Saturday, December 7, 2013

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

By J.M. Hamilton 12-8-13

Sorry.  I was away for a while: Fighting the State, and surprise, the State won.  That story however, about the fabulously corrupt State of Massachusetts’ Probate System, we will save for another day, when I can give the topic the full treatment and attention it deserves.

In keeping with theme of government, and unchecked government power, corruption, malfeasance, and fraud…. We launch into this week’s piece. 

Liberals and progressives look to the State to provide solutions that go unaddressed by the private sector, to the smooth out the rough anti-humanist edges of capitalism, and to set the rules of the road for our “free-market system.”  The GOP in its present incarnation does everything in its power to obstruct government, play upon America's fears of big government, and pass legislation providing government largess to the 1%.  In short, the GOP hates government, unless it handing out welfare to it core constituency, the plutocracy.  As such, as this blog has foretold, the GOP would appear doomed, unless it learns to embrace the middle-class, becomes more tolerant and inclusive, and dumps the septuagenarian and octogenarian radicals who make up its current base.

This piece is not about bashing the GOP, but rather, it’s about challenging liberals and populist democrats, who often have the reflexive reaction to defend anything the government or Democratic Party does.  The political pendulum is just beginning to swing left, finally and again, in this country; and even the major corporations can see the writing on the wall.  Unlike the GOP, their corporate sponsors cannot afford to live in a world of fantasy, and must plan for the future, witness Exxon’s acknowledgement of global warming and the inevitability of taxes on carbon.
As the pendulum begins to angle left, demographic trends pull away from GOP policies, and jobs continue to run scarce because our government’s official policy favors free trade agreements and globalization that are inimical to U.S. job creation, the citizens of the United States are increasingly looking for government to fill the void/vacuum left behind by our crony capitalist system, and an economy dominated by cartels and monopolies. 

Now more than ever, Dems, Liberals and Progressives must hold all branches of government, it’s bureaus and bureaucracies, and government contractors accountable.  Failure to hold government and politicians accountable will ultimately mean that just as the political pendulum is presently swinging Left (beyond the reach of today’s GOP, indeed even past Clintonian Democrats, who support monopolistic and cartel run economic sectors), it will turn back even more sharply and rapidly - Right.   All of this is to say, the worst tendencies of the Party in power tend to materialize, once power is obtained.  Witness the creation of Romneycare by a Democratic administration, at the Federal level, at a time of record unemployment in this country, circa 2008; or witness President Bush (W)/Mr. Cheney starting up two major wars, with dubious results and specious national security claims, in the last decade, with their crippling and debilitating impact upon the Federal budget and our military.

Tenured politicians and tenured judges, in short, unchecked power…. As often as not, have a deleterious impact upon good government, because they are vested in: maintaining the status quo; handing out government largess to wealthy campaign contributors, prospective clients and future employers; and have no incentive to run government efficiently, effectively, and for the betterment of the 99%.  Absolutely critical then to good government and good democracy, are term limits on all politicians and all judges, limits on campaign contributions and fund raising, and limits on the duration of the political/campaign season.  These reforms would not challenge free speech or political debate, but rather, enhance them.  Progressives and liberals should champion term limits and campaign finance reform as the cornerstone of good government.  Transparency too, is absolutely critical to the ideals of good government, and here, neither party has done a good job of supporting this cause.  Some of the worst excesses in government, under a Democratic administration, which ran on a campaign of greater transparency, have occurred because of a total lack of transparency, accountability, and a fount of misinformation, if not outright lies, surrounding certain government programs and agencies.  

Two recent examples come immediately to mind:  Romney/Obama-Care, and the NSA.  The failure of the government on the rollout of new medical care program is hard to conceive when one considers the technological prowess of the U.S., and the Democratic Party’s political links to the Silicon Valley and the technological sector (and the failure gave additional fuel and fodder to the GOP and America’s innate fear of big government).  As such, it’s not Republicans who should be hammering the Administration, but rather, Progressives themselves, who should be leading the charge to correct this colossal blunder.  Agency/Administration heads should have been terminated, tenured government employees demoted, and if necessary, private sector contractors brought in to see the job through, or to further enhance the efforts of same.

