Saturday, January 21, 2023

Wretched Hive …

Wretched Hive … 


The latest cover story of the Economist, which every year puts out an issue that tries to define the Davos zeitgeist, bemoaned the “new logic that threatens globalization.” It decried the Biden administration’s “abandonment of free-market rules for an aggressive industrial policy,” pointing to subsidy-laden programs to power the United States’ green transition as well as new efforts to make the nation a hotbed of semiconductor manufacturing.


All of this, the classically liberal Economist argued, has “set off a dangerous spiral into protectionism worldwide” and frays the global order that the United States spent decades creating and securing in the aftermath of World War II. It may even imperil “the causes of liberal democracy and market capitalism.”


-       The worry in Davos: Globalization is under siege


For every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.


-       Newton’s Third Law


By Gregg Wall (1-21-2023)


It’s that wonderous time of the year again, where the ultra-wealthy gather in Switzerland to do group hugs, luxuriate in their own madness, and pontificate to each other and a bowing & scraping international news media (wholly owned & sponsored by the very same billionaire, blowhard, Davos attendees). 


Talk about your global warming.  There’s enough gas and hot air coming out of Davos to tip the scales and set off a climate catastrophe.  Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so few frauds to the whole of humanity.


These people, the kleptocracy, chronically & pathologically fail.  It’s really all billionaires do.  The pandemic has shown that globalization is a complete disaster, see ever spiraling inflation and consumer price gouging.  Libertarian ideology has clearly illustrated that the private sector, left unregulated & unsupervised, always metastasizes into cartel and monopoly.  And cartels and monopolies prey upon consumers, labor, and democratic governments.  It’s no accident that Oxfam has reported that wage & wealth inequality has soared, with the one percent capturing two-thirds of all newly created wealth (since 2020).  And the source of that wealth, governments printing up trillions and trillions in debt and bailing out the Davos masters of the universe, again and again.  In the U.S. alone, billionaire capital of the world, the national debt spirals out of control, from under ten trillion before the 2008 financial crisis to thirty-five trillion today (including $4 trillion in money printing under the CARES Act).  

Tell me, does that sound like the well-oiled, fully functioning, capitalist machine we were all brainwashed about, even before exiting the womb???


Endless for-profit wars plague humanity as does the United States empire and the military industrial complex.   The constant lies the Davos cognoscenti spin to justify their existence and their religion – synthesized, unmitigated greed – ring patently false.  Market based solutions and privatization are little more than ways to defraud governments, taxpayers, and kickback to co-conspirators in government: the ubiquitous, narcissistic, centrist, corporatist politician.  And politicians will go out of their way – with endless culture wars, homophobia, law & order spin, misogyny, and race baiting (aka divide & conquer) - to avoid debating and talking about the twin failures of the last forty-two years: supply-side economics and trickle-down monetary and tax policies. 


The polycrisis in the Davos/McKinsey world?  Blame rests squarely on the predatory Davos man.


You could jail the lot of them, and the world would not skip a beat.  In fact, humanity would instantaneously be better off, with their wealth confiscated and redistributed.  In the same manner that nation-state credit lines were transferred to a predatory few, in billionaire after billionaire bailouts, stock market after stock market bailouts.  The debt and stock markets being little more than money laundering operations, and the source of kickbacks for day trading politicians. 






The reality, humanity could immediately do infinitely better by reversing course on the Davos elites' policy prescriptions.  Instead of tax cuts for the rich, rewrite the tax code to make it infinitely simpler and progressive, including a substantial tax on wealth.  Eliminate market concentration and breakup cartels, monopolies, & utilities to foster the economy, jobs creation, higher wages, and innovation.  Dump privatization for nationalization in key industries, like Big Pharma, energy, defense & military production, healthcare, retail banking, and tax prep (just for starters).  The globalized world we presently live under now – the one world order the Davos elite crave – eliminated, in favor of local and responsive governments, supply lines, & industries.  Supranational governing bodies and international NGOs abandoned for far greater accountability & democracy.  Recognizing deregulation & market-based solutions - when captured by billionaires, monopolies, and rigged markets – for what they are, a failed business model that is a shortcut to human misery and tyranny.   Destroying the world with fossil fuels, while gaslighting humanity with ESG, carbon credit, and net-zero fairy tales: dump it.  Dump it all. 


