Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Second Coming of Hillary: Wall Street Joe Biden

The Second Coming of Hillary: Wall Street Joe Biden

A lot of folks are worried that the American Dream is literally slipping from their grasp.  That bargain, that drove the most successful economic engine in the world, that bargain is pretty simple. If you contribute to the welfare of the outfit you work with, you got to share your benefits. If an enterprise hit hard times, everyone took the hit, from the CEO to the secretary. But folks, the only people who benefit now, because that bargain was broken, are the CEOs.

-        Washington Post

By JM Hamilton (5-5-2019)

One has to give today’s Republican party credit.  At least they’re highly transparent.  Outside of the Trump campaign’s right-wing populist schtick, the GOP is very clear that they have nothing but contempt, and demonstrate complete mendacity, towards any American who is not a member of the donor class, especially minorities & women.  Economic, monetary, regulatory, judicial, tax policies… They're all premised on making the rich richer, and letting it trickle down from there.  Socialism for the exceptionally wealthy, the GOP has that covered.

Establishment Dems, on the other hand, from POTUS Clinton forward (depending upon the Dem politician, sometimes predating Clinton), have been talking out of both sides of their mouths.  Depending upon the candidate or the politician – liberal on social issues – offering up hope for the everywoman & man, and then, unexpectedly, once office is obtained, out comes the shiv.  Conveniently, once said establishment Dem obtains power, on economic & foreign policy, there’s not a great deal of daylight between them and the GOP.  That is to say, establishment Dems can be counted on to adopt the donor class’ neolib/neocon agenda.  Witness presidents Clinton and Obama, or equally revealing, the voting record of Senator Biden, as we are about to analyze momentarily.

Ever since the 2016 election, Dem donors and establishment politicians have been in denial.  They believe Russian interference caused Hillary to lose, or use her gender as an excuse for her defeat (and there may be some elements of truth in those arguments, but they are not the primary reasons HRC lost) ...  instead of acknowledging the fact that Americans were tired of false promises and hope, and seeing the Dem establishment cater to billionaires, foreign governments, multinationals, and the deep state.  The political establishment’s denial is understandable, since the Democratic party rakes in millions from individuals with considerable means, as well as, multinationals.  Moreover, centrist Dems and the MSM, owned by billionaires & multinationals, believe – or are at least pushing the propaganda - that there’s no possibility that a true progressive could be elected to the White House in 2020.  They collectively use the fear tactic that a true progressive nominee would lead to a second Trump term.

Hence, the strange optics of the Dem establishment wheeling out Joe Biden – a Hillary clone, if there ever was one - for a 2020 run & presumably, Unca Joe’s coronation.  Call it the establishment’s –-- used to controlling both parties’ presidential candidates –-- Hail Mary.  The fact that Joe ran for POTUS twice before, and lost, seems immaterial to the highly desperate.

As for the Washington Post quote above… no it’s not Senators Sanders or Warren, but rather, Joe Biden 13.0.  It’s the latest incarnation of Mr. Biden: house broken, no longer pawing on women (so far); w/ brand new liberal bona fides; and conveniently, espousing popular populist rhetoric.  Which, if you think about it, basically calls into question the MSM pundits and talking head experts, who tell us that a progressive presidential candidate is unelectable. 

Hence, Hillary tacking left in 2016, and nearly every 2020 Dem POTUS candidate sounding like Senators Sanders & Warren, today.

But Dem voters have seen this rerun before: Bubba, Obama, Hillary… liberal campaign rhetoric followed by GOP-Lite economic & foreign policies (that have eviscerated the middle class & the poor) upon entering office.

Let’s take a closer look at Mr. Biden’s voting record --- the latest faux-populist/progressive to hit the campaign trail:

