Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Democratic Party’s race to the bottom…

The Democratic Party’s race to the bottom… 


“We’re a free market economy,” she said. “They should be able to participate in that.”

-       Speaker Pelosi 


"Come on, Charlamagne. It's Joe Biden. And don't start talking like a Republican, about asking whether he's president... It's Joe Biden, and I'm vice president and my name is Kamala Harris."

-       VP Kamala Harris 


"I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can't. I tried everything humanly possible. I can't get there. This is a no on this legislation."

-       Senator Joe Manchin 


By Gregg Wall (12-22-21) 


Wow, the Demo Party is literally imploding right before our very eyes.  And yet, it all has a familiar déjà vu, dreamlike quality … like Obama’s squandered first term and that administration’s capitulation to bank bailouts, record Wall St. bonuses, post-bailout, endless war, and throwing it all away on corporate welfare defined, the ACA. 


Within the last eight days, we’ve seen three instances where Democratic party leaders have shown a callous, indeed reckless, disregard for democracy, their constituency, and the, apparently, dated concept that elected officials have been voted into office to serve citizens, not themselves and wealthy donors. 


JMH has long maintained that it is the Republican Party that is on the highway to perdition.  And that, Republicans would rather kill democracy, obstruct voting, rig elections than reform.  GOP economic policies are a complete disaster: laissez faire, trickle-down tax policies, borrow and spend fiscal policies, wars for profit’s sake, and the nihilism that is libertarian industrial policy.  Given the evisceration of America's middle class; a population that is dying off; wage and wealth stagnation, & regression, for the bottom half (spanning decades); and an economy entirely rigged for the donor class…  there is no logical reason for Republicans and their policies to even exist. 


Except, once we get past the DNC’s and party leadership’s promises of progressive economic reforms, and the truth comes out, absolutely nothing will change… we see how Republicans continue to exist & thrive.  Because, in America, the only alternative to the party that won and lied in the last election, is the party that lost and lied in the last election.  Welcome to duopoly and catastrophic two-party corruption. 


And welcome to a Democratic Senator that is so corrupt… the GOP looks on in amazement and requests that Joe Manchin join their party.  Of course, Senator Manchin’s very existence invites all sorts of questions… like how can a politician exist in a Democratic party with ideas and values that are entirely anathema to what the party, allegedly, stands for?  And if the party ever returns to power, what can and will be done to prevent future Manchins from obtaining power within the organization?  What kind of creature goes on Fox News and destroys the Biden presidency, and worse, destroys the hopes of tens of millions of Americans that voted for Dems in 2020 (during a horrible pandemic, a lousy US economy for labor, and in the middle of a full-blown climate catastrophe)?  And what of a President that allows this behavior to exist within his own party?


Welcome to a party where the leader of the house is so corrupt that she believes it’s perfectly acceptable for congress persons – w/ a continuous flow of insider information - to trade stocks.  No conflict of interest here.  In the ultimate ‘let them eat cake’ moment, since Louis XVI lost his head, Pelosi reacts in amazement that the question was even asked… We’re the free market economy.  No, we are the rigged, monopoly, Wall Street economy… and the only thing more corrupt is the House and the Senate.  The arrogance, the hubris, it’s all highly reminiscent of another Pelosi remark, concerning: “The green dream or whatever…”


And we wonder why America’s faith in democracy is ambivalent at best.  Politicians no longer believe they must explain themselves, the billionaire owned MSM is to be their obedient servant and the duopoly’s lap dog.   And so, when somebody is impertinent enough to ask a question about legitimacy -- and the vast web of corruption, that passes for the U.S. government -- politicians flip out, with incredulity, hubris, nescience, and sometimes demagoguery.   Anything but acknowledgement, and humility, that the U.S. is a country in deep crisis. 


Welcome to Kamala Harris… in recent interview with Charlamagne tha God, the Vice President remained frozen, after the question was put to her: Who is POTUS?  Biden or Manchin?   An entirely legitimate question given the power Senators Manchin and Sinema have held over a failing Biden presidency.  After Harris aids attempted to pull the plug, the VP responded that the interviewer should not be a ‘Republican.’  Essentially, responding with Liberal McCarthyism … basically, how dare you ask that question, it doesn’t even warrant a response, stop behaving like the enemy.  


It’s all reminiscent of POTUS Bush’s (W) demagoguery: ‘Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.’ More recently, it’s reminiscent of Doctor Fauci, who I believe on more than one occasion has told adversaries, that to question the good doctor was to question science itself.  


Ego sum re publica. 


Ego sum scientia. 


Ego sum deus. 


Translation:  I am the state.  I am science.  I am God. 


When politicians no longer believe they are answerable to the American people, we live under a dictatorship.  


We don’t even have to wait for the GOP’ pending coup, part deux… America has already arrived.  That’s what a duopoly is… nothing more than hegemonic control, particularly when the duopoly reports into oligarchy.  The only thing with greater power is one party; and since both parties – explicitly & tacitly – have identical economic and foreign policies, arguably, America is already under one party rule. 


And on that note, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. 


Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2021


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