We could go on, and on.  But don’t take my word for it.  Davos elites, their belief systems, and their henchmen in political power are being roundly rejected by humanity & voters. Humanity is rejecting centrism, corporatism, & supranational bodies in favor of politicians, political parties on the right and a resurgent left.  Seems that citizens want an unaccountable, unelected elite governing & operating locally, rather than galivanting around the globe, playing nation-states off one another in a pathological and endless doom loop to the bottom.  Call it blowback, call it Newton’s third law, but it all adds up to a rejection of everything and everyone the Davos man stands for.


And the citizenry certainly isn’t in favor of unhinged megalomaniacs hanging out in echo chambers, bastions of group think, arguably a cult, on the slopes of Switzerland. 


Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2023

Saturday, January 7, 2023

A week like no other … for American Corruption

A week like no other …  for American Corruption 


How big of a problem could the G.O.P. disarray in one chamber of Congress be?

In fact, some of the concessions Mr. McCarthy agreed to would make the practical business of running the House next to impossible. It could be left unable to do basic things like fund the government or finance the federal debt. For the dissidents, that was the point. For the country, it could lead to some grim consequences.


-      Why McCarthy’s Slog to Speaker Could Mean Dysfunction Ahead in the House – NY Times


By Gregg Wall (1-7-2023)


In terms of corruption, I really thought it would be hard for the U.S. government to top the week before the Christmas break.  Please recall, this was the week the Democratic controlled Congress crammed through a 1.7 trillion-dollar omnibus spending measure, w/ roughly $859 billion in DOD welfare.  The bill was loaded with fraud & pork, and of course, funding for America’s new endless war with Russia.  One would have thought that the Dem controlled congress may have wanted to meet some of their obligations to voters, during their last week in power, like BBB, higher minimum wage, abortion, and voter protections… but nope, Dem leadership was clearly focused on their cash cow, the Military Industrial Complex, and an endless river of taxpayer funded kickbacks It was also the week that our proxy gave a speech before congress.  Conveniently, left out of the American MSM’ glorification of Zelensky were the highly relevant facts that Zelensky has been busy eliminating press freedoms and all political opposition…  all transpiring in the most corrupt country in Europe.  I guess it wouldn’t help the war effort - or piggish profit taking - if the media started to tell the truth about our Ukrainian puppet?  Alas, America’s little Hitler is on a roll


But nope, this week even topped the week headed into the congressional Christmas break for corruption, greed, and mismanagement w/in the U.S. government. Let’s launch into it. 


For starters, this was the concluding week that Southwest Airlines, single handedly, destroyed the vacations and holiday plans for American & foreign travelers, with thousands and thousands of flight cancellations.   As reported by Senator Bernie Sanders, Southwest took $7 billion in bailout money, during the pandemic (with no-strings attached, the epitome of fraud), turned around and spent $5.6 billion on stock buybacks.  Any taxpayer welfare left over for airline CAPEX and software & computer updates?  Nope. Did congress insist that some of the bailout welfare go to CAPEX or be spent on employees & salaries?  Nope.  And how about the industry’s regulator, Pete Buttigieg, has he held the industry accountable?  Well, as Pete has presidential aspirations and is looking forward to industry donations, Pete has done little or nothing to rein this industry in.  One would think the Secretary of Transportation would want to make voters happy, by reining in the ultra-nasty U.S. airline cartel, which has been fraught with passenger abuse for decades.  But that’s the beauty of America’s highly corrupt political duopoly: politicians are managing up, curry favor with billionaires & multinational donors, and American voters - the disenfranchised -  are merely a rubber stamp every other November. 


