Saturday, September 4, 2021

Beware Conservatives & Experts…

Beware Conservatives & Experts… 


All my life I’ve known better than to depend on the experts. How could I have been so stupid, to let them go ahead?


- POTUS John F. Kennedy


By Gregg Wall (9- 4- 2021)


The news flow is insane.  My respect for the folks on the Canadian campaign trail has increased tremendously.  What should have been layup shot for the Liberals has turned into a real horse race, with Conservatives presenting a challenge (if we believe the polls).  Rising rock star, Mr. Jagmeet Singh, is also peeling off votes from the Liberal Party. 


This race deserves so much more attention than I’m prepared to give it today.  And yet, I would caution Canadians, think very carefully before throwing in with Conservatives.  Mr. O’Toole is very smart, and a far better politician than I ever imagined.  But when it comes to gun control, social programs during a pandemic (vis a vis austerity Conservatives traditionally love), the environment and a Canada we can all breathe and live in, and corporate welfare… this Conservative tiger will have a very hard time changing his stripes.  Mr. O’Toole sounds, almost, like a reformed liberal and social democrat today.  However, when the chips are down -- and given all the problems in the world today, Mr. O’Toole will face, if elected, great adversity -- he will be forced to pivot to his base and social conservatives to retain power. And that’s when the liberal Mr. O’Toole will become highly illiberal, and much more like his Republican cousins in the U.S. 


Bottom line:  Mr. Trudeau has some issues, but he’s done a lot of great things for Canada and Canadians, with some prodding from his friends in the NDP.  And Trudeau's stewardship, during the pandemic, has been magnifique.  If I was a betting man, based upon what I’m seeing today, it appears that this will be a horse race all the way to the end.  If Liberals do win, it will, likely, be another minority government.  For progressives, like myself, this is the best of both worlds, the steady hand of the Liberal Party sharing power with the NDP (who I have deep regard for).  


When it comes to Canadian Conservatives bearing progressive policies and a sudden appreciation for liberal social conventions (like abortion, gun control, and gay rights), think long and hard.  


Think about Premier Jason Kenney in Alberta, and the disaster Conservatives & UCP have brought upon this very fine Canadian province. 


And above all, when it comes to Canadian Conservatives, buyer beware.  We, almost certainly, will see an assault upon Public Health Care (or Medicare For All) if O'Toole is elected. 







And now a pivot the United States, where Mr. Biden has shown steely determination and tremendous respect for our fighting women and men.  Three prior presidents completely lacked the courage and strength to pull America out of fraud defined: Afghanistan nation building.  In the case of the Bush Administration, it appears that Afghanistan was an afterthought and an opportunity for endless nation building and MIC profits.


The debt the U.S. owes POTUS Biden for pulling the nation out will, likely, never be fully appreciated; but it’s clear, the majority of Americans support the result and are grateful. 


We wouldn’t know this from the American televised MSM and the community of so-called Pentagon & State department experts, talking heads, and pretty faces.  The major U.S. networks have become a joke when it comes to hard news reporting… instead, offering up a mix infotainment, entertainment, soft news stories, and weather.  Exactly, the news reporting MSM network’s ownership and sponsors like and expect. For the most part, content free and with little or no focus upon Wall Street and the billionaires who actually pull the nation’s strings. 


But what was amazing – once owner and sponsor financial interests were threatened (i.e., the gravy train that is endless war) – was how the major networks all railed against the President, using the specious argument of concern for Afghanistan women.  Something the MSM has exploited for decades, Afghanistan women, to continue & justify endless nation building.  And yet, these same networks gave all of five minutes of coverage to Afghanistan just last year; and yet, women are abused around the globe, but we fail to hear much from the major American networks on that front.


We can truly see how much, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and Fox… truly care about Afghanistan women, not to mention U.S. troops, before Biden pulled the plug on insanity and dumb. 


What the Pentagon experts and the network talking heads failed to cover, conveniently enough, was the following: 


After hundreds of billions in taxpayer money was wasted on the Afghanistan puppet government (while Americans suffered austerity), how it collapsed in a matter of minutes. 


After hundreds of billions in taxpayer money was wasted on nation building (while Americans suffered a collapsing infrastructure), over the span of decades, how the Afghanistan army collapsed in days and hours. 


Not once did I hear an expert explain how the U.S. is dependent upon occupying Afghanistan for peace & security, when we spend more than the G10 combined on defense and a police & surveillance state.  


I’m still waiting to be educated.


Never once did I hear a network anchor explain why so much of the money that, allegedly, went into building up Afghanistan, conveniently, ended up back in the United States as profits & revenue for war contractors. 


Nope, none the elites or experts – at the networks – explained how the U.S. gave the Taliban, our alleged enemy, billions not to attack NATO supply lines in the region… or how Western banks provided financial services to Taliban allies. 


In this regard, in questioning the failure and the lies surrounding the endless Afghanistan war, the MSM was all too conveniently, and true to form, missing in action. 


The final words on all this, beware the American MSM, and their so-called experts, as a news source.   From what I can see, after their Afghanistan coverage, the major U.S. news networks should stick to their bread & butter: entertainment and weather reporting. 


 Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2021

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