Monday, October 7, 2019

Two Birds… One Impeachment Flamethrower?

Two Birds… One Impeachment Flamethrower?

“I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’ ” Biden said during a 2018 speech before the Council on Foreign Relations. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.” 

By J.M. Hamilton (10-5-2019)

Sometimes the sun, moon, and stars align just so, and for Candidate/Senator Warren this was her week.  Let’s say, this week was a highly probable inflection point on Warren’s road to the White House.

First off, Orange Julius – already under congressional impeachment review for extorting the Ukraine into investigating candidate Biden – doubled down and publicly invited China to do same.

This man actually believes he’s bullet proof, probably because he thinks his impeachment will cause a Civil War.  When all his impeachment will really do – if in fact, the crazies do come out of their bunkers – is enable the US to identify them and throw the fascists in prison. 

Sorry, the Civil War will not be televised.  Nor is such an event likely to occur; but our prisons may soon be overflowing w/ angry white men.

Trump’s list of crimes are so numerous that his presidency is a cancer; his cabinet, a bunch of crooks; and his family defines cronyism and nepotism.  A rat - and rats - will likely continue to leave the sinking ship that is the Trump presidency.

Most noxious, Trump has betrayed the campaign pledges he ran on in 2016, excepting his plutocratic commitments.  He correctly identified the economy and government as rigged, said - he alone - was the answer, and then wins office and ramps up the swamp into an open festering sewer.  And in the process takes the Republican Party down with him, in one grand flush.  (Sorry. The analogies and metaphors are crude this week but consider the topic.)

(Trump is not entirely bad.  No man can be entirely evil.  Argue w/ his methods sure, but he’s been right on trade, and if he keeps the US out of war w/ Iran – despite his best efforts to provoke Iran – then he’ll deserve kudos for those two things.  Outside of that, there’s not a lot of positives.  Oh, and Trump has revealed to all that the ultra-wealthy are, all too often, not anything society should desire to emulate or look up to.)

If Trump keeps this up, he very well maybe the first POTUS to be carried out of the White House: under cover of night; in a straitjacket; fumbling for his phone to fire off one final tweet; and w/ a rubber gag firmly imbedded in his foaming mouth.

Sadly, I’ve been prescient before, so why not this exit for the orange one?

Of course, the beauty of the Trump impeachment inquiry …  is it exposes the Dem Establishment’s poster boy: superstud – aviator shades wearing – Biden (to some of the very same fraud, misuse of office, and peccadillos Trump has committed).

Biden – like you-know-who before him (ahem, the anointed one from 2016) – appears to have engaged in some of the very same pay-to-play activities.  Like why did a highly suspect oil baron from the Ukraine suddenly hire Hunter Biden (Biden’s son) for millions of dollars, at the same time VP Biden was placed in charge of addressing Ukrainian corruption?

In some circles, this is called “whitewash.” Like when ultra-sleazy private equity firms hire from a who’s who list of the Washington establishment… I don’t know, like KKR hiring General Betrayus to help legitimize the criminal enterprise that is private equity. 

Trading on the family name and laundering the money through the Clinton Foundation or Hunter Biden, it’s the same.  It stinks to the heavens.  Biden's latest refrain is: "You're not going to destroy me."  No Joe, you've already apparently done that yourself.

Biden’s whole freaking candidacy reeks of the same insider cronyism that cost the Dems & Hillary in 2016.  The DNC is incapable of learning… it refuses to acknowledge that if you take millions and millions of dollars from commercial interests, Dems are just as compromised, and owned, as the GOP.  Equally revolting is how some members of the MSM, and political establishment, are caught up in rapture over the Bush and Obama presidencies.  And now, from the MSM/political establishment, the revisionism begins: my, how presidential both leaders were… conveniently forgetting that both presidents, Bush & Obama, were warlords; and that their, respective, gross mismanagement of the economy & government  (for the benefit of an elite few, and to the exclusion of many: the neolib/neocon agenda)… allowed you-know-who to waltz right into the White House.

But you have to give the MSM (& others) credit, they at least are acknowledging, and writing about, how the Bidens got their hands caught in the Ukrainian cookie jar.  And the optics are poor.  Read hereherehere, and here.

Which brings us full circle to a surging Warren candidacy.  If she stays healthy, and the by looks of things, she defines health, she’s going to be our next President. 

Let’s see: Warren is smarter than any other candidate; she’s prepared and has plans and more plans; Warren is not crooked; she is the correct gender, at the right place & time; she's raising a boatload of money, from grassroots supporters; Warren embodies the from poverty to tremendous success story, that is the American Dream; and both Biden & Trump are about to finally get theirs w/ a thorough impeachment sandblasting… 

In a hundred years, I thought I’d never write these words: But Goddess bless Nancy Pelosi… bring the impeachment flames, baby.  Get out the impeachment flamethrower and go to town.  Who cares if Moscow Mitch clears the POTUS?  The public expects nothing less from a GOP Senate steeped in grift & malfeasance.

And to cap off her week – and this is absolutely nothing to celebrate – comes news that probably Warren’s only legitimate rival has health issues.  Of course, I write of Senator Sanders. 

Nobody wishes this upon Bernie.  I love him; I and millions voted for him in the 2016 primary.  Progressives adore Sanders.  For me, he defines the Democratic Party's turning point.  That is to say, in the correct direction: progressivism; FDR; and away from the gross corruption of the Biden/Clinton/Obama years.  You want to cool down populist ardor - from the right and the left - implement Sanders’ and Warren’s proposals (no few in number were supported by Trump during the 2016 race, only to be abandoned upon entering the White House).

Long after Trump is committed, locked up, and becomes a footnote in history…. Senator Sanders will be remembered for honesty, integrity, and being correct (at least 95% of the time).

Many of his supporters wish Senator Sanders hadn’t been scrod over by Hillary and the DNC in 2016.  The world and the US would be in a significantly better spot if Sanders was in the White House today, but alas, he’s not.  Honestly, many wish Sanders was ten years younger, but he’s not.  Sanders base of support wishes the Senator long life and health, but what are his prospects, now that it has been revealed that he’s suffered a heart attack?

What could be better then, if, in the upcoming Dem debate, Senator Sanders announced he was quitting the race – due to health concerns – and threw his incredible & titanic support behind our next US President: Elizabeth Warren?

Together on the campaign trail, these two – Sanders & Warren - would be unstoppable. 

Either way, at the moment, Warren looks unbeatable.

Factor in a stumbling economy that could lead to recession, and it would appear that Trump is out, Warren is in. 

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2019

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