And on a final note, in regards the airlines and highly unscrupulous regulators, like Pete, it’s important to remember, that with the dismantling of the regulatory state, so many corporations now no longer serve customers or are in business to serve the community.  Instead, and this not limited to the airlines, but applies to industry after industry, companies are business to: maximize profits on the backs of customers; crush their biggest cost – labor; seek to consolidate further and become TBTF; exploit endemic corruption & fraud w/in the United States government for limitless welfare; and they’re in business to manipulate and exploit stock. 


And the American MSM that’s supposed to be calling all this corruption out, particularly failed politicians, political parties, and regulators – regardless of party – well, they’ve decided to be partisan.  Too many of the intelligentsia w/in MSM have decided the Dems are above reproach.  Don’t misunderstand me, I’m no fan of either party: both parties have come to embody everything that is venal; both parties are part of the same duopoly that merely serves oligarchy.  But let’s be abundantly clear.  When the MSM plays partisan politics it harms Americans, it destroys the MSM’ own credibility, and it leads – directly – to endless corruption & fraud.  It even gives the GOP a pass, since the MSM is written off as partisan.


Another big event this week was the coronation for House Speaker… a coronation that went off the rails, when roughly twenty members of the far-right Freedom Caucus threw the political chessboard into the air and decided to play hardball politics.  It took no less than fifteen rounds of voting for the oligarchy’s anointed one, Speaker McCarthy, to win the prize.  And the cost?  Hard-right Freedom Caucus members, in the party of the hard-right, won key committee assignments and additionally, won the ability to possibly overthrow Speaker McCarthy at some future date.  In short, the Freedom Caucus wasn’t playing around.  They won and they won big: the ability to obstruct and exact serious demands.  And this is just the beginning. 


What did JMH observe from all this?  That despite all the handwringing, the world turned, America carried on, the economy did not crumble - any worse than it’s already crumbling (under a failed globalization/neoliberal paradigm).  In fact, it was nice to go a week without the endless grandstanding, blowhards, lies, committees & hearings that are going absolutely nowhere… which, in all honesty, is about all congress, these days, is good for: omnibus spending measures, raising money from wealthy donors, taking orders from K-Street, abdicating authority & responsibility, shafting the American worker, doing absolutely nothing to educate voters (perhaps, because so many politicians are uneducated themselves), and really, really lousy theatre. 


The other solid take away from the fight in the House was that the Progressive caucus has been entirely spineless for the last two years.  This week saw, Dems … both establishment & progressives… rally around the theme of unity.  But what exactly did Dem “unity” - Progressive caucus cowardice & capitulation - yield for the American people over the last two years?  Certainly not BBB, not child tax credits, not higher minimum wages, not cannabis legalization… in fact, Dems delivered on precious little of their 2020 campaign promises and in retrospect, it's doubtful that they ever intended to.  What a small band of Republicans clearly demonstrated this week, disagree entirely with their politics - if you will, is a willingness to step up and confront power.  As such, the Progressive caucus completely failed the American people, over the last two years; as such, the Progressive caucus looks like little more than controlled opposition, solely in Washington to further their own careers and deliver false hope & promises.  Sad… both sad & truly pathetic. 


The other epic moment this week… was the passing of the January 6 coup anniversary.  Dems spent countless hours, days, weeks on the attack upon the capitol and burned up the legislative clock on the coup; but ultimately, did absolutely nothing about it.  In fact, Dems and their partners in crime – the MSM – seem to have played down the coup anniversary this year.  To be sure, the coup was a serious event in the nation’s history; and to be sure, Trump and GOP congresspersons should have been held accountable & banned from office.  At one point, Biden went so far as to call MAGA republicans “fascist.”  And given GOP embrace of white supremacy, systemic racism & misogyny in America, and endemic poverty (often afflicting women, children, and minorities) … the fascism label is appropriate. 


But the Dems have their own problems.  Thanks to the Clintons, the Dems have adopted fear mongering around law & order & crime, they also built up a mass incarceration state, noted for its abuse of slave labor and yes, profiteering.  Dems take money from the same billionaires & multinationals that finance the GOP.  Dems have bought into identical economic policies that the GOP are known for: supply-side economics, libertarian industrial policy, endless corporate welfare & bailouts, crushing unions & labor organization, the elimination of the regulatory state, & trickle-down tax policies.  All this combined - plus ultra-accommodative monetary policies - has led to the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen, from the citizenry and directly into the hands of the one percent.  The January 6 hearings were doomed from the start to be little more than a pep rally, an ad campaign, when they limited the hearings to Trump.  


