Saturday, June 15, 2019

Candidate on Fire

Candidate on Fire

Ms. Warren would seek big tax increases on the wealthiest individuals and corporations, creating a new tax on household assets that exceed $50 million as well as a new tax on corporate profits. From those two steps alone, she says she would raise at least $3.8 trillion over a decade — money that would go toward her plans on student debt cancellation, free college, child care, the opioid crisis and green manufacturing.

By JM Hamilton (6-15-2019)

Rivers of ink were spilled this week on Candidate Warren, who appears to be surging in Iowa, and polling well – no surprise – against Orange Julius.

Candidate Warren is the real deal, attracting large and growing crowds.  Moreover, her campaign is generating policy proposals – by the multitude - that not only could save capitalism from itself, but, actually, if implemented, pivot the free market economy to work for the American people (aka the long forgotten 90%).

We don’t need to repeat what the smart set have already written about Warren’s fountain of positive & coherent, progressive, policy statements, especially when you can read about them: here, here, and here. Or that Warren’s policy proposals were methodically, & strategically, issued at campaign stops where they most resonate.

Let’s just say that initiating a tax on wealth to retire catastrophic student debt and provide a free college education for Americans is a great start.  Attacks on Big Tech utilities win immediate kudos & accolades. Her adoption of aspects of the Green New Deal, and the expected creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs, should be perfectly timed, after the Trump - trickle down - economy hits the skids and slides off into the ditch.

The current front runner, Biden, offers nothing, but failed neolib/neocon policies, and that great Obama retread: HOPE.  Biden still believes the fairy tale - if he’s elected - the GOP and the Dems will reunite, be bros & sisters again, cherubim will descend from the heavens, despite his eight-year tenure w/in the Obama administration (best characterized by near Civil War between the Dems & GOP).   

Biden, along w/ the Dem establishment, fails to realize that it is their very centrism, and sucking up to US multinationals, that got them expelled from: state house after state house; governors’ mansions; and the Congress and the White House.  Sadly, Biden is so far behind the times that even in the one area where establishment Dems have kept up w/ the public – social policy – the candidate has already stumbled badly (on women’s reproductive rights).  And so, perhaps his slow & inexorable descent begins, from front runner to footnote in history.

As for the other Dems w/ name recognition?  Harris, Beto, Booker, Gillibrand… they all talk a great game, and they have some good & novel ideas, many of which I support. Except, they all bear the mark.  Harris has a problem w/ the mass incarceration state, during her time as a prosecutor.  Beto is in the pocket of Big Oil, as all Texas politicians are.  Big Biz has the goods on Booker, and Gillibrand – possibly, the most progressive of this group – has too many Wall Street ties.  (Mr. Yang definitely has my attention w/ a UBI, but not sure he will gain the attention or traction, in an extraordinarily crowded field.)

And that’s exactly where Warren has them beat.   Warren brings three critical things to the table, that could allow her to be our first woman POTUS.

The Senator has credibility in spades:  She was onto the Wall Street banking scam, a long time before most Americans had their legs kicked out from under them by the 2008 crash.  Warren, an Okie, came from nothing, and during an era when social mobility (aka The American Dream), for the fearless and tough, was still a real possibility. From humble beginnings, Warren became a lawyer, taught at Harvard, crashed the Obama White House, kicked off the CFPB, got kicked out of the Obama White House (because she didn’t play nice w/ Wall Street banks), and became US Senator Warren. 

Doubt her ability, smarts, and stamina at your peril.

Nobody owns Elizabeth Warren:  When Warren dined w/ Larry – Benedict - Summers, he gave our hero a Faustian choice: she could play ball w/ the connected, the dealmakers, & insiders, or she could be an outsider, looking in from the outside.  Warren passed on the Devil’s proposal and has never looked back.  Summers' name is now synonymous w/ mud… he will forever be linked to the Clinton White House's cataclysmic financial deregulation.  Summers will always be associated with the very events & policies that brought America to her knees, during the 2008 Wall Street banking crisis.  And outsider Warren?  Today, she is a major candidate/contender for the highest office in the land; and she’s a US Senator.  And nobody owns Warren.  Perhaps Senator Sanders is the only other leading candidate about whom that could be said. This means, upon entering the White House, POTUS Warren won’t pivot away from the positions that placed her into the top job, like every other scam artist that comes along.

Timing is everything: Warren is precisely at the right place at the right time in history, and she’s the correct gender, ethical, and deeply intelligent.  Say what we will about POTUS Trump… the blowback from his presidency, his actions & lies, drove exceptional voter turnout in 2018, and elected a record number of women to Congress.  Women voters played a key role in the ascent of women politicians (Would POTUS HRC have had the same impact during the 2018 midterms?  Doubtful).  Warren is uniquely positioned, at the right moment and time, to clinch the nomination and become POTUS.  Allow me to put it this way, if the Senator from Massachusetts obtains the brass ring, the Dem nomination, Trump is toast.  Gone w/ the wind.  An egomaniac, pathological liar, born w/ a silver spoon in his mouth, and w/ the US economy, possibly, trending down… against an honest woman, who rose from nothing to become prospective leader of the free world, based upon sheer guts and determination.  

The match up, if it does occur, doesn't even require thought, as to its outcome.

In fact (barring the public buying into Captain Status Quo's – Joe Biden's - rancid & unimaginative message), the only other real challenger to Warren’s ascension, ultimately, is the only other honest candidate running today.  That would be Senator Sanders (who, truth be told, JMH is exceptionally fond of as well).  

All this is still highly speculative, but barring the unforeseen, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns… the race for the White House has already been narrowed down to two candidates:  Sanders and Warren.  The complete opposite of what the billionaire/multinational owned MSM will tell you: that a Sanders/Warren nomination equals Trump being reelected. 

Don’t believe the fear and the lies.

As the Warren campaign builds up steam… in the distance, destiny calls.  Is she calling for Warren or Sanders?

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2019

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