  • For starters, Mr. Biden fought school integration in the 70s (you know, best to keep the races segregated and confine minorities to poorly funded public school districts).
  • Mr. Biden in the 90s and early 00s – forever the law & order man – supported & voted for the mass incarceration state, and the economic & political disenfranchisement of minorities (complete w/ the attendant family diaspora & economic hardship, most whites could never even imagine).
  • Senator Biden – feminista - helped smear Anita Hill, so that arch-conservative Justice Clarence Thomas could make it onto SCOTUS.  Way to go GOP Joe.
  • The Senator from Delaware chose credit card companies and banks over the consumer, making it all but impossible to wave credit card debt, during bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Ditto student debt – now estimated to be a nationwide financial pandemic at $1.6 trillion and growing.  Yep, Wall Street Joe did the bidding of his banking masters and supported legislation exempting student loans from debt forgiveness, during personal bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Where was Joe during the Clinton deregulation years – the dereg years that directly proceeded the 2008 financial crisis – why Senator Bank of America (previously, Senator MBNA) supported the elimination of Glass-Steagall.  The removal of Glass-Steagall, thanks to Mr. Biden & his coconspirators in the Senate, allowed Wall Street to gamble & speculate w/ depositor money, backstopped by the US taxpayer.  Such brilliance and enlightenment.
  • Welfare reform, initiated by Clinton triangulation (that no Republican administration could have ever passed) …  you guessed it, Joe was there voting in favor of shafting the destitute.
  • The Iraq war, and nearly two decades of endless war?  Surely, the liberal-progressive Senator wouldn’t vote to send Delaware’s military volunteers into harm’s way over a bogus war?  Yes, Joe, true to form, voted for the Iraq war, as well as, the 2001 AUMF that’s been used to support an endless – credit card - global war on terror and expand our bankrupting empire.
  • And VP Joe continued to support Obama – during the White House years – as the war on terror continued on, and expanded, ad infinitum (notwithstanding Tricky-Obama's campaign promises).
  • Bailout Biden… yes again.  After Glass-Steagall was eliminated by Joe & his Senate colleagues, and Wall Street bet the house, the nation, and depositor & taxpayer money on derivatives & swaps, and the economy was nearly destroyed….  Senator Biden --– who had no similar concerns for the middle class & the poor, when he eliminated their bankruptcy protections (see above) –-- voted to bailout Wall Street banks (circa 2008).  There’s our champion of the people, I mean banking sector, Joe Biden.
  • Do you see a theme here, yet?  This man couldn’t vote for the people if his political career depended upon it.
  • Mr. Biden, forever the feminist, who seemingly can’t keep his mitts off the ladies, also voted in favor abortion restrictions in the 80s.
  • Oh, and the ACA… POTUS Obama’s & Joe’s signature achievement… it basically, was Romneycare and dreamed up by a right-wing think tank, as a hedge against socialized medicine.  Why is the ACA a failure, w/ ever spiraling costs?  Thank establishment Dems, forever sucking up to their donor & multinational overlords, who designed & passed the ACA, so that the government could not negotiate against the healthcare monopolies (such as Big Pharma).  One of many reasons why ACA costs have soared out of control: monopolies + government programs with zero oversight = financial ruin & catastrophic national debt. 
  • Six pack Joe?  We already know that’s false, as Mr. Biden supported free trade agreements that enriched multinationals and exploited EM labor, while crushing American labor, suppressing wages, and destroying the US tax base.
  • Screwing over the Gay community and voting against gay marriage… yes, that’s our Joe (although give this right-winger his due, he beat Obama to the punch, and forced Obama to recognize gay marriage before the president was ready).

Is this the tip of the iceberg, and will there be other details forthcoming on Mr. Biden’s highly illiberal – most unprogressive – credentials & voting record, in the coming weeks & months?

Now, dear readers bear w/ me … pretend you don’t know the politician, but you just examined this voting record for the first time, again, w/out knowing the Senator involved.   Would you say, this Senator was a caring, compassionate, thoughtful liberal, or would you say this Senator was a heartless slave to corporations, the donor class, and wielding the privileged power of a late 20th century white male (to advance & maintain patriarchy & white male dominance)? 

Perhaps, based upon the above voting record, one might conclude that this Senator was a GOP member.  If Joe’s voting record isn’t the Southern Strategy – coopted by Clintonistas – what is?

If, per chance, Mr. Biden does get the nomination, do you think he’s going to stick to his new found liberal & progressive talking positions when running against POTUS Trump, or is he going to tack hard right, in the hopes of picking off some of Trump’s base?  And what of his actions & behaviors, if Mr. Biden were to arrive at the White House?

JMH would argue we, as a nation, should stridently avoid: The Second Coming of Hillary horror show.  Now is exactly not the time to rally around the oligarchy’s candidate.  There’s too much at stake; there’s too many great Dem candidates out there, especially women candidates.  The Dem party has moved further left, in the face of an arrogant & entitled billionaire & multinational class, that insists upon owning all four branches of government (especially The Fed).  The Dem base holds progressive views that have gone mainstream; it is the centrist from both parties that are out of step w/ the people & radicalized, on issue after issue.

In the face of the monopoly – Wall Street - economy, that Mr. Biden helped build and create, Americans are going to need a true progressive in the White House…  not Trump-Lite policies & laws Mr. Biden will undoubtedly defend & protect.  Biz as usual is unacceptable; biz as usual is what Mr. Biden will provide.  As such, a Biden presidency would represent four more years of Wall Street rule.

As with nearly all American politicians - watch what they do and how they vote, and ignore what they have to say during the campaign (unless of course, one wants to point out their hypocrisy down the road). 

Mr. Biden is no exception, and based upon his monumentally regressed voting record should perhaps consider joining the GOP, or the Clinton Foundation (preferably in retirement).

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2019

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