No deep dive into the failed economic & social policies that led to Trump's rise… the fact that the GOP today, as much as Dems & the MSM want to wish him away, is still Trump’s party (although his grip maybe slipping).  And then, there’s the highly uncomfortable truth, that a coup that was televised, never required an endless show trial or hearings. Trump and higher-ups in the GOP should have been put away, and donors too.  But alas, the pretense of democracy under a duopoly must be maintained, billionaires didn’t want to go to jail, and isn’t that who the two parties take their orders from anyway?  And then, there’s the way GOP Joe Biden’s face lights up, whenever trillions in bipartisan fraud gets passed, while the American people suffer and suffer (as a matter of economic & public policy).


This truly was a week of unprecedented corruption, another week as a signpost for a great power in terminal decline.  We are witnessing fraud on a scale never before seen; we are witnessing American workers & citizens being sacrificed on an altar of greed & socialism for a predatory one percent.  And it never had to be this way.  Now, more than ever, Americans need leaders that are moral and have the humility to recognize that what we’ve been doing in wrong, and the wisdom to set the nation on the correct course. But that path is currently encumbered - blocked - by structural economic & political defects, the cult of greed, and a criminal oligarchy that has rigged the entire economy and government in their favor. 


The United States government has been privatized, bought out, leveraged to the hilt for the benefit of a predatory few… if possible, it’s time to nationalize the U.S. government for the benefit of all & that means eliminating money in politics and establishing term limits (just for starters).  


Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2023

Friday, December 23, 2022

The Fourth Annual Neoliberal Darwin Awards


The Fourth Annual Neoliberal Darwin Awards 


WASHINGTON — The House on Thursday overwhelmingly passed an $858 billion defense policy bill that would rescind the Pentagon’s mandate that troops receive the coronavirus vaccine, pushing past the objections of the Biden administration as lawmakers in both parties united behind another huge increase in military spending.


-      House Passes $858 Billion Defense Bill Repealing Vaccine Mandate for Troops – NY Times


By Gregg Wall (12-23-2022) 


My readers by now are familiar that I use this annual column to write about companies and executives who have epically failed to provide goods and services for humanity… indeed, in the name of shareholder value & self-enrichment, have gone out of their way to harm consumers and treat humanity & labor with great contempt.  And trust me, there was no shortage of targets to write about this year, be they executives, owners, or entire industries.  It seems that COVID and global calamites - like the climate crisis – have done absolutely nothing to cause humanity and leadership to pull up, take stock, and recognize the path we are clearly headed down is a most unhappy one. 


This year, however, seemed somewhat different.  It was a great year for recognizing, witnessing, and examining great macroeconomic trends.  And this year, the year of our lord 2022, was munificent in that regard.  Therefore, we dedicate this column to some of the great Darwinian macroeconomic trends, observed in 2022.  So walk with me and let’s look at some of the great economic & political trends. 


I felt badly in recent months that so many of the parties in leadership conducting, doing, saying horrible things have been women in power.  I’m far more used to attacking my own kind - the privileged white male - who are and remain responsible for hell’s amount of evil, going back centuries and millennium.  But apparently, the price of admission to power in the West, for the current crop of female leaders, is to exceed & outdo their male counterparts in avarice, corruption, and genuflecting to economic power, kleptocracy, and a failed status quo.  I believe, it’s called identity politics.  Please don’t misunderstand me, we need far more women, minorities and LGBTQ2S in positions of power… but with that, we need real, very real acknowledgement, that the manner in which we have done things – in the U.S. specifically, our economic and foreign policies - has been an abject failure (or more simply put, no longer serves humanity or this planet we are so privileged to exist upon). 


