Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Stain on Massachusetts

A Stain on Massachusetts

Or the Top Fifty Lessons Learned from Plymouth County Probate... 

"In general, the powerful and influential in our society shape the laws and have great influence on the legislature or the Congress.  This creates a reluctance to change because the powerful and the influential have carved out for themselves or have inherited a privileged position in our society, of wealth and social prominence or higher education or opportunity for the future.  What can we still do to restore equity and justice or to preserve it or to enhance it in this society?"    

By J.M. Hamilton  12-25-13

After a thirteen year child custody battle, and more than a half million spent on legal fees and child support, here's what I have learned about the Massachusetts Probate Courts (specifically in Plymouth County):

1)  If you nine year old comes to you and asks if you, " Is mommy  trying to kill me (?)," if you're a caring father, your life is about to be turned upside down.

2)  Further supporting the medical evidence showing inexplicable weight loss, your son can  black out in front of the school twice, and in front of an entire church congregation as an Altar Boy, due to lack of proper nutrition, and the Judge won't do a damn thing.

3)  A mother can underfeed her nine year old, as documented by medical records, to the tune of fifteen pounds, and she will not be held accountable by the Plymouth County Probate courts, particularly Judge Menno.

4)  A mother can lock her son out of her home, at least three times that I'm aware of, and she will not be held accountable by the Plymouth County Probate courts (aka Judge Menno).

5)  A mother can under-cloth her son, so that he is sick for six consecutive weeks in the dead of a Massachusetts winter, and the Plymouth County Probate Courts will not grant a change in custody.

6)  You can present pictures of yours son's bleeding hands, as a result of exposure, and the professionals and the judge will dismiss the evidence as a "rash."

7)  The mother can abuse pets and animals, and in some instances make them disappear over the course of a weekend, and the Court appointed psychiatrist, Dr. Wolman (Boston), will dismiss this, as "improbable."

8)  Mom can remarry, and bring into your son's life a stepson, who abuses your son, beats on him, and has a rap sheet on Google the length of your arm, and the Plymouth County Probate court doesn't care.

8.3)  Mom can call your son an "idiot" and "hyper, “and drag him from professional doctor to psychiatrist in the effort to have him diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, or the childhood disorder de jour - Autism, all throughout your son's elementary school years (with every doctor repeating that there is ‘not a problem’); and when your son turns out to  be the straight A student - in his middle school years-  you maintained your son would always be, the Judge Menno will give your Ex full credit.

8.5)  If you think your Ex has Munchhausens syndrome, because she squanders $33,000 in child support on attorneys and doctors -annually, and your son asks you why he is "poor," you are probably right, she does have Munchhausens.

8.7)  If your son misses thirty-one homework assignments, and your Ex might be a teacher within the Marshfield school district, the school administration, and the Plymouth County probate Judge Menno will give mommy a passing grade.

9)  Your son can be suicidal, under the care of his mother, for the duration of an entire Summer, and the Plymouth County Probate court will NOT grant a change of custody, but they'll blame the father.

10)  If your Ex is smart, she'll hire the local State Rep, Jim Cantwell, who has come out of retirement from his law practice, to represent her.

11)  It will be painfully clear to everyone in the courtroom why the State Rep. Jim Cantwell retired from the practice of law, and went into the politics; and yet, he will prevail because cronyism, politics and corruption trumps the rule of law and prima facie evidence in Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

12)  A prominent Boston attorney, Sandy Durland III, told me that my Ex had underfed my son, by sending him to bed without dinner – over the span of weeks.

13)  Judge Menno will see to it that only long established "friends/cronies" of the court are appointed to the key roles of parenting coordinator and guardian ad litem (i.e. court appointed investigator).

14)  The courtroom proceedings are a charade, the real decision making goes on in the star chamber within the judge's office.

15)  A "parenting coordinator," Attorney Michele Dorsey (Scituate MA), is a surrogate for the court, and has the "ex-officio" powers of a judge, w/out being required to practice the rule of law or due process.  Avoid the hiring of a parenting coordinator at all costs.

16)  If there is an obvious conflict of interest and you have signed a mediation agreement with a Plymouth County attorney, and this same attorney, Michele Dorsey (Scituate, MA) is dispensing legal advice to the mother in this case..... the Plymouth County probate judge, Menno, will still appoint this same attorney as a surrogate to his court, and assign her to be a "parenting coordinator."

