Saturday, July 18, 2015

Thank you, Mr. Trump

Thank you, Mr. Trump

“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”

“It never got weird enough for me.” 

- Hunter S. Thompson

J.M. Hamilton (7-18-2015)

Mr. Thompson was correct. 

And his thoughts on the “weird,” and the strange, were only topped by Mr. Twain’s observation: “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is expected to stick to the possibilities; Truth isn’t.”

How else to explain the freak show that has become today’s GOP, with Mr. Donald Trump as its ringmaster.

In a million years, who would have thought that in the year of our Lord, 2015, the Republican Party would burst into flames and self-immolate; not by the hand of an Anarchist, Socialist, or a bleeding heart Democrat…. No, but by the hand of one of their very own, a Republican, and a rather wealthy one at that.

And for a minute there I honestly believed I was suffering from writer's block.  Thank you, Mr. Trump.

It’s one thing to accuse Republicans of being racist, fatuous, morally bankrupt, and the party of the one percent; but quite another to see the leading candidate in the Republican Party, Mr. Donald Trump, not only confirm these observations, but embrace and shout out these truths with great pride.  Here’s a man who states, before Iowa social conservatives, that he’s never asked for God’s forgiveness (and yet, he attends church).  Not only is Mr. Trump arrogant, going off half-cocked, but arguably, he’s dangerous.  Not for telling his version of the truth, mind you, but for the pride and hubris from which these remarks emanate.

In short, it would appear that Mr. Trump’s filter is damaged or non-existent; either that, or like a spoiled child, the sycophants surrounding Mr. Trump have never told him “no,” or that he’s wrong.  Donald Trump is exactly what you get when you live in a bubble, and everybody tells you how wonderful you are.

Then again, the truth is stranger than fiction, and the truth does indeed set us free, so perhaps, the U.S. owes the billionaire a debt of gratitude for telling his version of the truth.

To think, Mr. Trump is leading in current GOP polling.  What does it say about today’s Republican Party, that Donald Trump has alienated nearly every American, and more than a few corporations and multinationals, excepting of course, the bible toting/gun loving, angry, White American male?

In a matter of weeks, Mr. Trump has confirmed all that is dark and venal about today’s GOP, and the American political process.  Allow me to paraphrase, please, Mr. Trump’s observations.

·      I’ve never asked God for forgiveness (Presumably because Trump either doesn’t believe in God, or perhaps, Trump thinks he’s god, or maybe Mr. Trump is infallible.)

·      John McCain isn’t a hero because he was captured.  (Mr. Trump, of course, dodged and ducked the Vietnam war…. I wonder what Mr. Trump thinks of soldiers who were killed in action?)

·      The Vietnam War wasn’t worth fighting (Can we get Mr. Trump’s thoughts down on Iraq and Afghanistan?).

·      And it gets better… per the Guardian, Mr. Trump confirms that we no longer live in a democracy but a plutocracy.  Let’s let the Guardian take it from here:
“He used this to note his independence from special interests and attacked the massive fundraising tallies achieved by Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton.  ‘Those people are controlled by whoever gave them their money, and I will tell you they are totally controlled,’ he said.”  "Mr Trump went on to say, 'I give to everybody, and they do whatever I say.'"

It’s not that the Democrats, or GOP- Lite, are a lot better than Republicans, both political parties service the plutocracy, but at least Dems are not hypocrites, and clearly are the lesser of two evils.  Both parties are socialist and love Big Government; but the GOP believes that welfare should go, not, to those most in need, but to the one percent, like Mr. Trump. 

Of course, there are more than a few Democrats, who are fully aware of what is going on (e.g. Mr. Trump’s support for the Clinton Foundation), and who are seeking out genuine change and reform:  Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, immediately come to mind.

While one can’t help but feel revulsion for today’s GOP; we all should be thankful, Democrat and Republican alike, that Mr. Trump is the clearest example of why the GOP needs serious reform or should be abandoned altogether.  If nothing else, Mr. Trump’s comments show a political party in decline, and that is unelectable to the nation’s highest office.

The more serious questions, however, are what does it say about GOP supporters who would continue to rally behind the Trumpster, or even the Republican Party, after these latest ravings?  Will the GOP continue to follow him, lemming like, over the cliff, or will the Party finally seek real reform and rehab? 

As this Party is reactionary to its core, and has a very homogenous base, my guess is – even after this debacle – the Party will still eschew real change. 

Mr. Trump has not only filed four bankruptcies, but, like the Republican Party,  would appear to be morally bankrupt as well (especially, as he continues to play the race and fear cards, and insult war veterans).  

The GOP’s economic, political, social, and tax policies for the last thirty-five years created a ruling oligarchy, the binary economy, and monsters, like Mr. Trump.   

As such, the GOP appears to be reaping the bitter fruit that it has sown.  Eisenhower, Lincoln, and Reagan would be ashamed.

Copyright JM Hamilton Publishing 2015

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