The revelations about an opaque and disingenuous NSA have been equally damaging and damning to Progressive efforts to champion good government, and only served to further deepen the majority of Americans distrust.  Not only has the NSA damaged the U.S. internationally, in terms of relations with its allies and pending trade agreements, but it has revealed for the all the world to see U.S. hypocrisy.  That is, the champion of freedom, democracy, and liberal values, spies on its citizens 24/7, preconceived notions of privacy are shredded, and the surveillance state is flirting with totalitarianism on a scale that would of heretofore been unimaginable.

By way of quick digression, it’s interesting to note that Nations and democracies, sometimes have an awful way adopting some of the worst characteristics of their enemies over time.  Benny Morris, an Israeli citizen and a champion of Zionism, and the author of Righteous Victims, noted that the State of Israel had adopted some of the worst attributes and methods of the European countries Jews fled, in the persecution, occupation and containment of Palestinian citizens.  In this country, after the U.S. fought WWII to eliminate an authoritarian thug, and fought a multi-decade cold war to eliminate a totalitarian cancer of global import… the U.S. increasingly seems to be adopting some of the worst characteristics and policies of the Stasi and the KGB.  Even uber hawk, Senator Mc Cain believes General Alexander should beat it, "resign or be fired."

It’s not just our world standing, however, that is taking a hit, but multi-nationals in the technological sector are paying a dear financial price for expressly, or tacitly, allowing the NSA to use them as a tool to spy upon Americans, indeed all citizens of the world.  The hit to their bottom line will not only be domestic in nature, but almost certainly international in scope, with new entrants in the market place to help insure the privacy of internet users and social networking sites.  Let’s not shed too many tears for our internet, telecommunications, and social network providers (almost all of whom are monopolies).  Heh, you lay in bed with the devil, and your bound to suffer physically, mentally, spiritually and financially; but we’ll leave analogies between the NSA and my first marriage out of this, at least for now.

Among the key questions are: why did it take Mr. Snowden and Ms. Manning to the blow the whistle, before Senator Feinstein – recalling her liberal and freedom championing credentials – demanded an investigation into NSA activities?  Senator Feinstein should have been way out in front of this issue years ago, but she’s long been a champion of the MIC, surveillance, and unfettered government spending on same.  As such, the Democratic Senator from California is about as right-wing as they come.  This is a classic example of where the terms limits imposed upon the executive branch, would work wonders within the U.S. Senate.  But why stop there?  Perhaps Progressives should champion true government reform, and government cost containment, by supporting an Amendment to the Constitution establishing an unicameral government, and dispensing with the gerrymandered House of Representatives, altogether.  If it works in Nebraska, why not Washington D.C.?

This of course, leads us past this President, who all the sudden has gotten on board - albeit a little late - with the populist trend in Democratic politics.  The next President will almost assuredly be from the Democratic Party, despite the Party’s fumbling of the ball on healthcare reform.  The question we have to ask ourselves leading up to 2016 is do we want more of the same, in the form of the ultimate insider, Ms. Clinton, or do want somebody who will champion the middle-class and American values of honesty, truth and transparency, in the incarnation of Senator Elizabeth Warren?

Not everything that comes from Massachusetts is veiled in lies and half-truths… Ms. Warren is proof of that, and she would make an outstanding President.  Ms. Warren would restore our standing in the world, and she – more so than any other candidate – would do a great deal to rein in the worst excesses of government agencies and private sector cartels, both of which often crush freedom, democracy, and the American ideal at nearly every turn.
Every government dollar that progressives and liberals see wasted, or that goes uncollected in the form of tax dodges, is a dollar that could be spent on our children, paying down the national debt, or afforded to future generations.

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2013

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