17)  When you point out the obvious ethical issues of the Judge's parenting coordinator appointment to the Massachusetts Bar, they will side with the Judge Menno's decision; that is to say, your Ex's attorney/mediator/court appointed parenting coordinator, Michele Dorsey.

18)  If the parenting coordinator divides the payment of her fees in a disproportionate manner, say 70% father/30% mother.... BEWARE!   Your former spouse has absolutely no incentive to work things out with you; but rather, has every incentive to drag you before the parenting coordinator on every single issue, monthly.

19)  The parenting coordinator (PC), Michele Dorsey (Scituate MA) will not rein this behavior in, because after all, she is being paid, every time your Ex drags you into another meeting with her.

20)  You and your son are "scrod," when the parenting coordinator is meeting with your Ex on the side, via phone and personal meetings.  Ignore the fact - at your peril - that you are being charged for these meetings, which you are not a part of, and when you ask for information or records concerning these meetings - you are denied.

21)  The divorce rates in the country is 50% for first time marriages and higher for second marriages.  If you have children, there is a higher probability than not that your divorce will not be amicable and that you will end up going through a probate court.

22)  Probate courts have some of the broadest powers of any other court in the land, that is to say, discretionary, arbitrary, and capricious power. These probate court powers are inimical to the rule of law and are likely unconstitutional, as they deprive persons of property, liberty, and the right to freely associate with family.

23)  Family law attorneys do not work on Fridays, and they take off the month of August, along with the Plymouth County Probate Court - Judge Menno - even if your son is suicidal while under his mother's care.

24)  If you are looking for a Hollywood ending to your court room proceedings, where truth and facts triumph over local politics and cronyism, particularly in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, well... forget about it.

25)  When you report your Ex to DCF - the Marshfield Independent School District Principal, Mrs. Hubbard, will lie and cover up for your Ex, even though you've just been chewed out by this same school administration because your son missed 31 homework assignments, and are told your son is having a terrible year - while under mommy's care.

26)  When you tell the District school Superintendent, Mr. Scott Borstel, that the principal lied to DCF - the Superintendent will "conduct an investigation" and tell you it was okay that she lied.

28). The GAL, Dr. Wolman, will threaten your son if he asks to live with his father.

29). The GAL, Dr. Wolman (Boston) will tell the mother it is okay for her to conduct her own personal investigation on the father's property in the middle of a trial.

31). Despite all the horrific acts your Ex has committed against your son, the GAL will say the key point in the trial is when you filed a restraining order against the mother for conducting an investigation on your property.

32). Everyone acknowledges the obvious double-standard: that had I conducted an investigation on mother's property I would be arrested or worse, shot.

33).  Your son's doctor in Pembroke, MA, Dr. Stanley, can lie about your son's weight loss, alter medical records, and the Massachusetts board of medicine will not hold your son's doctor accountable.  This Dr. Stanley will lie and say your son must have had "rocks in his pockets" to account for the fifteen pound weight loss.

34). When any of the professionals involved in this case say they are looking out for the interests of your son, you know some highly self-serving SH!T is about to come down.

35). The stated goal of he State Rep, Jim Cantwell, was to drag these proceedings out for three years -completely contrary to the interests of my son, and against the ethical rules governing attorneys in the State of Massachusetts.

36). After four years in the Plymouth County probate court, I'm completely convinced the goal of the probate Judge Menno was to keep you tied up in his courtroom so that you generate fees for the local counsel, therapist and psychiatrist.

37). The Psychiatric profession is under fire in this country as President Obama's appointee - and the lead psychiatrist - has pointed out that the profession and the DSM is not backed by science or biology.  In short, the profession is a fraud.

38). If you witness child abuse and the beating of children at a scouting event in Marshfield , MA --- don't report it to the parenting coordinator, Michele Dorsey, Judge Menno, the Boy Scouts, or the GAL, Dr. Wolman (Boston) because they will not investigate it and you will pay the price for reporting same.

39). Doctors, lawyers, teachers, parenting coordinators, mediators, school principals.... Apparently, nobody is a "mandated court reporter" in Plymouth County, w/ no obligation to report child abuse.

