress (the speech was both elegant & entertaining).  He recently gave a very similar speech before the European Parliament, in which he railed against the decline of democracy, free trade, and multilateralism (And perhaps a little more circumspect or less overt, many European leaders have lamented the decline of the US empire and rising talk of US disengagement w/ the world).

As reported in the Washington Post: 

And he’s right.  To some degree centrist parties have had it handed to them in Germany, Italy, and yes, even France (where Macron road an angry wave that eviscerated France’s two centrist parties).  In the US voters in 2016 turned to POTUS Trump, and Senator Sanders, and rejected establishment candidates but for one.  (That Trump has reversed himself - on many populist issues - and has adopted the US Chamber’s, and Biz Roundtable’s, agenda is another story.)

Where Macron, and centrist parties, fail is in naming the reasons why citizens throughout the West are rejecting: free trade; establishment political parties; neoliberalism; and w/in the U.S., our global empire.  Nor does Macron offer solutions to the rise of nationalism, and voters turning to far right political parties, and in no few instances embracing Green Party and socialist politicians (who certainly have better ideas & solutions, than the discord, division, & hatred offered up by the fascists, and the status quo afforded by establishment political parties).

Mr. Macron is dead wrong.  We are not sleepwalking away from democracy, we know full well why democracy and neoliberalism are failing.  And the answers are simple… indeed, right before Mr. Macron’s nose, if he only cared enough to look or provide a honest appraisal.  Then again, when Mr. Macron refers to democracy, perhaps he’s referring to the current rigged system, where politicians are owned and respond almost exclusively to the billionaire class.

The bottom line is centrist parties - along w/ democracy, itself - have been captured throughout the West by an unscrupulous billionaire class, and owned politicians, in turn, have failed the people.

Economically, corporations and multinationals have been allowed to consolidate so that Western economies are dominated by oligopoly and utilities.  These utilities - w/ the help of “democratic” government - have crushed labor, wages have stagnated, and far too many people live a precarious day-to-day existence.

Likewise, few Americans have any vested interest in our global empire, aimless wars w/out end, and failed nation building.  Moreover, one cannot pick up a paper - or examine the news flow - w/out reading how yet another defense contractor is shafting the American taxpayer again, w/ cost over runs, fraud, and weapons systems that don’t work. 

In the US, the plutocracy has voted themselves tremendous welfare, in the form of tax relief, while sticking the tab to future generations and an ever-shrinking middle class.

No wonder voters throughout the West have had it with neoliberalism, which is shorthand for socialism for plutocrats: bank bailouts; crony government; free trade agreements negotiated behind closed doors that lead to the offshoring of labor and tax avoidance; capture of fiscal, monetary, & trade policies; and the monopoly – rip off - economy.

Guess what Jupiter?  Until Western leaders take that honest self-assessment and act to make our economies - and governments - work for the people, desperate citizens will reach further left & right (beyond owned centrist parties), reject multilateralism, and seek to close open borders at a time jobs have become scarce and the living experience for far too many in the West has become hopeless.  As for Macron’s dream of greater pan-European control by the EU, the people no longer trust their own national governments.  They certainly aren’t going to want to report into - or cede greater authority to - a government in Brussels.  An EU government that is greatly removed from the accountability of the common citizen.

Western leaders - and governments - aren't falling for a deadly illusion.  They're falling over barrels of money and billionaires.

Multinationals are said to prize stability… great for operating margins and hitting analyst expectations.  

It should come as no surprise then, that Western citizens also pine for stability; that is to say, a steady paycheck that pays a living wage, and the absurd notion - particularly w/in the US - that they not go bankrupt from medical expense.  But democratic governments - coopted and owned by the wealthy, along w/ globalization & technology run amok - are proving anything but stable for the 99%. 

Which means the world the 1% have created - for themselves - is unstable for the kleptocracy.

In fact, democracy, free trade/globalization, the foreign policy establishment - that applies the US military as a one size fits all solution to every global problem – may have sewn the seeds of their own destruction, because it only works for the few.  Crony democracy is no substitute for democratic institutions and political parties that look out for the people.  Cheap goods dumped on US shores - brought to you by globalization and monopolies - aren’t worth a nickel to citizens, who don’t possess jobs, or who possess jobs that fail to pay a living wage. 

As for war w/out end, in case Mr. Macron failed to notice, the US is bankrupt.  America can no longer pick up the foreign policy/national security tab for Europe.  It is worth noting, US involvement in the Middle East has created a refugee crisis that Europe will be dealing w/ for decades to come.

Within the US, there’s a lesson for the Democratic Party.  To wit, keep pandering to banksters, the tech giants in Silicon Valley, and the military industrial complex, and the blue wave you’re likely to ride in November may break early and recede.  Leaving failed GOP-Lite economic policies exposed, gasping for oxygen, and stranded on the beach.  It’s not enough for Dems to be liberal on social issues.  They are going to need to find ways to make the economy, & government, work for the people again, and that likely means upsetting some members of the oligarchy/donor class.  

Quelle horreur!

As for the malaise Macron correctly identifies but then fails to address, thank you establishment political parties.  Thank you kleptocrats that own and operate decaying democracies throughout the West.  

You broke it… now its time to own it, and fix it. 

If you think authoritarian or totalitarian regimes are the way to go…look at what they do to billionaires in Saudi Arabia.

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2018

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