And enter Liz Truss, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain and the second coming of PM Margaret Thatcher, or so she had hoped.  Former PM Truss will forever be in my pantheon of heroes for accidently bringing about the beginning of the end of Thatcherism, supply-side economics, and trickle-down tax theories.  With Tory leaders failing frequently & often in the U.K., PM Truss came to power on the heels of Boris Johnson.  Truss promised to reverse course and double-down on Thatcherism with large tax cuts for the rich, donors, businesses, and friends (coupled with austerity, shrinking the state and public services, at the same time Britons were feeling quite abused by four decades of the Thatcher economy and Etonian elites).  But ironically enough, it wasn’t center-left politicians or the public that brought PM Truss down; but the very markets, financial mavens, banking, and shadow banking entities that had thrived for decades under failed supply-side and trickle-down economics (as Great Britain’s national debt soared to pay for all that plutocratic welfare).  The FOREX markets, and arguably, the Bank of England toppled PM Truss, as the pound crashed.


A key difference between Thatcher and Truss was national debt to GDP ratios of roughly 40 to 45% in 1979, versus just over 100% in 2021.  That and forty odd years of tax cuts for the rich, laissez-faire, City of London and bank bailouts, and the robbing of the public and public services to pay for the transfer of wealth (aka socialism) to a predatory elite.  And now, the country has erupted into strikes as inflation and consumer price gouging soar.  As for PM Truss (aka Maggie Thatcher 2), she lasted all of 45 days. 


If some of this seems highly familiar with what is going on in the United States, the parallels and economic decadence and debauchery, for a predatory few, are very much aligned.  Soaring national debt, the looting of the state by the rich, a tax code only Warren Buffett could love, the collapse of Reaganomics (Thatcher’s evil twin)… yes, it’s the nightmare that keeps on giving, along with a highly, highly corrupt United States government (and a failed political duopoly).  Which, perhaps, brings us to the next great macro-trend, politicians who acknowledge problems, make promises to address problems or say they are addressing a problem, and then, do little or nothing about it.  I know, I know, this is not unique to 2022.  But President Biden and his recent acknowledgements that monopolies and trickle-down economics are a huge problem, also goes along with the readily apparent collapse of neoliberalism, supply-side economics, and anything goes (aka laissez-faire) for the billionaire elite. 


And if we are totally honest, it’s also in keeping with that other self-regulatory failure, GFANZ, Wall St., and the private sector.  The trio that is going to save us all from perdition, a planet in distress, a planet on the verge of collapse. 


Further reinforcing these macro themes, was the collapse of crypto in 2022.  You know that fabulous libertarian solution to central banks and money printing.  Crypto … with absolutely nothing supporting it or tethering it to reality… but celebrity endorsements, love and appreciation from members of congress, and the corporate titans that piled in.  All that, and of course, fraud.  As Sam Bankman-Fried and his crypto exchange, FTX, went down in flames. 


Nearly lost in the smoke and rubble of Thatcherism and Reaganomics -- and forty years of the Greed Based International Order -- was the abject insanity of the United States going to war with a nuclear power, Russia.  Casting aside logic, intelligence, reason, and the MAD doctrine… and facing, potentially, global nuclear annihilation… America decided to back the most corrupt nation in Europe (whose 'Dear Leader' suspended press freedoms and any political opposition, presumably in the furtherance of democracy).  With no national security interests whatsoever in the Ukraine, why is U.S. leadership toying with & stroking, what Freud would call, our collective death wish? 


Perhaps we can find the answer to that question in the 859-billion-dollar defense bill, presently sailing through congress.  With ungodly sums of pork for defense contractors -- more than the G10, combined -- the epitome of a greed, hubris, and kickbacks, as U.S. child poverty soars again.  


The elite’s priorities seem really, really screwed up. 


I’m not always a fan of markets, especially rigged markets, particularly as some sort of North Star or moral or pragmatic compass for running the world.  But when humanity & markets signal Reaganomics, supply-side economics, trickle-down, crypto scams, and the accompanying catastrophic debt are a big, big problem…  just maybe, it’s time to listen and bag forty years of greed, before greed bags all of us and the planet so many of us deeply adore.

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2022