Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Question of Trust, A Question of Credibility

A Question of Trust, A Question of Credibility

"In a wilderness of mirrors."  - T.S. Eliot
By J.M. Hamilton (9-9-13)

How many times have the American people been lied to, so that the political elite could drag this country into war?

Gulf of Tonkin, which led to Vietnam... check.  
Weapons of mass destruction - the second Iraq war ... check again.  

War is very big business.  With a revolving door between the MIC (military industrial complex), the contractors and subcontractors who support and supply same, and the political and military elite.... is there any wonder why there appears to be a near constant drum beat for martial action?

Consider the following:

$$$  America has or is in the process of pulling out of two major wars.  Afghanistan, as a nation building exercise, would appear to be an abject failure.  The corruption and graft within this narco-terrorist state, despite our greater than decade long involvement, are unfathomable to many Americans.  This is America's legacy in Afghanistan?  In Iraq, we took down a dictator and appear to have a replaced him with a democratically elected dictator.  Now that we have or are pulling out of Afghanistan, what possible justification is there to continue to spend half the nation's discretionary Federal budget on the MIC.  Answer:  None.  Hence, the need for a new war?

$$$  This Administration (the one I favored) would appear to be in hot water.  The President, in many respects, is already a lame duck, and his Administration has largely been rendered - much to many Demo's chagrin - impotent.  The second term mandate has been made moot by a recalcitrant and gerrymandered House of Representatives.  And while I don't have the credentials to delve into the President's or Administration's psyche, with domestic policy in chaos, just how tempting must it be to demonstrate to the U.S. and international community that this Administration is still powerful, and can insinuate itself in to Syria?  Exactly like another President - who was in trouble - did during the 90's, when Mr. Clinton launched this nation into war:

Kosovo - Check Again.  Syria presents a classic "wag the dog scenario, " just like the Balkans did in the 90s.   

$$$  The Saudi regime underwrote and supported the military coup in Egypt and helped overthrow a democratically elected government, and the GOP has been baiting the President ever since, as ineffectual.  The neo-cons believe that the U.S. should rule the world, and military intervention is always their first response; however, this philosophy has helped bankrupt the nation, and left our true enemies - and the sources of many of the world's problems - in power.  What  better way to demonstrate that the U.S. still is the top dog militarily, than to bomb a third rate power, in which we have no national interest?

$$$  War can provide a convenient distraction, take away valuable time and resources from real problems that remain unaddressed here at home.  For instance, the NSA is being lanced weekly, if not daily, by Mr. Snowden's revelations.  Seems that we are all under surveillance 24/7, and that the NSA is accountable to no one.  The NSA's budget is offline or in the black, and it's results - in terms of domestic spying - are highly questionable.  Moreover, the NSA is under no supervision whatsoever, except by a secret/rubber stamp court.  But the NSA, once again, is big business, run by subcontractors and private equity firms who are very well connected to the Washington establishment.  Who am I kidding, the Carlyle Group is the Washington Establishment.   

So, surely, the NSA's invasion of privacy on a monumental scale must continue unhindered.   Right?  It's almost as if war is being waged within the U.S. upon it's own citizens.  Right?  Or is this just another Federal public works project, that has completely run off the rails, much like the MIC itself?

$$$  Last week, Secretary of State, John Kerry, arrived at the hill to "sell" the pending Syrian war to the House and the Senate.  Fortunately for the nation, the liberals and militant right in the House, don't appear to be buying the Secretary of State's product.  Mr. Kerry, a Vietnam Vet., once asked, how can you ask a man to die for a mistake?  When it comes to finding out what our national interests are in Syria, we've been told that our failure to act makes us look weak.  The nation watched the Syrian horror show unfold for two years.  Why suddenly now, would the U.S. look weak?
The counter-argument is the U.S. looks both weak, and is made weak, by a string of never ending budget breaking - military actions with dubious results.  The nation will likely need it's military someday.  But with a nation's collective confidence, coffers, and will - steadily eroded by our political elites apparent ability to drag America into every conflict of their choosing, how likely are we to act effectively when we need to?  Administration after administration has cried "wolf," often to the detriment of the nation and our international standing.

$$$  The President says he's worried about the children in Syria.  I believe that.  Many of us are.  But how about the one in four U.S. children born into poverty?  How about a federal budget that is in shambles?  How about tax avoiding monopolies and cartels, who own and run this country, while the middle class and upper middle class are the only ones who actually pay taxes.  How about campaign finance reform?  When will these crucial issues, et al., be addressed?

$$$  Where is the Arab League, an institution comprised of oil rich monarchies and despots?  Why aren't they standing by Syria's children?   How about our friends in Europe, who actually are dependent upon middle-east oil and energy?  Why doesn't the French military man the front lines?  The U.S. has all but achieved energy independence, and the glory in that, is the U.S. will finally be rid of a war torn and bellicose middle-east, if our elected leaders will allow it.

Seems to many Americans, the time and place for nation building is right here and now at home?

Until the cost of war is born by the people and organizations, who profit from it the most, there will be no end to war and bloodshed.  As President Eisenhower said, in his farewell address, every cent spent on the MIC, ultimately is theft from our children.  How about our children, President Obama?  (Shouldn’t the administration turn it’s gaze inward?  Frustration aside, the President should realize that just by virtue of being in office, versus the alternative, he is achieving a great deal.  Isn’t it time to focus on domestic matters, use the bully pulpit, and expose the House to the sanitizing light of day?)

The unintended consequences of war are great.  Perhaps the members of the Senate, or the board of directors and management team at the Carlyle Group - who runs the NSA, could man the aircraft that will be used to lob missiles into Damascus?  Better yet, make them all apart of the "boots on the ground," U.S. battalion that ushers the way into Syria, in yet another failed nation building exercise.  Maybe the Royal House of Saud would like to join them?

P.S.  Some have said, the U.S. is the only liberal democracy never to be ruled by Military fiat.  However, given MIC lobbying and power in Washington, the revolving door, and recent NSA revelations, one can argue that the U.S. is already under military control.

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2013

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