Saturday, January 21, 2023

Wretched Hive …

Wretched Hive … 


The latest cover story of the Economist, which every year puts out an issue that tries to define the Davos zeitgeist, bemoaned the “new logic that threatens globalization.” It decried the Biden administration’s “abandonment of free-market rules for an aggressive industrial policy,” pointing to subsidy-laden programs to power the United States’ green transition as well as new efforts to make the nation a hotbed of semiconductor manufacturing.


All of this, the classically liberal Economist argued, has “set off a dangerous spiral into protectionism worldwide” and frays the global order that the United States spent decades creating and securing in the aftermath of World War II. It may even imperil “the causes of liberal democracy and market capitalism.”


-       The worry in Davos: Globalization is under siege


For every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.


-       Newton’s Third Law


By Gregg Wall (1-21-2023)


It’s that wonderous time of the year again, where the ultra-wealthy gather in Switzerland to do group hugs, luxuriate in their own madness, and pontificate to each other and a bowing & scraping international news media (wholly owned & sponsored by the very same billionaire, blowhard, Davos attendees). 


Talk about your global warming.  There’s enough gas and hot air coming out of Davos to tip the scales and set off a climate catastrophe.  Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so few frauds to the whole of humanity.


These people, the kleptocracy, chronically & pathologically fail.  It’s really all billionaires do.  The pandemic has shown that globalization is a complete disaster, see ever spiraling inflation and consumer price gouging.  Libertarian ideology has clearly illustrated that the private sector, left unregulated & unsupervised, always metastasizes into cartel and monopoly.  And cartels and monopolies prey upon consumers, labor, and democratic governments.  It’s no accident that Oxfam has reported that wage & wealth inequality has soared, with the one percent capturing two-thirds of all newly created wealth (since 2020).  And the source of that wealth, governments printing up trillions and trillions in debt and bailing out the Davos masters of the universe, again and again.  In the U.S. alone, billionaire capital of the world, the national debt spirals out of control, from under ten trillion before the 2008 financial crisis to thirty-five trillion today (including $4 trillion in money printing under the CARES Act).  

Tell me, does that sound like the well-oiled, fully functioning, capitalist machine we were all brainwashed about, even before exiting the womb???


Endless for-profit wars plague humanity as does the United States empire and the military industrial complex.   The constant lies the Davos cognoscenti spin to justify their existence and their religion – synthesized, unmitigated greed – ring patently false.  Market based solutions and privatization are little more than ways to defraud governments, taxpayers, and kickback to co-conspirators in government: the ubiquitous, narcissistic, centrist, corporatist politician.  And politicians will go out of their way – with endless culture wars, homophobia, law & order spin, misogyny, and race baiting (aka divide & conquer) - to avoid debating and talking about the twin failures of the last forty-two years: supply-side economics and trickle-down monetary and tax policies. 


The polycrisis in the Davos/McKinsey world?  Blame rests squarely on the predatory Davos man.


You could jail the lot of them, and the world would not skip a beat.  In fact, humanity would instantaneously be better off, with their wealth confiscated and redistributed.  In the same manner that nation-state credit lines were transferred to a predatory few, in billionaire after billionaire bailouts, stock market after stock market bailouts.  The debt and stock markets being little more than money laundering operations, and the source of kickbacks for day trading politicians. 






The reality, humanity could immediately do infinitely better by reversing course on the Davos elites' policy prescriptions.  Instead of tax cuts for the rich, rewrite the tax code to make it infinitely simpler and progressive, including a substantial tax on wealth.  Eliminate market concentration and breakup cartels, monopolies, & utilities to foster the economy, jobs creation, higher wages, and innovation.  Dump privatization for nationalization in key industries, like Big Pharma, energy, defense & military production, healthcare, retail banking, and tax prep (just for starters).  The globalized world we presently live under now – the one world order the Davos elite crave – eliminated, in favor of local and responsive governments, supply lines, & industries.  Supranational governing bodies and international NGOs abandoned for far greater accountability & democracy.  Recognizing deregulation & market-based solutions - when captured by billionaires, monopolies, and rigged markets – for what they are, a failed business model that is a shortcut to human misery and tyranny.   Destroying the world with fossil fuels, while gaslighting humanity with ESG, carbon credit, and net-zero fairy tales: dump it.  Dump it all. 


We could go on, and on.  But don’t take my word for it.  Davos elites, their belief systems, and their henchmen in political power are being roundly rejected by humanity & voters. Humanity is rejecting centrism, corporatism, & supranational bodies in favor of politicians, political parties on the right and a resurgent left.  Seems that citizens want an unaccountable, unelected elite governing & operating locally, rather than galivanting around the globe, playing nation-states off one another in a pathological and endless doom loop to the bottom.  Call it blowback, call it Newton’s third law, but it all adds up to a rejection of everything and everyone the Davos man stands for.


And the citizenry certainly isn’t in favor of unhinged megalomaniacs hanging out in echo chambers, bastions of group think, arguably a cult, on the slopes of Switzerland. 


Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2023

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