40). Some Marshfield parents still believe it is acceptable to hit, beat and strangle their children.

41). When I found out my son was suicidal under the care of his mother, and the professionals in this case continued to do nothing, I published a blog about my experiences with the Plymouth County Probate court.

42). After the trial was over, I wrote a book entitled Mrs. Marshfield, which was written largely based upon actual court room testimony and court room evidence.  I believe the book should be required reading for any parents with children, considering divorce, or any parents considering having children within the institution of marriage.

43) Judge Menno ruled that I had a first amendment right to publish the book; however, as he deemed the book to be harmful to my son - he suspended visitation for over a year.

44). To date, no medical or psychiatric evidence has been presented that my son ever saw the book or was in any way harmed by the book.  In fact my son is thriving and a straight A student.... exactly as I foretold.

45). The parties enraged by the book, Mrs. Marshfield, are the cadre of "professionals" who make up the probate industrial complex; that is to say, the star chamber.

46). In Fall 2013, the judge also reasoned that since I did not continue to litigate in his courtroom, I did not deserve to see my son.  The definition of insanity is for my family to attempt and continue to litigate in Plymouth County Probate.

47). Judge Menno conveniently forgot that my State Senator had requested that this same judge, Menno, be investigated, which resulted in an investigation spanning over six months, and I had asked the judge to recuse himself.

49). The same prominent Boston attorney, Mr. Sandy Durland III, who told me that my Ex systematically underfed my son, also told me that the judge in this case used to be competent but that he now took shortcuts with the law to reach his desired outcome.  This prominent Boston attorney is the brother in law of the State Rep, Jim Cantwell, who represented my Ex.  I guess he would know.

50). The behavior of Judge Menno and the professionals in this case is arguably criminal, likely unconstitutional; but like some of the more unsavory actions and recent revelations of the NSA, may be possibly legal and permitted by law.  At least for now.

Back in 1974, Jimmy Carter, then Governor Carter, gave a famous speech at the University of Georgia attacking our corrupt legal system, dominated by legal elites, the rich and the powerful.  Today, little has changed and it probably has grown worse.  Lady justice has lifted her blindfold, and with a wink and a nod, her scales of justice have been piled high with loot and tilted in favor of the elite and backroom/crony dealings.  The two trials that I have been a part of in Plymouth County were little more than playacting.

The majority of our judges are not elected in this country but are appointed for life, which essentially means their power is nearly absolute.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely, just as we saw in this case.  And the war of attrition and endless delays-that is often the core strategy of our modern day courts- perverts justice at every turn.  That, and it is widely known that justice is all too often for sale in this country.

"Justice delayed is justice denied."  Mr. Gladstone told us that.

Our family law courts damage, and in some instances, destroy young lives, as many lawyers and many professionals play their games and take money away from families that can ill afford to pay or play their game.  The Plymouth County Probate court is a stain on the State of Massachusetts, and state bureaus and boards responsible for overseeing the “professionals” further damage the state's reputation.  I believe there is a special place in hell for medical and psychiatric professionals, teachers and judges who abuse, and/or aid and abet, the manipulation of children.  It's the tenth ring of hell or Plymouth County Probate by any other name.

Ultimately, as we live in a democracy - Americans get the government we deserve; that is to say, as long as we tolerate tenured judges and politicians, a crony system of elites running our courts and government for their own personal enrichment - U.S. citizens should expect to be preyed upon and sustain continued injustice on a monumental scale.... especially at the expense of our children.

As for myself, I have never missed a support payment, never missed a scheduled visitation, remained gainfully employed for in excess of thirty years, have no criminal record, and have never entered rehab for the abuse of drugs; and I am eminently better able to provide and afford a better life and care for my son, than the current circumstances my son finds himself consigned to.

While I am not going to publish the names of the individuals involved in this case - for fear of the continued abuse of power and reprisals against me and my son - I am publishing the docket numbers, which are a matter of public record.  Perhaps some enterprising reporter, or lawyer or a politician with a conscience, would like to take a look at the corruption within the Plymouth County Probate court?

Should you visit Plymouth County Probate, please send the Judges my warmest regards.

Docket Number:  PL02D 1047-DR
Docket Number:  PL02D 1047-FM1

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2013

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