Saturday, April 29, 2023

Joe Again?

Joe Again?


Already the oldest president, Biden would be 86 before the end of a second term, nearly a decade older than Ronald Reagan was when he left the White House in 1989. Trump is 76.

In his video, Biden warned that “Maga extremists” – Trump’s slogan is “Make America Great Again” – were working to strip away “bedrock freedoms”.

-      Joe Biden formally announces 2024 White House run, The Guardian


By Gregg Wall (4-29 -2023)


Low wattage Joe is back.  


Pitching the same fear and loathing that he pitched in 2020.   Heh, when you have nothing to run on, no real achievement - after controlling the House, Senate, and White House for two years – you gotta run on something, so why not big bad Trump.   Yes, America needs protection from far-right GOP extremism, but who’s going to protect the nation from far-right Dem extremism?  You know, the failed Clintonista neolib/neocon set, not to be confused with the failed Trump neolib/neocon set.  And mystery of mysteries, why is Trump still roaming free among us?  Why indeed?


Left completely unanalyzed by the American MSM is how the two parties are virtually indistinguishable on the economy, foreign policy, endless war, corporate welfare, big oil & gas supremacy, a rigged system of government, cronyism, abject corruption, the tax code, a billionaire welfare state, endless Wall St. bailouts, and both parties’ highly malignant anti-democratic activities. 


What?  Don’t believe me?  The Dems achieved nothing: not gun control, no hike in the minimum wage, no child tax credit or childcare, tuition free college – not a chance, paid family and medical leave – nope, affordable housing no, Medicare for All option … are you kidding me, no long-term home healthcare, no cannabis legalization, no abortion codification.  


It’s as if the GOP were in power and Trump won in 2020.


Sorry America, BBB was all a pack of lies.  Even student debt relief looks like it will be buried, after the youth vote saved the Dems in 2022.  The oligarchy that owns both political parties is thoroughly united in screwing the American worker & students.  Although billionaires and multinationals love their socialism, for themselves… they can’t abide any government programs that might give the American people and labor a leg up and a possible edge.  And so, entirely predictable, BBB was smothered in its crib.  We now have the autopsy; we have the smoking gun.  Someone at the DNC held baby BBB down, while another Demo monster clapped their hand over BBB's mouth.  

Those bastards!


It just another nail in the coffin of American democracy, as the country gears up for the fight of two ancient dinosaurs nobody wants to see nominated (together, perhaps, the two most corrupt men in American politics).  Of course, neither party runs on economics, foreign policy, and taxes anymore… instead, the Dems and GOP run on culture wars.  With the GOP growing more and more extreme so as to feed their base plenty of red meat.  All in the hopes that the party faithful won’t notice the massive transfer of wealth, from their pockets and the government’s pockets into the vaults of a predatory kleptocracy.  The Dems all too happy to play the same – divide & conquer – game, as the GOP.  Both parties responsible for little or no social mobility and catastrophic inequality; both parties responsible for a bankrupt nation and a libertarian industrial policy that proves just how debauched & depraved America’s elite have become.  These people are grotesque, hideous freaks, that lust for blood and profits. 


The complicit MSM, owned by the same oligarchy that owns both political parties, conveniently, calls none of this out. 


And so, America will suffer the bizarre optics of great-grandpa Joe hiding out in the White House basement, dodging interviews & media, babbling incoherently when he does speak, making a few progressive promises (knowing full well, they’ll never pass the congress), like it was the year 2020 all over again. 


No primary debates, a rigged primary process, no meaningful discussions on the need for real structural economic & political reform…. Just endless culture wars, gaslighting, and lies.  The only certainty, now: death, taxes, soaring national debt, morally bankrupt US leadership, a superpower in terminal decline, and an assembly line of child murders (sponsored by the NRA and their lackeys in the U.S. congress). 


It’s the American way.  


Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2023

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