Saturday, December 12, 2020

How many Americans have really died from COVID-19?

How many Americans have really died from COVID-19?


 new model from the COVID-19 response team at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that coronavirus cases are probably more than 10 times higher than the total tally in many parts of the country. 


-       US coronavirus cases are probably 10 times higher than the official numbers, more and more research suggests


WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and send all Covid-19 patient information to a central database in Washington beginning on Wednesday. The move has alarmed health experts who fear the data will be politicized or withheld from the public.

-       Trump Administration Strips C.D.C. of Control of Coronavirus Data


By JM Hamilton (12-12-2020)


I was watching CTV News, here in Canada this week, and a guest was on that stated – per the CDC – the number of COVID-19 deaths is likely seven times greater than the government’s official tally.  Simple math, assuming 300,000 reported dead, presently, tells us that the number of American COVID fatalities appears to be closer to 2,100,000. 


Of course, this got me scrambling, and if the mortality rate is consistent, what the gentlemen on the news broadcast stated appears to be correct.  For there is story after story on the web, from credible news organizations, confirming that COVID numbers, per the CDC, are grossly underreported.  Read here, here, and here


Of course, we shouldn’t be entirely surprised… we read a story this week - in the Washington Post - indicating that the State of Florida invaded a scientist’s home for reporting out unflattering COVID data. Florida is run by Republican governor, Ron DeSantis.


What we appear to have, in the United States, is Federal & State governments – run by Republicans – who are at war with the truth.  We also know Trump, earlier this Fall, stripped the CDC of COVID data gathering capabilities.  What better way to cloud the lies and incompetence of this Administration’s handling of the plague, than to change the direction of data flow & gathering, mid-pandemic?







And yet despite all of this, we had Republican after Republican playing down the pandemic, doing their billionaire and multinational donors bidding and attempting to keep economies open.  Try as they might, hospitals have begun to overflow again this Fall and business is booming for mortuaries and morgue trucks.  The American economy, inversely correlated w/ the rising body count, is stumbling again.  And given how the government is underreporting COVID fatalities, how good was the economy really doing this Summer?  How real was the strength of the economic rebound reported by the US government?


All this brings up other issues, like the moral collapse of American society … where the President and the Business community lie constantly, seemingly without repercussion.  Yes, we can rejoice that Trump will be exiting the White House – not soon enough – on January 20th (sadly, only to have another liar take his place); but there is the issue at hand, which is Trump – despite everything – received seventy-four million votes.   


That’s an amazing quantity of votes in favor of a man responsible for an estimated 2.1 million American dead.  Granted, the US congress also bears responsibility and is equally complicit.  Congress won’t even pass economic aid for unemployed Americans. All this, so that Nike can go on selling sneakers, and the airlines can, attempt, to fly the friendly skies. And Zombie companies can continue to attempt to make interest payments, etc., etc.  Forget the show, the economy must go on.   


There’s something else very much a part of America’s moral collapse, as mentioned above… namely, the credibility of US government statistics and economic data.  If we have leaders, from both parties, that are willing to deceive Americans for economic & political gain, costing millions of American lives in the process…  how credible are the government’s economic numbers?  


For instance, the Federal Reserve was given $4.0 trillion in funny money – conjured up with derivative instruments, under the CARES Act – to backstop markets; and yet, none of that $4.0 trillion shows up in America’s national debt numbers.  How accurate is the FED’s balance sheet?  How reliable are the big four accounting firms?  How credible are public & private financial statements?  And on and on. 


It's not just the government & politicians, but the moral collapse of the nation comes directly from business elites, who run the country and own the politicians.  So back to the question at hand: How many Americans died of COVID-19?  


Answer: Who the hell knows, because the American government's credibility is shot. 

 Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2020


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